"No way, ahhh"

On my way home from the store, I tell him I'm blushing.

It's after twelve o'clock at night now. The lights of the city are slight by magical civilization, but still incomparable with Japan's downtown areas.

Of course, there's very little crowd, to the extent that there's occasional flirting and drunkenness.

The three of us are walking on such a beautiful night lane in the moonlight.

Words I said to neither of the two accompanying me, but Phil answered my voice in a painful manner.

"I've never seen Fren so angry."

"... well, if it's just the fist bone, I'm eating a bunch of shots"

Only me and two apprentices are on their way home now.

What are the other humans doing?

Sui is about to be preached by Mr. Oyaji.

Rye stays to explain the situation, and Bergamo cleans up and so on by himself.

Me and these two were sent home first by Mr. Oyaji because 'it's hard to talk when you guys are around'.

Well, anyway, I guess it's like kindness to newcomers that got these two home first.

Finally, how angry is it to say that?

Mr. Oyaji, who I heard about, was enough to drop his fist bones on his drowning daughter.

Speaking of why that's happening, well, we talked earlier.

After a day of work, I was with Bergamo organizing slips. At that time, it felt a little silly and we talked about the "pay" earlier.

Bergamo looked complicated, but that didn't end the conversation.

Mr. Oyaji, who happened to be nearby, asked me the story.

Mr. Oyaji asked Sui immediately after listening to me.

"Is it true what this kid was saying? '.

So the result of Sui's pale reply, "True," is the fist bone.

What sounded fragmented before we left was this story.

'There's nothing I can do to dislike it. But then, let's be clear. Bringing up the owner's authority there is the most important thing you shouldn't do. How is that different from your disliked Guinura wielding power?

Sui said something. And while I did, they even gave me Guinura's name and I couldn't say anything.

It was me and the two of us leaving in that difficult atmosphere to say.

"But what Fren said. You'll see."

Phil has Mr. Oyaji's shoulder, although he still has a bitter look just a little bit.

"People in positions of responsibility can do good and bad things, even with jokes."

"... Well, yeah"

"... the reason for this is personal grievances. Again, it's me."

To Phil's bitter laughter, am I hungry? Only roar.

The other companion, Sally, kept quiet all the time, however, to think of something.

"Sally? Are you tired?

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

When I speak, she answers immediately, blurry by herself.

But after that, I roar to think of one more person.

"... responsible positions... good things to do... those who stand on top..."

"Are you sure you're okay?

It was when I tried to peek into Sally's face.

"Good evening. Don't you think the moon is beautiful tonight?

Suddenly, there was a voice talking to us.

I turn to the Lord of that voice.

White, long hair caught my eye first.

"... Hi, good evening"

"Yeah, good evening"

When I replied, the gray-haired woman twisted her lips gladly.

I thought she was a horrible, beautiful woman. Some of it will be due to the moonlight, but its skin is very white. The nose was noticeable, and I thought it was, like, a doll.

The expression also felt somewhere cropped up to promote the impression.

It seemed that way, hiding its true intentions and creating the best expression for the supposed emotions.

And the woman was so beautiful that even when she was aware of it, she seemed attractive.

There are plenty of women around me who aren't beautiful enough to say they're adorable.

But something's not like them.

I felt that the "demonic nature" that surrounded me enhanced the beauty of the woman.

"If it wasn't my mistake, I'd say you're named Evening Mist Total, but what do you think?

Nevertheless, there is no reason to be suddenly called upon by such a beauty.

Not to mention I don't have the edge of being asked for a name.

I'll take a step forward to shelter the two disciples.

Keep your right hand free so you can reach the gun at any time.

"... although I do have a total evening mist. And you?"

Just be a little more alert and ask.

But the woman I was asked gave me a decent look at my question.

"Hmm? Don't you see? Oh, I see, that's right."

After thinking about it, the gray-haired woman nods funny as to whether something has gone wrong.

"... what are you talking about?

"No, it's about this one. So that was your name."

Then the woman asked me somehow.

"It's a name. How far do you want to know? Everything, part of it, or should I even be able to identify it"

"... you ask strange things. Nothing, anything is fine. I just asked."

"Right. What a bore."

The woman answered quietly after deliberately pointing her lips.

"Then you can call me Tris. Can I call you total?

"... well, I don't mind"


When I answered, the woman named Trice had a natural grin.

