Coaching legend

Chapter 505 The game begins

Until entering the Cardiff Millennium Stadium, Miku did not speak.

He just silently looked at the fans who supported him.

The team finally entered the locker room. Even George and other players were affected by the fans just now. If we say that George was the most affected, it must be George.

Miku is leaving.

In fact, for Blackburn players, there are not many who have a good relationship with Miku. Pires and Klose have the best relationship with Miku. The others either came to Blackburn not long ago or are still young.

In addition, Miku himself is not as popular as Sagnol.

Therefore, they admire and worship Miku, but they don’t have deep personal feelings.

Only George has deep feelings for Miku.

In the past, when he was a fan, George liked Miku. When he came to this world, George brought Miku to his own team.

George used to be full of confidence.

George wanted Miku to win the Footballer of the Year, so that he could also win several Footballer of the Year awards like Zidane. But it was not as good as he wished, and George was unable to do it. George felt a little guilty about this.

Now Miku leaves Blackburn.

George is really sad.

"George." Blanco saw George in a daze after entering the locker room. So he poked George.

George smiled and nodded.

With a long sigh of relief, George patted the tactical board.

"I believe everyone knows that John will leave the club at the end of the season. But unfortunately, I can't give John a Champions League as a parting gift. Fortunately, there is some luck, because I can give him a FA Cup as a gift before he leaves." George paused and continued: "As for whether the FA Cup can be won, it depends on everyone."

"Manchester United is now in internal and external troubles. You should have seen the newspapers these days. Manchester United's combat effectiveness has dropped to the lowest point, and it is also the best opportunity."

George said here and looked at the players below.

"Compared to the previous seasons, this season is a failed season. Fortunately, we have an FA Cup, so I can't allow any mistakes in this game."


Can't have any mistakes.

George couldn't let this game go wrong, and Ferguson couldn't let this game go wrong either.

Ferguson was under too much pressure.

Now Ferguson had to use the FA Cup championship to save his life.

After the players from both sides entered the stadium, the British national anthem was played. Prince Michael of Kent, England, shook hands with the coaches and players of both sides as a royal guest.

When George shook hands with Prince Michael, although his face was full of smiles, he secretly mourned for the prince.

Is this prince very famous in England? Not really. He is the cousin of the Queen of England. But George remembered this prince very clearly. A year later, a sex scandal that shocked the whole country and even the world occurred in England. And the protagonist of the sex scandal happened to be the wife of Prince Michael.

Prince Michael's wife, a fashionable princess who was already 60 years old, actually had an affair with a Russian tycoon who was 20 years younger than her. This Russian tycoon is a Russian furniture tycoon and a billionaire.

What was even more unexpected was that this scene was photographed by a reporter from the News of the World. It was exposed on the Queen's 80th birthday.

A complete scandal of the British royal family.

Seeing Prince Michael, George remembered the scandal that shocked the world.

At the age of 61, she was still having an affair. The princess' wife was also a rare one. Prince Michael was old and incapable, which caused this strong and powerful wife to have an affair.

In the end, the princess' wife defended herself, saying that she and the Russian tycoon were just discussing culture.

Such a lame excuse made everyone laugh.

However, this incident brought shame to the entire English royal family.

Many photos taken by the "News of the World" about the tryst between the wife of Prince Michael of Kent and her lover made her husband speechless, and her two children, 27-year-old son Lord Frederick and 25-year-old daughter Miss Gabriella, were very embarrassed, and the Queen of England was furious. The Queen's mood to celebrate her 80th birthday was greatly hit.

However, this Russian tycoon was assassinated a few years later. In the end, no murderer was found.

George is also an ordinary person.

Although he has achieved success, his gossip mentality has not disappeared. George was smiling throughout the handshake process. This made Prince Mike very happy. George, a unique coach, still respected him.

It was not until the game started that George focused his attention on the game again.

Manchester United's starting lineup is very interesting.

Manchester United has always played 4-4-2. But this game was a 4-3-3 formation.

The defense line is Brown, Sylvester, Ferdinand, and O'Shea. Manchester United's original main players Heinze and Gary Neville were unable to participate in this game due to injuries. Brown and O'Shea replaced them respectively.

The three midfielders are Roy Keane, Scholes, and Fletcher, and the three forwards are Van Nistelrooy, Rooney, and Ronaldo.

Manchester United's midfield general Giggs was also unable to play due to injury.

