─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

The covenant with Torisu meets before the Raw Society at sixteen o'clock.

In the end, I was supposed to ride Torisu's invitation.

The reason might be because she was beautiful.

Today's three limits were lectures on linear algebra II.

I basically often sit in the front row, quite a while back, when I lecture. Even fewer of my few friends sit with me, mostly solidified behind me.

And Torisu was also a person who sat either behind him.

There are people around her all the time, and she has an unrelated relationship between men and women. I don't know, I looked more blended into the school year than I did with him for a year.

That's her, but when she left the classroom after the lecture, she called out to me, who was gently reviewing her notebook.

"I'll wait for you."


It's three limits today, and all the mandatory lectures are over.

Time is just 2: 30 PM. There was about an hour and a half until the promised four o'clock on one side.

Yeah, let's say no. Think normally, it's up to you to say no.

After thinking in the library until almost the time I promised, I decided to go home and tell her that I was suddenly ill. That's what I decided, but I also remembered that I didn't know her contact details.

And without stopping, I decided to meet him in person and tell him that.

When we arrived in front of the Raw Society, there was a crowd there.

It soon became clear that the person at its centre was Torisu.

If you look closely, the crowd apparently has a lot of men. It also turns out that there are a lot of good-looking people who don't see much of that in science schools.

At that point, I seriously thought about stopping getting involved, but Torisu found me in a bad time.

"Ah! Total! It's too late!

Torisu waved at me, scratching people's walls and approaching for a small run, with a deliberate loud voice.

And you tried to grab my arm, so I avoided it.

"So don't touch me, I'm telling you"

"... because it's good...!

I didn't like it, Torisu whispered at me and then grabbed my hand forcefully.

I know I could have shaken it off, but I don't even know what Torisu wants to do, so I follow him silently.

"Well, I'm going on a date, so I'm sorry"

And he pulled my hand and walked out of the campus for a small run so as to shake off the dissatisfaction voices of the men who were gathering.

From there, too, she cares behind her back, while proceeding on an early walk close to a small run.

After walking almost silently to the front of the station or so, she finally took a breather.

"Huh. Damn, I didn't think you'd get numbed from out of school after a bit of meddling. They're persistent, and they're following me even though I'm telling them we're meeting. This is why I don't like charades."

"Right. That was tough."

Torisu was throwing up looking frustrated, so I return sympathy in law for once.

But he didn't seem to like my response, and Torisu stared at me.

"You mean. That kind of evening fog, you can't imagine seeing me dressed like that?

I was told by Torisu and finally realized that her clothes were a little different.

"Hmm? Uh, yeah, it's beautiful"

"What is that flattering compliment? More in your own words, nothing?

In your own words, huh?

Specifically, she was dressed to be moveable until just now, but now she's wearing clothes that seem slightly less functional. DEF and AGL are coming down.

I think someone once taught me that stylishness is patience, so I guess that clothing that seems difficult to move is patience. Fighting has nothing to do with everyday life.

"Nothing, it's not like this is going to happen with me, so I don't have to wear it."

I gave my thoughts frankly.

Torisu seems even more in a bad mood.

"No, it's nothing. I wasn't expecting this with you, either. It's annoying when people say things that don't seem to interest you. Hey, you're upset with my pride."

"Well, DEF and AGL are down. Yes, but INT is going up and good. The clothes."

"With that statement, my ATK is going to go up, though."

Apparently, my feelings were taken as provocation.

"... a guy just dropped by and said something about trouble."

"That's it, this is this"

Irrational. No kindness to people.

Mostly, because people praised me. What? It's just such a hassle, and you just don't like it when you say weird things. Like now.

Then you don't have to say anything like that.

After thinking about it, I realized I hadn't told him what I was up to yet.

"That's right, Torisu. I thought I'd say no."

"Hmm? What?

"So I left today..."

"Hmm? What?

"... go home..."

"Hmm? What?

Torisu blocked my words and even kept asking.

Is this it? Is it a system event or something where the story doesn't go on until you choose yes?

No, you're not. There is only one thing that is decidedly different from that scene.

With the passage of time, the bird su is getting a little bit, but it's getting tearful.

"... where are you going?"

"Secrets! Leave it to your sister."

In the end, I felt like fitting into an infinite loop or getting out of it forcefully, and I got on her invitation.

To be precise, it was hard to have a voice like 'make me cry that beauty' from the people around me.

What a beauty. That's just a little high on facial parameters, I guess.

The place I was brought to by Torisu was a building I was unfamiliar with.

It's about two stops away from the university we go to, and I walked quite a bit since I got to the station. And we got there.

First it was a world I didn't know from the entrance.

At the entrance, there's a line of cans and bottles of sparkling liquor, like I don't usually buy, and the price is sticking out in a handmade pop.

A little distraction from it was the juice of lemons, limes, cranberries, pineapples, tomatoes and so on, lined up in vain with many different kinds.

And on the other side of the entrance, in the building, we could see so many bottles filled with liquid that it was not the ratio here.

"... here, what?

"Look, you know what I mean, right? It's a liquor store."

"... so why not"

I stare at Torisu for an explanation as to why he brought me here.

Torisu just smiled happily, and just walked inside the store.

I follow her, looking around.

"Hello Store Manager"

Torisu entered the store and spoke to a man who was looking at a bottle containing brown liquid.

The man turned around and smiled softly when he admitted what Torisu looked like.

"Ibuki, there you are. Long time no see."

"I'm out of time. How have you been lately?

"No, it's a recession. I can see there are fewer and fewer young guests."

"Is that so? Am I not young?"

"Oh, that's not true!

