─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

When he saw the cup offered, Sui got lost in words.

Many thoughts come to mind that it looks delicious, beautiful, and irresistible.

Ocean swinging in a wine glass.

Empty trapped in clear glass.

The beauty phrase that describes it also comes out as much as it takes with less vocabulary.

Before the girl was free from the stray, the bartender in front of her, just one word, told her.


"... n"

"Word is, you'll be fine after drinking"

That, gentle or impertinent word.

Words that are rare when you are bartender, close in distance.

Sui took the glass in his hand so that he could follow the word.

A good, cold glass conveys cold air from your feet.

At the same time, they say the foot has the role of not transmitting the heat of the hand to the glass.

Enjoy your hands and protect your cocktails. I always think Sui is something that was conceived.

Sweet fragrance that flutters and fragrances if you gently bring the liquid closer to your mouth.

Muscat. Muscat is a type of grape characterized by its aroma.

Its refreshing sweet aroma was on the front, and I also felt the apple mixed there.

The fragrance alone makes me feel much more luxurious.

Lips on a cold glass, and Sui lets that liquid in her mouth.

The first thing that irritated my tongue was the acidity.

The acidity of the lime that cuts in sharply runs through the tongue first.

Followed by a refreshing, sour muscat. Plus, it goes on with apples that make you feel sweeter than acidity.

Apples in particular accounted for the majority of the aftertaste that spread afterwards.

Even if swallowed with gokuri, the heat of the throat is modest compared to the usual 'spirit-based' cocktail '.

For that matter, Sui was more aware of the aftertaste.

The fluffy, spreading, red fruit aroma was rich and fruitful when it blended into the blue liquid. I also felt the acidity of the lime so that it didn't pass.

Drinking so far, Sui wondered where 'Blue Curaçao' was.

The aroma is muscat, the flavor begins with lime, and the aftertaste is apple.

With doubt, Sui includes, swallows, and understands the second bite.

It's with this blue.

Just as the color of this cocktail is dyed blue by 'Blue Curaçao'.

"Blue Curaçao" spread all over the cocktail, connecting flavors.

Connect the lime and others with citrusy sweetness and tighten the whole thing with a touch of bitterness.

It did not protrude somewhere, but as something that must be.

Even if you can't see him, that blue was there, as a really important center.

When I thought that far, there was zero natural feeling from Sui's mouth.

"... glad"


"Yeah. I'm so, so happy right now"

Even looking at the total confused grin, Sui couldn't explain it any further.

Whatever the number of thoughts, in her mood, the biggest one.

Taste, smell, look, everything is delightful.

He made it, I'm glad to hear the whole selfish thing.

Even Sui, who originally didn't like expressing his emotions, was definitely the only one.

So, I repeat, I said.

"Glad. Total, thanks"

"You're welcome to do that, right?

Sui doesn't know how far he understood Sui's emotions.

But the total look I answered was a cloudless smile nowhere.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

I don't really know what Sui means.

But there's only one thing I know.

My 'cocktail' to her would mean it resonated firmly with my heart.

As the author of the cocktail, I can't be happier.

"But then..."

I vented my mood to that point and stopped in a hurry.


"No, it's nothing"

Sui's stabbing gaze. Probably figured out the rest of what I was about to say.

"It would be a shame if that happened."

There's nothing I can do, I accidentally thought.

He said it would be a shame if no one else could serve him a 'cocktail' that would make him so happy.

"I don't even know what the total feels like, but it's ruined"

"Ugh, sorry."

"Ha... well, that's a total"

Sui sighs loudly.

It would only be counterproductive to say anything more to her like that now.

I just laugh bitterly and wait for her emotions to swallow with the cocktail.

"... but it's really impossible"

"... uh, what is it?

"Total, why are you so, so blunt in your maiden heart?

Sui asked, staring at me with a sharp eye.

I feel a cold sweat coming out.

That was the same question I was asked when I was in Japan when I pissed off my female customers.

I desperately curl up my excuses, remembering that time.

"No, no matter how they say it. In the first place, bartenders talk to people across the counter, right? So we don't go into that kind of privacy, and it's fundamental that we don't."

"But it doesn't change anything, even in private."


But unfortunately.