George was also tit-for-tat.

Miku, Pires, and Kaka were placed in the frontcourt, and Klose was the forward line.

In fact, George had two choices. One was to use Ribery and Yang Feng to attack Manchester United's two flanks. Because Gary Neville was injured and Heinze was injured, Brown and O'Shea replaced them. Manchester United had many problems on the flanks.

But after thinking about it, George did not choose Ribery and Yang Feng. The loopholes he hit were not Manchester United's back line. But Manchester United's midfield.

Roy Keane was once the best defensive midfielder in the world,

but now Keane is old. Keane, who is already 34 years old this year, has performed much worse in Manchester United and his state has declined a lot. Fletcher was originally a right winger, but this season he was moved to the middle to help Keane.

Fletcher is not the player who was praised as a butcher by Wenger. Fletcher is still very green now.

Therefore, George chose the loophole in the middle. George wanted to press Keane and Fletcher in the midfield and make Manchester United completely desperate.

At the beginning of the game, George was not conservative at all.

Alonso moved forward a little, defending both Scholes and Keane who came in from behind. But it was not man-to-man marking, but standing firm in position, who would defend whom. More cooperation with Miku and Kaka in front.

After Alonso moved forward, the frontcourt players cooperated more.

With Miku back, Kaka dribbled less and controlled the ball less. Kaka ran more and ran out of space. Kaka believed that as long as he ran out of space, Miku and Pires would be able to find him and pass to him.

The opponent Kaka mainly avoided was Fletcher.

Fletcher's characteristics were similar to Hargreaves. Just keep running and pestering you. As long as he got the ball, Fletcher would pester you aggressively. As long as anyone got the ball, Fletcher would force the person into the corner.

Unfortunately, Fletcher lacked one thing.

That was experience. Kaka was already 23 years old and had played in the Premier League for three seasons. He was the runner-up of the World Footballer of the Year and the European Footballer of the Year last year. He had fought many tough battles, and there were also games where he was completely frozen.

These gave Kaka countless valuable experiences.

But Fletcher was different. Fletcher is only 21 years old and started playing for Manchester United last season. This season, he changed from right winger to midfielder. He is not very familiar with the position of midfielder.

Wherever Kaka runs, Fletcher follows.

Kaka has been waiting, waiting for a good opportunity. He can get rid of Fletcher quickly. Because of Miku's existence. Kaka has been cooperating with Miku's characteristics since he started at Blackburn. Therefore, in the off-ball running, Kaka is far better than others.

Eleven minutes into the game, Alonso passed the ball to Miku.

The moment Miku got the ball, Kaka ran to the left. Fletcher followed Kaka, of course, but after running two steps, Kaka suddenly turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

This is a player with excellent physical fitness, who can play a sudden stop and turn.

Kaka did it.

Fletcher failed to brake in time. He let Kaka go, and the moment Kaka got rid of Fletcher, Miku's pass also arrived.

"Although Miku said that he was tired and couldn't adapt to the Premier League game. But looking at this pass, who would think that Miku is old? Miku is too concerned about his old injuries. Even if he is a substitute, Miku is a treasure."

Motson said with regret.

But Fletcher's body is definitely not bad. He was shaken by Kaka just now, but he stopped quickly. Turning back, seeing Kaka was about to take a big step forward, Fletcher pulled Kaka down with his hand.


The referee penalized Fletcher for a foul and gave Fletcher a yellow card.

This is a free kick. This is outside the penalty area, 28 or 29 meters away from Manchester United's goal. This is a long-distance free kick.

Free kicks of about 21 or 22 meters are usually shot by Pires and Drogba.

And free kicks of 28 or 29 meters, or even more than 30 meters, are taken by Alonso.

But this time Alonso did not step forward, but pulled Miku. Pires also looked at Miku.

Miku saw their appearance and knew that they wanted him to take the free kick. Miku did not refuse.

Although Miku was not a free kicker in Blackburn, it did not mean that he could not take free kicks. It was just that there were many free kick masters in Blackburn, and Miku was disdainful of competing.

Miku took a deep breath and walked to the ball.

"Twenty-eight meters, what will Miku choose?"

"Miku, this is... This is not a pass, this is a shot!"

Everyone believed that at a distance of 28 meters, Miku would definitely choose to pass the ball. Because the distance is too far, few people would choose to shoot at this position. But Miku did the opposite and chose to shoot directly.

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