Coaching legend

Chapter 34: What Happened at the Cocktail Party (Part 2)

"I understand." Redknapp laughed. "But Coach Levy, you have to get used to this kind of occasion." Redknapp suddenly said very seriously.

George looked up at Redknapp, not understanding what he meant.

"You have to understand that no matter which club you coach in the future, you will need a rich network of contacts." Redknapp looked at George, a young man who was only a few years older than his son Jamie Redknapp, and was already the head coach of a first-class club.

"If you want to rent players or buy any players, it will be much easier if you have a rich network of contacts. In addition to money, connections are also an important thing." Redknapp explained to George with a smile. "Look at the people around Coach Ferguson who are head coaches of low-level leagues. Their purpose is very simple. They just want to have a good relationship with Manchester United, so that they can have the opportunity to introduce their youth training players in the future, or rent one or two good players."

"Thank you." George was very grateful that Redknapp could explain to him in such detail.

This was the first time the two met, and George was just the head coach of a club that had just been promoted to the first-class league. But Redknapp was very respectful.

"No, in our business, you help me and I help you." Redknapp was like a hero, very straightforward.

"Coach Redknapp, I didn't dare to have any extravagant hopes before I met you. But after seeing you, I presumptuously made a request."

"Request, tell me." Redknapp was very confused, so he asked.

George smiled and said, "I like a player from your West Ham United. I wonder if you can rent him to our club for a year."


"Frank Lampard!"

George said a name that surprised Redknapp. After all, West Ham United is a Premier League team, and its youth training camp is also counted in the English league. So there are many teams in lower-level leagues that will rent players from West Ham United.

But Redknapp didn't expect that George wanted to rent Frank Lampard. Lampard is a player that West Ham United is very optimistic about, and he is also related to Redknapp. He was loaned to Swansea in October last year and returned to the club in January this year.

In the new season, Redknapp is ready to reuse Lampard. Even if he cannot become a main player, he should be a main substitute.

"George, I'm sorry. Frank is in my plan for the new season. Maybe you can consider other players. We have many young players with good strength in West Ham." Redknapp smiled apologetically and rejected George.

George did not give up. George likes Frank Lampard very much. Lampard has many excellent qualities. George wanted to have a midfielder like Lampard before, but unfortunately he never had the chance. This time, I was lucky to meet Redknapp, and of course I didn't want to let it go.

"Coach Redknapp, Frank is still very young now, and what he needs is continuous competition. Frank can't be a main player in West Ham United now, and our club can give him a main position. I have paid attention to Frank for a long time. If he is rented to our club, I will definitely train Frank well." George persuaded Redknapp emotionally. Lampard is the nephew of Redknapp's wife.

Redknapp must attach great importance to Lampard's future.

After listening to George's words, Redknapp fell into deep thought. George was right. Lampard's current level is not enough to be the main force of West Ham United. Even if he is related to Lampard, it is impossible for Lampard to become the main force of West Ham United.

But George can do it, because of the Blackburn new coach incident a few days ago, Redknapp also paid attention to the head coach who was only 28 years old. Now it is found that George has a group of young players. There are many very young players who have performed very well under George. If Lampard is loaned to Burnley, it should not delay his future.

"George, give me some time to think about it." Redknapp thought for a while and nodded to George.

George heard Redknapp's tone and thought it should be possible. He was very happy in his heart. It was right to come here today. Just knowing Redknapp alone is a great gain.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. George Levy?" There was an abrupt voice, interrupting the conversation between George and Redknapp.

"I am George Levy, I don't know..." The person who came was the waiter of this bar.

"There are reporters over there who want to see you, I don't know..." The waiter's attitude was very good, and George had to admire the service attitude of this bar.

Today's cocktail party was held in a very small bar, and it was very free. Many people came in and many people left in the middle. It was a very free cocktail party. But the waiter in the bar had a very good attitude.

George nodded. "Coach Redknapp, it's nice to meet you. I'm going over first." After George finished speaking, he followed the waiter. "George, here." George saw that there were not only two reporters, but also Ferguson there. This was Ferguson calling George. In fact, George and Ferguson had talked on the phone many times, but this was the first time they met.

"Hello, Mr. Ferguson." Ferguson has already begun to establish his position in English football, although not as prominent as he will be in world football ten years later. But as a coach who won the Premier League three times in four years, Ferguson's influence has begun to cover English football.

George respects Ferguson. The development of football will make coaches like Ferguson and Wenger less and less.

"George, don't say that. Come, there are two reporters who want to interview you. I volunteered to come and lead them." Ferguson spoke very quickly with a strong Scottish accent, and George couldn't hear some things clearly. But George understood the general meaning.

"Thank you." George nodded to Ferguson, and then looked at the two reporters. One of them was a middle-aged man, and the other reporter was a woman. She looked only in her twenties, with a high nose bridge like a knife, a sculptured beauty, white and delicate skin like crystal, and yellow curly hair floating on her head. Compared with the cute Miranda, she is more feminine.

George naturally filtered out the middle-aged man, and looked straight at the beautiful reporter.

"George, are you attracted by the beauty? Hahaha." Ferguson laughed heartily, which made George very embarrassed. Staring at a woman like this in such an occasion is a serious act of impoliteness.

George's cheeks were slightly red, and he felt very embarrassed. Seeing George's look, the three people present laughed unconsciously. At George's age, he should not be so shy.

"Coach Levi, let me introduce myself. I am Matthew Gordon, a reporter from the BBC, and this is my colleague Sera Aimik." But George quickly returned to normal and shook hands with the two people with a smile.

When shaking hands with Sera Aimik, Aimik's hand was very soft. George just shook it briefly and pulled it out. Seeing George's reaction, Aimik couldn't help but smile.

George looked down on himself too much in his heart. Why did he behave like this when he saw a beautiful woman. Not to mention the previous life, even in this life, George has seen enough beautiful women.

"Coach Levy, we want to interview you. Mainly about Blackburn inviting you to be the coach." Matthew Gordon said his purpose with a smile.

"George, you talk to them first. I'm going to go over and socialize." Ferguson patted George on the shoulder. If George didn't know that today was the first time they met. The people around saw it, they would definitely think that they had a good relationship.

"Thank you, Mr. Ferguson." After seeing Ferguson off, George turned to the two reporters. "Let's go over there and talk."

(Sorry, I have to work overtime tonight. I'm taking the time to upload a chapter now. There is only this chapter today.)

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