"Is this the 'cocktail'"

"Exactly, this, too."

When I answer lightly, men say disrespect.

"Okay, I'll take it"

Then he looks at the glass uncommonly and shows surprised that the hand he touches is cold.

When I sniff the scent closer to my mouth, I look at her wondering if she has anything in mind.

But he did not hesitate, slowly bringing the glass closer to his mouth, and containing a bite.

"... ah, ah. So this is [Gimlet]."

The moment he swallowed that bite, the man tried to tremble and told him in a small voice.

It's not that hard to describe only the flavour of [Gimlet].

High aroma, giving the spiciness of 'gin' a feel.

The sourness and alcohol content of a stinging lime that avalanches the moment it's in your mouth.

The intricate taste of 'gin' filling your mouth right after that.

Finally, the sweetness that leans slightly against them and the scent aftertaste.

In words, this is the place.

However, it can be difficult to explain how it tastes.

There is nothing more colourful than this' cocktail 'than personal preferences.

There are humans whose liver is the balance between the aroma of gin, the acidity of lime, and the sweetness of syrup.

Some people claim that one is extra, such as the sweetness of syrup, and is complete only with gin and lime.

With that in mind, some humans use a "sweet" cordial lime on the lime, and the ratio of gin to lime by half is the right one.

Just because you like this' cocktail 'doesn't mean you have a similar taste.

I made [Gimlet] first, in the most orthodox form.

The results are:

"Wonderful, wonderful! I see you had this use for potions!

It was a man's loud cheer.

For one thing, it looked like you cared.

When I crossed the first stage, I stroked my chest down with relief.

"Thank you"

"No, it's great! You'll be drinking up right away in such a small amount!


From the man's declaration, he acted fast ahead.

Without waiting for my words, the man drank out the [gimlet] in the glass.

Isotoma often does the same thing, but I don't know this man as well as Isotoma.

It was a source of anxiety, boldness.

"Are you all right? This is a pretty strong drink, though."

When I hurried to speak, the man said, with a slightly focussed crazy eye.

"It's okay, it's okay! I don't care how drunk I am!

"... Really?"

No, no, because you're suddenly changing your tone.

The man asked for [Dickie] by pointing to my worries, this next, and the menu chart.

Much earlier than expected, it feels troublesome.

I whispered, "Yes, I did," and I whispered to Sally, who was still there.

"You'll see, I'll deal with it. Just introduce yourself."


I said, I went to the workbench again without waiting to hear back.

Along the way, it's not like Phil with a glass of 'Chaser' in his hand.

'Chaser' broadly refers to a beverage in general to be reworded as a sub when swallowing 'alcohol'. You think I got that name because I swallow to chase you?

But even in the narrow sense, it refers to 'water' in the general sense.

For the first time in a man's life, Phil prepared a glass of water to distract him.

"Phil. Good. You don't have to let it out."


But I stopped that concern.

Phil is confused by my words and stops.

"That customer, maybe, would be offended if Chaser was served. I'll give it to you. Just get it ready."

"... Um, yes, I get it"

He felt what I was trying to say, and Phil honestly nodded and put a glass of water on the workbench.

There are roughly three reactions when 'water' is served to a rather intoxicated human being.

Be thankful, ignore your existence, or be angry that you've been watered out.

The first person is many types who are able to grasp their own intoxication. He's intelligent even if he's drunk, and he's easy to deal with.

The second person can do whatever he wants. I don't feel so drunk, but if this one recommends it in due course, it reminds me of its existence, and to some extent I can control it here.

The third is troublesome. I get angry that I'm not drunk, and it's a routine tea thing to bare my voice.

It is the bartender's duty to be careful not to do so, and it is also the difficult part.

I rushed ahead with the work, trying not to keep the customers waiting.

Side by side, take a peek at Sally.

"It is. I'm just starting to work."

"Something like that! But you're magnificent and splendid!

"No. Thank you. Lately, I've finally been able to make you a drink."

Sally hasn't been able to leave the scene immediately since she introduced herself.

No, maybe you're not willing to leave.

The other guy is a middle-aged man, Sally's specialty now.

"Well, I guess I'll have Sally make it too."

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that."

"Whoa, if a pretty girl would be happy"

I heard Sally talking like that over my forgiveness.

I'm saying things are going well, but who gave you permission to do that?

Even if it's a joke, you should refrain from saying that to someone who is poorly drunk.

Are you willing to cheer up the place until I get there because I can serve customers?

The feeling is somewhat appreciated, but more than that, annoying.

In a disgusting way, I don't remember putting that much trust in Sally.

Especially if Nori's in a bad mood.

"You're licking me! I'll kill you!"

Suddenly, such a voice sounded.

I interrupted the work I was doing and headed right for Sally.

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