Sui knew my private life, unlike the female guests at the time.

But I got in trouble.

The seniors I used to see helped me, but now I'm not here.

If I don't do this myself, I shouldn't.

"... you know, you never told Sui about the past, did you?

"Yeah. I'm not listening"


I told him the answer, quietly.

"Actually. I've never dated a woman before."

"........................... Huh?

"Even when we were bartenders, we were all surprised to hear that."

Where Sui is circling her eyes, I have to laugh bitterly.

"So all my knowledge and stuff, it could be a take-out from people. I don't understand that kind of timing myself."

I've never dated anyone in my entire life.

I've only seen middle school, high school and its direction since I was a kid.

So you can go to college... can I come in?

Is that it? I'm sure, in college, something.

What was that? Is that, uh? Why, I can't remember...?


Suddenly a blunt pain ran on my head. The thought was interrupted because of it.

What were you thinking?

Uh, yeah, yeah. When I got into college, I was like, "Nothing happened."

"I've been through so much about puberty and all that. I wonder if it's a flaw in humanity. I don't have any experience with that."

"... isn't that how you're deluding yourself by saying the right thing?

"No, bartender, he said he wouldn't lie."

Only occasionally.

I answer Sui, turning my suspicious gaze, in a hurry, waving.

But Sui didn't seem to be convinced.

"But wasn't there someone who would do the bartender and favor him?

I try to do something about her suspicious gaze, and I go half-throat.

"I'm not here. I'm not here. I was the one who couldn't really do anything when I started. Every woman who comes to the store is an attractive adult woman, so she says she won't deal with me. At best, I've only seen a bad brother like that."

"... So, who's the woman you meet outside the store?

"You know Sui, too. That I'm a 'cocktail fool'. I didn't have many friends, and my girlfriend is flattered. Holidays are about caging up at home, practicing, and going to other stores to study. I never had a chance to get to know a woman."

In fact, it was something that repeatedly cautioned the owner to be 'more interested in women' because I showed too little interest in women.

It's a bad word, but it's not that I'm not interested in women.

But I didn't really understand the romance.

So even if they told me I needed it for Growing Up as a Human Being, I really didn't feel like taking action.

"That's why I never got a chance to know my maiden heart. I guess I can only guess."

With all due respect, I think I'm explaining this to Sui.

Oh, well.

He was just delighted with the cocktail I made for Sui, and I thought of something senseless.

"So sorry. I saw the cocktail I made with an evil eye."


"I don't want to see a 'cocktail' for myself with an indiscreet eye."

That's what I thought, and I made a firm apology.

But Sui was staring at my face a few steps colder than he had just done.

"… total. Just one thing, will you let me hear it?

"Hey, what is it?

with its fixed eyes, but with slightly reddish cheeks,

Sui threw a knife-like word at me.

"What if I say, I like, like, the whole thing?

"... Huh?

A knife of Sui's words slowly pierced my heart.

You like me, Sue? Does that mean she's favoring me?

Zukin, Zukin.

A blunt headache interrupts my thoughts.

But I can't stop thinking.

I've never assumed such a situation before.

Huh? But what they said here, I mean, is that...?

So far, it was time for thought.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─


Something similar to a crushing sound echoed in my mind.


In a broken pain, I accidentally held my head in groan and nodded.


Sui panicked to the counter after suddenly hurting me.

But I stand up slowly, showing with my hands that I'm okay.

I don't know, but the headache was like a wave, disappearing somewhere.

Uh, sorry, I had a sudden headache.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. More than that, I was just saying."

As I say, I try to remember what I was talking about with her.

Uh, sure.

"What if someone says they like the whole thing?

Was it?

"That's impossible. There's no way anyone can tell me they like me when I'm still immature."

".................. Yikes!

I answered the joke mix, but in response, Sui turned to me in a grumpy way.

Apparently, I've done something to piss you off again.

But Sui turned his eyes back on the glass and included a bite of the liquid in it.

And happily loosened my cheeks, I said.

"... but I regret, but I'm glad, now, I forgive"

"... is that, thank you?

I still don't know the right answer to her words.

But I didn't want to hurt my mood any more, so I decided to thank you first.

It took a long time for Sui to return to her usual mood that night.

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