─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

After I said it was an assignment and served a full cocktail, the total immediately left Sally's sight.

When Sally followed him with her eyes, she could see he was headed for the man earlier.

"Are you sure you're okay?

"Huh? Ah, yes"

Looking blurry at the figure, she received a worrying voice from the blue-haired woman sitting next to her.

"Totally. I don't mind getting drunk, but moderation is something I want you to keep."

The brunette sitting next to her also expresses her dissatisfaction as we do.

Sui and viola.

It was the women who seemed a little older than Sally (though Sally doesn't know her own age).

"Sally, you don't have to worry about it. Just because there are people like that, you're nothing wrong."

"... but I'm the one who didn't keep my word."

"Because the total is dull in weird places"

Suey says gently that Sally is sinking slowly.

Like holding a girl's shoulder, with a little shuddering against the total.

"I feel like 'I want to be recognized' by Sally and Phil, and I don't think I understand. Don't put it that way, I wish you'd told me why you couldn't."

"Beh, nothing. I was recognized by that guy. I can't believe it!

"You don't think?

"... only a little"

Sally rushed to deny Sui's words, but could not do so gently pursued.

To that appearance, Sui turned his usual faceless expression into just a little laugh.

"Sally, try that once. Maybe because the total tenderness and the meanness is a cocktail with it all"

Suey told me, Sally turned her consciousness back to the cocktail in front of her.

[Long Island Iced Tea]

That's enough to say iced tea, so I can imagine you dividing it with tea, but that's all I know.

Sally took the glass and smelled the scent first.

Mixed with the aroma of lemon, it was like tea, slightly different, with a sweet aroma.

I went on and tried to put my mouth on the straw, and Sui adds a word.

"Drink slowly."

…… Yes. "

While wondering about Suey's further advice, Sally sips liquid from the straw.

The flavour spread in my mouth was something that was difficult to describe.

The first thing I reached the tip of my tongue was the stimulus.

By the time I realized it was a carbonation irritation, the sourness of the lemon ran like an avalanche.

But it's strange from here.

A complex flavour, unspeakable in a nutshell.

Sweet, spicy, bitter, sour, delicious.

All of them flow over their tongues without ever leaving them uncomfortable.

What I can tell is that it doesn't come from simple fruit, it has a unique flavor.

For an analogy, tea, sweet treats, and fruit performances served on an elegant afternoon.

It is not acceptable to lack any one, nor does it protrude any one.

I would be satisfied with any one I choose, and I can't say which one I choose is the right answer.

Such a troubling time seemed to pass visibly in my mouth.

What remains to be swallowed is a hint of carbonation and a distinctive aftertaste like tea.

Until he passed his throat, Sally never felt any particular resistance and enjoyed it.

I even appreciated that this refreshing liquid was made for me.

That was all the satisfaction I got from that bite.

"... delicious. But..."

While your honest thoughts are leaking out of your mouth, Sally, huh? and tilt his neck.

"... isn't this tea? The flavor is sweet with more syrup and lemon, but this flavor or aftertaste is its pedigree, right?

"I think so, don't I? But one more time, now take care of the 'potion' and drink it."

"... ha. Well, it's a challenge. For the sake of clarity, the potion seems modest."

Sui prompted Sally to take another bite.

Even if they tell you to be aware of the potion, in this weakness...

The moment I thought so, I felt strongly that my earlier thoughts were 'errors'.

(No, no! Very strong! More than any 'cocktail' I've ever had!

I didn't realize it in the flavor, but if I tried to be aware of it as a potion, I felt the exaltation of magic was unquestionably clear.

Rather than that, it can be said that it is an anomaly to notice Sally unfamiliar with magic in just one bite.

But I don't know which one.

Sally has no idea what kind of attribute potion she's using.

"You know how the total made that 'cocktail' a challenge?

"... Huh?

When Sally was twisting her head, she heard Suey.

Sui speaks for his total feelings to Sally with a translator's face.

"In a gentle way...... I guess it feels like drinking 'tea' but calming down slowly. I'm sure you don't have to come back until that customer gets home."

For a moment, Sally gets stuck in words.

Sui told me, I felt Tokun and my heart move.

I didn't want to admit that was due to happiness.

And more than that, the total 'cocktail fool' plenty representing such a blurry tenderness in cocktails is just a little dazzling.

"... but you can't run away"

I tried to say that with my mouth, but Sally really knows.

That even if I go back, I can't help anything now.

As I dare point out, Sui overlaps words.

"So in a harsh way, I don't even know about that 'cocktail'. Apprenticeship is like slapping a big mouth, preaching..."

"... looks awesome"

They also use 'cocktails' for sermons, which seems to be really total.

It didn't seem like Sally was the only one who thought so.

"Sure. You really do, that guy."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you can make a proposal or something with a cocktail."