It was a different look than anything I've ever had, a look I didn't feel like I made it somewhere.


When I saw that smile, for some reason, my heart jumped unexpectedly.


When I'm confused by that change in physical condition, Tris immediately changes his expression.

You look like a playboy. You look sorry, and, oh, you breathe.

"But it's just a greeting today. Though there are many things I would like to talk about. Too bad."

"... what are you saying from earlier?

"What, it doesn't matter"

Trice turned her back slightly without answering my question.

Keep going, stay away from Stasta for a few steps, and look back.

"Truth is, I don't know about contact, but we only have a chance like this today."

"... nothing, though our store is open Saturday"

"... oh yeah. Hehe, well, I'll look forward to that any time."

Until the end, Trice will not break his unpredictable attitude.

But I accidentally looked behind me, Sally and Phil, and I smiled.

"A month. It's a good time to hang up."

To that enigmatic word, Sally raises a bewildered voice.

"... what, are you talking about?

"It's about the magic that takes away memories."


Shortly after the words, Sally and Phil felt the atmosphere they had at the same time.

I reach for the gun and the pouch. Without taking your eyes off the woman, rely solely on her memory to take the [screwdriver] out of the pouch.

Put it in the cylinder immediately, and I'll point the muzzle at Trice.

She gave a slightly surprised look and raised her hand.

"Wait for me. I was asked to."

"... asked?

"Yeah. To those two."

I looked back and saw the two of them in a moment.

But those two shook their heads sideways, like saying they didn't remember anything.

I turn my gaze forward again to ask for more details.



There was no sign of Trice anymore.

Again, I send my siblings my gaze, but neither of us seemed to know.

Trice had disappeared into a flash of gaps I had taken my eyes off.

"What the hell? All I can't understand is disappearing..."

I lay down my right hand and spill a little stupidity.

But the two people asked were dropping their gaze so that they could think of something for each other.

"... what's going on?

When I ask, you two seem a little hard to say, open your mouth.

"As a matter of fact, I've been caught up in something lately..."

"I, too, have had a lot of words on my mind lately..."

The two, all together, leak their voices and face each other.

Peek into your eyes as you explore what you lack.

But the answer didn't seem to exist there.

"... you can't. I can't remember."

Phil snugly dropped his shoulder and took a deep sigh of relief.

"It's okay, 'cause it's not what Tris was saying, but then I'll remember."

Encourage Phil, who is depressed, to be confused.

But I'm not inspired by those words that aren't very caged in my heart.

Phil said with a sunken face, looking sorry.

"But as it is, we are in some serious trouble..."

"Well, it's gonna be."

I'm gonna pound Phil on the head once so he can cheer up.

Phil looks at me a little ticklish.

I looked deliberately bad there and joked and went on.

"Besides, you guys are already store stuff. Come on, don't think you can get away with it now, huh?

"Well, that's a little scary."

Sally pulled her face next door after words as serious as my joke.

I am still there deliberately and dare to say it in a cold voice like a villain.

"Insufficient loyalty. Deduction 10"

"So what's the point of that!

To my joke, Sally turns a little red.

I couldn't stand it around there, laughed hahaha, and told the boulder I was joking.

Sally swells as usual when I laugh at her.

Phil finally laughed at that unchanged look, too.

That's right, that's fine. Worried about something I don't know, I can't help it.

Tomorrow, I'll make up with Sui, who's in a bad mood, and I'll be back in business as usual.

The memory of the two of you will return soon, but even then, I want you to make a calm resolution.

Yes, it was when I thought.

"I finally found it. Dear Philotto, Dear Sartina,"

From behind us, there was a manly, low, sinister voice.

Looking back, a black shadow was sitting on the spot.

If you stare closely, you realize that the shadow is human.

There was a young man with dark hair, dressed in legible butler clothes.

As he courteously folds his hips and lifts his face from there, he continues his words.

"Your wife is waiting for you. It's time to stop running away from child-stained homes."

Responding to a man's voice, or from Phil and Sally, the same word leaked.

""... trias... "

"Yes, I have it in your caregiver, Trias Nasta. Dear Philotto, Dear Sartina,"

A man who gives two voices an elegant answer.

In its mouth, like a sharp, stretched fang, I felt a glimpse.

I couldn't help but feel signs of trouble.

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