Coaching legend

Chapter 5: Unexpected Gains

"George, why don't we continue to find some players in Germany. German players are definitely better than English players." Evan agreed that George would go to Burnley to work, but he had objections to George's choice to leave Germany soon. In Evan's opinion, the best players in the world are now in Germany and Italy. Italian players are reluctant to leave Italy. After all, Serie A is now a mini-World Cup, the most glorious era.

Compared with Italian players, German players are truly high-quality and cheap. German players in this era are known for their outstanding abilities and strong mental strength. Not only that, the performance of the German national team in recent years has been the most stable in world football.

From 1982 to now, the German national team has won one championship and two runner-ups in four World Cups, and it was the runner-up in the last European Cup. And in the upcoming European Cup, the German national team will also win the European Cup. But this is already the last glory of the German national team. After Sammer, Sauer, and Klinsmann retire, the German team will enter a state of inactivity.

From the late 1990s to the early 2000s, there were only two people in Germany who could be called superstars. It was just Kahn and Ballack who was deceived by George. It was also because of this situation that the German Football Association began to pay attention to youth training. Therefore, George just smiled and did not respond to Evan's words.

"George, what do you mean? Since Burnley is a second-tier club, the options should be very limited. There should be no problem in finding some good players in Germany that no one has discovered." Evan still advised George. Find two more players in Germany.

George shook his head and said with a wry smile: "There are many good players in Germany at this stage, but none of them can be introduced by our club. If possible, I would of course hope to introduce a popular star like Kahn, but do you think it is possible? As for the youth Training, Germany’s youth training is over. Germany’s youth training is even far inferior to that of England. It will be difficult for Germany to have good players like Sammer and Klinsmann for a long time.”

"But Evan, since you've come to Germany, it's good to find some places to play." George also became interested. He really hasn't visited Germany in so many years. But after thinking about it, George still felt that he should visit some football temples. "Evan, why don't we go to Bayern Munich and have a look. After all, we have come to Germany, and it is always a pity not to have seen Bayern Munich. Maybe we will lead the team to Munich for games in the future, so it would be good to observe the route in advance."

Evan could only smile bitterly when he heard George's words. I don’t know if I should say that George has lofty ideals, or if I should say that George is daydreaming.


"George, you haven't just been appointed as the head coach. You should have a lot of things to do. Why do you still have the time to hang around here." Evan looked at the excited George and called to George tiredly from behind.

George turned to look at Evan and shook his head. "Evan, since you went to a sports academy, your physical strength is too poor." George looked at the panting Evan and teased him. "There is still nearly half a month until the end of the league, so there is no need to be so anxious. I have always wanted to see Kaiserslautern, the 'Emperor's Lautern River'. Look how beautiful it is here."

Although he said that, George was actually most interested in the Kaiserslautern myth. There was a magical head coach back then, who first performed the miracle of the newly promoted team winning the championship in Kaiserslautern, and then led Greece to stage a Greek myth in the European Cup. This is Rehagel, known as "Emperor Otto". George is also very curious about the Kaiserslautern myth. So after visiting Bayern Munich, I came to Kaiserslautern.

"Oh, George, I'm so tired now. Look, there seems to be a game over there. Let's go over and sit for a while." Evan had no idea what George said and just wanted to find a place to sit down.

George looked up and saw a football match going on. Judging from the audience and players, it should be a student game, and it should be an amateur game anyway. In the ten years since George came to this world, he has never seriously watched an amateur league. There are football players everywhere in England, but George will leave after just one look.

"Evan, I now understand why the German team's technical and tactical abilities are so strong. Look, these kids are only 16 or 17 years old, but they are not sloppy at all when playing football. Look, every player is like a robot. , I don’t know if this training method is correct.” After watching it for a while, George sighed. The German team is just different, it should have been cultivated this way since childhood. Otherwise, how could the German national team be so disciplined?

Evan looked at George and smiled angrily. "George, now I wonder how you became the head coach of an English club. It's so rare. Don't you know that German players are trained like this since childhood?"

But a smile appeared on George's face. Although he was talking to Evan, his eyes were fixed on a person on the court. Because this person is really conspicuous, even though he is only about 1.8 meters tall. You can't see it among tall defenders, but you can see this person's judgment of the ball every time he heads the ball.

Heading is really great. With a height of 1.8 meters, he can always head dangerous headers among defenders who are one head taller than him. Not only is he very good at judging the landing point of the ball, but his waist and abdomen strength is also very good. Every header can create a dangerous shot. George gradually became interested in this person. This player must be a natural header player. Such a player is very useful in the low-level English leagues where long passes are the main focus. Maybe it would be nice to buy him back as a substitute. Anyway, it seems that this is just an amateur game, so he should be a free agent.

"George, why do you like that striker? I think he is just average, except for the header, his skills, body and shooting are worse. He can only use headers when he is bought back, but he may be okay as a substitute in the second division." Evan found that George was staring at the striker, so he expressed his opinion.

George nodded. At present, the strength of Burnley's striker is too poor. The biggest reason for relegation in the first division is poor attacking power. Burnley's defense is still very good. Although it was relegated, its goal conceded rate is even in the middle of the first division. So the first thing George has to do is to strengthen the team's offensive power. The original forwards can only play as substitutes, and the others are gone.

"Evan, the game is over. Let's go and have a look." George saw that the game was over, so he pulled Evan to find the forward he had just favored. When he walked to the middle of them, he suddenly stopped.

"George, what's wrong?" Evan looked at George in confusion.

Unexpectedly, George smiled and whispered, "Evan, it seems that I have picked up a treasure this time."

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