Torisu and the man had a casual conversation that way.

In the meantime, the man finally seemed to notice me, with an intriguing eye.

"What about you?

"Well, I'm Tori-su's..."

Tori-su's, what is it?

Classmates? No, how about that kind of notation in college?

Friends? No way.

So, is that it?

"I just know him."

"Whoa. You must be my friend, right?

When I conclude logically, Torisu puts in a sharp penetration.

Sharp is about verbal momentum, and it's never about being good or not.

"Well, anything's fine. It's the first time Ibuki's brought people here. Take your time."


I found something uncomfortable in my uncle's face. But I wasn't interested enough to dig it back.

Uncle stayed put and pulled into the back of the counter after he said something with his gaze to Torisu.

"So, why did you bring me here?

"Don't say it in a bad way. Arbitrary company."

"Did you know that meant coercion?

After roaring so hard that Tori-su-humm was my answer, I slapped my hand.

"Right. I'll teach you twisted things from King's Road."

After I said it, Torisu heads to one of the shelves lined with stastastas and bottles and walks away.

And when I picked one out of a similar bottle, I took it and went back to before me.

"What's that? Whiskey?"

This is the liquor store, and it's brown liquid, so I'm sure it's the one called whiskey.

That's what I heard, Torisu shook his head.

"Yes, but no. This is the kind of whiskey that we call Scotch."

I saw the label on the bottle after I heard what Torisu said.

There, it was written this way in the biggest letters.


Underneath, it says small in black - TRUE SCOTCH - so I knew it was the type called Scotch.

"Evening Mist. Today I'm going to tell you something called alcohol."

Where I was being blinded by the label, Torisu said.

The look is like a parent who sees a child somewhere and a child who sees a toy.

And she says she has so many friends.

He was like a lonely girl, looking for a good man.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

"Is it a dream?

"Yes, dreams I dream of when I'm asleep"

On the way to a little buyout, I asked Phil.

I want you to remember the dreams you see at night.

"Hmm. Neither do I. You don't remember much."

"Right. No, I shouldn't remember that much either. I've been forgetting something lately."

"Oh, did you already start messing around at that age? That's a big deal."

Sally, who was here with me, laughed, making fun of me.

"Sally! Oh, my God!

"Good, Phil."

Forgave Phil for barking his voice in my place.

Of course, it must be Sally's business, but this isn't what it used to be these days.

Words because the relationship is somewhat consolidated.

For example, it's like having a child tell their parents to be selfish because they want it covered.

So I decided to fight back extremely calmly.

"Ah, it seems so. I've been having a rough time lately. I remember the challenge I gave Phil was a three-minute time limit. How'd it go with Sally?

"... Yes?

"Twenty minutes, fifty seconds... no, thirty seconds."

"Hey, wait a minute!?

Sally raised her voice like she was in a hurry as she tried to raise her subtle challenge hurdle.

Then the two of them are steadily approaching three minutes. Sally's will probably reach her goal in a couple more times.

That's why it's an effective way of attacking.

"What do you think, Sally?

"Well, the general is never old enough to get bogged down, so I think you'll remember soon enough!

"............... do you?


Sally stretches her spine and stares at me like a cold sweat on her blue face.

Well, there's something wrong with the way it's hardened. I couldn't stop laughing.

"It's a joke, because three minutes. Don't get so hard. You're ruining my pretty face."

"Oh, she's cute!?

Now I'm a little blushed.

No, I usually just scold him. Should I give you a little compliment because this is a good opportunity?

"Ooh, cute cute cute. Today's clothes are blue, don't look great on silver hair. The skirt looks unusual and calm, and looks so grown-up today. The accent hair decoration feels so sweet and demonic, it's so beautiful."

"Oh, you will! I imagined an adult lady today."

As he looked at it, praising him frankly, Sally opened her lips with joy.

But then, as I realized something, he looked at me with a serious eye.

"..." That's what the general says to everyone. "

"Well. But I notice where they want me to look. And praise in your own words. That makes them happy, and I'd love it if they were happy with this one. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?

"... well. Yes, but."

Sally nodded at what seemed a little complicated - glad but regrettable.

There, Phil, who had been watching the earlier exchange, mixed it up.

"Um, Mr. General. But for example. There are times when a couple come as customers and the woman seems to want more praise from the man with them - right? What if it is?

Hmm. Phil has a boulder uplift. In that case, this arm will also be tested.

"That's if a man seems to be his wife, don't make a subtle talk up from this side. I put up a place where women might want to look and say," What do you think? 'Or' Beautiful, isn't it? 'or taking it to a stream as easy as possible for a man to opinionate. "

"... uh, I mean, the woman wants the man to compliment her,"

I nodded even more at Phil's gaze for something.

"That sort of thing. You shouldn't be overlapping words with men. Of course, be careful not to praise the man about other women. When you get drunk, you get mixed up with other female customers."

"Right. That woman doesn't like it if a man praises another woman."

To Phil's sharp penetration, I said I was a little happy.

"Yes, it is, Phil. So the bartender doesn't mean you should praise him at all times in the flow of the story. Especially Phil, who has a little more words when he gets drunk, so we need to be careful there. When no one else is around, you're the only one who says this, creating something special like that."

"............... not on purpose. Right."

"... hmm?

Phil, who had just mentioned it from a sharp point of view, clouded the word at the end.

I wish I looked happier because I didn't say anything wrong.

"Phil, it's not like that. Because you don't have to be weird."

"... well, if Sally says so. But you look great in those clothes."

"Thanks for the compliment"

The twins said to each other with a slightly more amusing look on their faces.

I just snorted in the face.

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