"One of these days, I might even cocktail you to a routine conversation"

Cut off the viola's squeaky voice.

I paused my supply hand and came to see how Sally was doing, Rye;

He came running away from the conversation between Isotma and Gongora, Iberis joined.

"... Gentlemen"

"Cheer up, Sally! Next time you say something, I'll kick you out on your behalf!

"Oh, thank you, Rye"

Swinging a basin in his hand, Rye laughs with a joke mix.

To that cheerful voice, Sally smiled just a little when she was caught.

Following Rye, Iberis put the coaster and glass in his hand on the counter, sat back in the chair, and then said a blur.

"They told me not to tell you, but I'll tell you"


Sally is bewildered by the sudden words, without grasping her intentions.

To Sally's ear like that, Iberis put her mouth close and whispered.

"You told me to move my seat, maybe someone. Maybe you want to leave your majesty as a master, but you personally think that it doesn't suit you."

And Iberis also smiled softly.

Sally, as a matter of fact, again captures the total figure in the counter.

Um, the conversation was soothing with a new man, who had some difficulty.

Doesn't sound to the content, but they both look fun, just a little bit, painful.

Wipe your mistakes, be clumsy and gentle, keep it to yourself and even care.

Somehow, I felt that smile seemed more attractive than usual.

Unconsciously, Sally is just a little overwhelmed and about to cry.

(... no! You can't show tears that easily as someone who stands on top!

Nevertheless, Sally caught the emotion at the spot.

In doing so, the words that came to my mind caught my own mind.

(Who stands up...? What am I...?

Sally silenced herself to the doubts that had sprung to her head.

To thinking Sally, Iberis drops the tone of her voice and asks anxiously.

"What's wrong, Sally? I knew you didn't like it?

"Oh, that's not true at all! Well... thank you very much."

Shaking his head in haste, Sally is conscious and seals the thought.

I strongly thought that now, before such a question, it was first to meet the feelings of the warm people, who were worried about me.

At some point, Sally didn't realize that she seemed to be who she was naturally.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

"Thank you!

That's what I say to the back of a man leaving in a good mood.

Outside the store, there was a slight mixture of hot air.

Only once before finishing off the man and returning to the store. In this place where no one can see me, I exhale deeply.

Honestly, I'm so tired. Long time ago, I think I had a nervous customer service.

From the pace at which you make him drink, from the way he's in the mood, everything. I paid close attention to everything.

That's also normal for a bartender's job. Recently, however, I had lost my mind and relied on discretion on the part of the customer.

Now as a disciple, I'm not going to be able to put my chest up.

I'm going back to the store while I get my mind back together.

I walked into the counter early on and washed my hands first.

After that, I spoke to Phil, who had always stood at the counter for me.

"Thank you, Phil. As soon as Sally gets back, I need you to come in for a break."

In relation to Sally being in a break all the time, Phil was standing at the counter for me without taking a break.

When I speak down, Phil, who was making the order on the workbench, responds without looking at me.

"No, this is Sally. Thank you for your attention....... and sorry. Because I couldn't cut the conversation."

"It's fine. Phil asked a lot of questions, and I knew I couldn't leave him."

".................. Yes"

That's what I learned from my conversation with that man.

Phil couldn't seem to leave the place after being questioned and attacked by a man who seemed to be observing my movements.

You know, hang up a little hard, or something like that, Phil wouldn't be able to make that decision yet.

That, too, is my lack of oversight.

"It's all my fault for not identifying Phil, Sally, and my customers."

"That's not true!

Phil raised his voice of denial there desperately.

In addition to the thought, the voice is loud, and the gaze around me turns to this one at the same time.

"Excuse me!

"And excuse me!

Me and Phil just apologize, and then we go back to shitty and mutual work.

But before I left, Phil said it like another push.

"There's no way it's all the responsibility of the chief."

Phil is Phil, and he's defiant in weird places.

At the same time, I was just a little happy.

"Well, let's hear the answer"

I ask Sally, dividing into a space where the women gather and have fun talking.

Sally only looks at that glass once she drinks it up and sees my face.

"What happens if I take this off?

"For a while, I wonder if I'll put cocktail practice back in the wash at the stop"


"Hey, you just have to get it right, right?

Listen to my words, Sally is a little frightened.

But I closed my eyes softly to calm my mind and took a few big deep breaths.

"Well, I'll tell you."

Opening his eyes, yes, he prefaced, and Sally quietly told him the answer.

"The attributes of the potion used in this [Long Island Ice Tea] are -- all of them, right?

Sally's eyes rocking slightly anxiously.

But with more surprise than that, I answered.

"... Correct"

That's right.

What base liquor (base) is used for [Long Island Iced Tea].

There are all sorts of theories, but I dare say.


Because "gin", "vodka", "rum" and "tequila" are all used in this "cocktail".

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