What do you remember when you become a bartender and start?

The answer is the name of the instrument.

A bar spoon is a tool that connects a spoon to a fork that is thin and spiral in the center.

The major cup is a tool with cones overlapping at the apex, like mimicking an hourglass.

Shakers are tools for making cocktails, consisting of three parts: body, strainer and top.

That's how I taught him the name of the tool from scratch.

I'll give you the name of the bottle right after that, too, but that's okay.

There is no such thing as a tool dedicated to me in the store, but it's not that I don't get attached to it.

Not to mention, if it's dedicated to you, that feeling will be one thing.

"Well, I won't say anything, so try to keep that cold table in pre-sales condition."


"I get it!

To my words, they nodded well and started working.

Here, at Iberis' workshop, there was a bar counter.

It's a small thing that would fill up if the five of us sat down, but the taste of the ingredients made here is very convenient.

Now on that counter, I, Iberis, Bergamo and Corsica are sitting.

The other three brought him in saying 'Let's take a break' because the timing was good.

In the counter are two people, Phil and Sally.

Now, what's going on inside the bar counter?

This is only my shop format, so it's not a general theory.

First from the inside, the surface that can be called a platform is divided into three steps.

At the top is the counter, which places drinks served to customers.

Place the ingredients of the cocktail you are about to make in this location so that the customer can see it.

Basically, it's a space where you don't put any other tools or anything. Shakers and fruits may be combined with decorations, but in that case it is normal to shift the position slightly.

The work is handicapped if this place is too messy, so the bottles I put out will look at the timing and clean it up.

From that counter, a plate mounted to stretch is the work bench.

A work bench is a table that holds glasses to make drinks that are served to customers.

Depending on the thickness of the counter, the height dropped a few centimetres from the top surface of the counter, to the extent that the width is just a little wider than the rock glass.

It can be seen from the customer, and this one has a height and width that is easy to pour.

There's nothing here but a glass (and a shaker).

As you can see from the word "mounted," it's not a very sturdy place, so you risk breaking it if you apply strong force.

When I tighten the shaker lid, after I gently tighten it here, I hit it on the slab and tighten it hard, which is why.

And finally, it becomes a cold table.

Essentially, all the instruments and so on used for the work will be placed on top of this.

First of all, a slab in the center. It is a place where fresh foods are handled, so it is unacceptable to put everything but food here. I can't believe you're holding hands.

When Shaker asks me if I'm good... I'm picking a place, so I want you to forgive me.

A cloth towel is installed next to each other. It is used to lightly remove water from the tool, wipe down the dripping of the bottle, and for a variety of applications.

From that state, a barrel shaped container is installed on the right side for placing the elongated tool in general.

Bar spoons, knives, thongs, etc.

Placed next to it is, vulgarly speaking, a trash can. Even so, I don't put burning garbage or anything like that.

The tip of the removed lime, the scum when the skin is processed, the end has failed to weigh and poured too much, the contents of the major cup can be put together.

They are on the right hand side, and on the left hand side are two sets of glasses and major cups with water tension, placed side-by-side.

When it comes to why two things, there are many reasons.

One is the structural problem with the major cups.

A major cup is a unique weighing tool that combines the vertices of a cone.

What is commonly used is one with a capacity of 30 ml and the other with a capacity of 45 ml.

Naturally, the other side cannot be used while using one side.

Considering that, if there are two, after using the 30 ml side, I can use the 45 ml side in the other while dipping that surface in water.

By this, you don't have to crouch at hand.

It makes the task smarter.

In addition, extremely colored sugars, such as cream and syrup systems, need to be cleaned off once and for all.

If there is only one major cup, it will keep the customer waiting while they take the trouble to wash it.

In short, two things for a short time.

Finally, it is normal to prepare about three barspoons for the same reason.

Note that the strained water is for washing the major cups, but don't forget to replace it with a coarse one as the various liquors mix in traces over time.

In addition, dishes for charms (treats that leave when they arrive at the counter), containers for temporary storage of fillets of fruit, condiments and other tool holders are also placed on the cold table.

These will not be visible from the customer as they will be placed under the counter and around hiding on the table.

That's why if I'm distracted, I risk inadvertently losing things or not finding the seasoning I need.

The above becomes the state on the basic cold table.

Of course this is a state of start and can fluidly reposition if it is a cloth, a trash can, or a seasoning.

But without this fundamentals, we cannot begin work in the first place.

Finally, I would like to state that this whole line is in the case of a right-handed person holding a major cup with his left hand.

"So, we're done!

At last, Phil's cheerful voice arrives and I rise from the chair.

I'll go inside the counter and check the placement, but I was in the right line.

The appliance itself looks like a friendly arrangement of what I just received.

"All right. You're well done. You're both perfectly prepared."


"Of course you are."

When I compliment him honestly, Phil is honest, and Sally feels a little less honest.

We were both lit up.

"In the meantime, I'd like to start by practicing steer..."

I'll say that and then I'll take a quick peek at the two of you.

Sally, who was worried, also didn't say on her face whether this previous experience worked or suddenly let her make it.

But I also want Phil to know a little bit about the taste of those 'failures'.

"It's a good opportunity. It's all I have, so why don't you try making a 'cocktail'?"


"Are you sure?

Phil was confused and Sally looked anxious.

Nevertheless, the opportunity not to be offended by making a failure is valuable. Especially the opportunity for seniors to be appreciated by amateur like-minded third parties instead of having them drink.

I feel confident that if it wasn't for all my failures, my ratings would be sweet to praise the good. Having an apprentice makes me want to praise you more than I think.

But these three won't be anything like that.

"I don't know. All three of them? That's not how you get a chance to drink your rookie's barely first 'cocktail', is it? Of course, I'll make it too."

The three of you who heard my words will tell you not to look disgusted by anyone.

"It's all right! That would be the experience, wouldn't it? Even I used to fail and become a master! Maybe a little excited?

"I mean, that's what you said 'let's take a break' for, right? I don't mind either. I hope that's for both of us."

"I'm good, too. I've never had much of a cocktail, so I'm purely interested in how it changes."

In turn, it is the statements of Iberis, Bergamo and Corsica.

I nodded, and then I told the two of them that I was starting to get nervous.

"Well, that's a battle. Me and Phil and Sally, we're gonna make the same cocktail."

If I joke around, you two get even more nervous about words like that.

But to blow it off, the first thing I answered was still Sally.

"That's good! Even I've been watching the general's hand for the past few days. I will not repeat this previous failure."

"... I'd like to try that, too, for a little while!

It feels forced to smile, but Sally nevertheless answers with pleasure.

I made sure Sally dragged me along, and Phil was just a little in the mood for his expression.

All right, all right, that sounds good.

I told him as I nodded as I wanted.

"Well then... the subject is basic- [Gin Tonic]"

It's carbonated, so it's a little different from [screwdriver], but it's an unmistakably simple cocktail.

And practice, not many people come in here.

In addition, if you were working or working in the field, you would want a refreshing carbonation.

Everyone on the spot nodded at my words when I thought about it.

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