[Saratoga Cooler] and [Boston Cooler] are similar.

'Cooler' is one of the styles of cocktails in the first place.

It is a method of adding acidity such as lemon and lime to the base liquor (base) and sweetness such as syrup, and adding it up with carbonated beverages such as soda and ginger ale.

Broadly speaking, something [Moscow Mule] based on vodka would also mean a cooler-style cocktail.

And if I take it narrowly, I don't put syrup in what I made this time, so it also means it's not cooler style.

It's not hard to have a strict definition of the first name that matters or the recipe changes in the process of spreading the cocktail.

Nevertheless, if it comes with the same 'cooler', something that somewhat resembles it.

This [Saratoga Cooler] and [Boston Cooler] can also be said to be so.

Alcohol ─ In this case, there is the presence or absence of 'potion' and the difference between lemon and lime, but the taste is similar.

But other than that, these two have interesting things in common.

"Saratoga and Boston are places in my world, in America."

To my explanation, Mr. Oyaji was listening to the bonkers.

"It seems unclear why those names were given. Either way first, it's not even like that. It's just, it's similar, but no. That's good. It's funny."

That's what cocktails are for.

Even the slightest difference changes the name.

There are even a lot of cocktails that change their name because of the presence or absence of salt, just floating liqueurs, or the difference in the brands of base liquor (base).

The difference isn't great, but it's decidedly different as a cocktail.

The cocktail world is determined by about 60ml to 200ml.

It wouldn't be hard to imagine how significant just 1 ml in such a trace world would mean.

"... 'Similar, but not. That's good'? You're a weird guy."

Listening to my words, Mr. Oyaji said while making his eyes slightly oblivious.

In addition to the booze, the potion came around and he seemed to feel pretty good.

"He's really weird. I'm not expanding my world. It's not like claiming to exist. And yet it blends into the field at some point. When you realize it, stay there, and the world will spread. This store, which I've been protecting for years on my own, will be moved with a lot of kids if I find out. Really, he's weird. You are."

"Weird guy, isn't that a compliment?

"Weird guy, in a good way"

"Because if you give it a good meaning, you're not allowed to do anything"

After listening to my protest as a matter of course, Mr. Oyaji began to count his fingerprints.

"I was just alone the whole time, and Rye helped me out first. A little while later, Sui came home. If you thought that was my point of arrival, then you came."

Mr. Oyaji stops just a little when he puts up four fingers and connects ahead from there.

"You immediately drew Iberis in. A little later, Bergamo and Corsica were to be involved. After that, it's Phil and Sally. How dare you gather so many non-human beings?"

That's certainly true when you ask me.

Not that I was aware of it, but this store seemed to turn into a bit of a human race bump.

"It wouldn't be like this if it was a regular shop, would it? There are a lot of egalitarians just talking, but guys like me who really don't care about race don't. If it comes with you, instead of caring, you seem a little happy, so I don't know."

"I don't care if I say so. From me, you know, dog ears, they're just cute."

"... fuck you"

Mr. Oyaji was laughing somewhat happily as he slapped his hatred.

While I wonder how that reacts, I say to the current state of the store.

"I'm telling you, there's me and the Vermuts, so you're still a majority human being."

"... No, you didn't."

Mr. Oyaji suddenly narrowed his eyes a little.

After those words, which are profound, you peek into my eyes.

"Huh? What?

"How much do you know about the race in this world?

Asked, I spun my thoughts a little bit.

This neighborhood was also on the materials we checked in the library.

race. Let's say in this case it refers to a human-type

First of all, humans are the most numerous species in this country. Even the world unit should certainly have had the largest population.

Next, the beast race. More species in regions of the South than here. Because there are species that combine elements of various animals, the number of each species is there, but if added together, the next most common species in humans.

Later, the drone. It is dotted everywhere and the total number is not clear. You sure it's a lot to the north? It is also said to have originally come from different worlds seen from this world, a species that uses supernatural forces different from magic to move machines.

Other species, such as vampires and ghosts, are human, but close to demons and demons. They may be hostile to humans or dominate humans, but they can generally communicate with the will.

What else could it have been?

I remembered one race where I thought it would be.

"Speaking of which, are there elves or something?"

"You knew."

"Well, it's kind of synonymous with the fantasy world."


Alongside dwarves and hobbits, they are considered populists.

Well, I don't know about the elves in this world.

They're not much different from people, except for the fact that they have long ears and basically longer lives than people.

However, because we have developed a culture different from that of humans, do you think that our perception of magic or our view of nature is different?

You think you belong to a minority race living away from humans because of the circumstances around it?

Where my head is headed in that direction, Mr. Oyaji said quietly.

"Then talk fast. Sui and Rai are not pure people. I'm drawing elf blood from my mother."

Well, I didn't immediately understand what they said about the way they seemed to talk about anything.

"... Huh? What are you talking about?

"Talia... their mother is what they call a half-elf. I guess those guys are gonna mean quarters."


I was losing my word.

I didn't believe that abrupt confession or anything like that.

Mr. Oyaji's sudden intention to start telling such serious facts has yet to be read.

"Didn't you think it was weird? I don't know about your world, but I don't want to be blue-haired in this world anyway."

"... No, I wonder why it's different worlds"

While I was telling you, I was remembering the people I met in this world.

Black, red tea, gold, silver in ash and green, and white, etc.

Indeed, a blue-haired human had no idea but a sui.

"Speaking of which, when we first met, I overheard it."

"... say it"

"I didn't think when Sui explained his race to me, I wondered if Sui was human"

"... I want to. You said something far-fetched. Hey."

Mr. Oyaji seeped a slight grump in his frightened face.

But now I can understand the reason for Mr. Oyaji's face and what Sui meant when he clouded his words.

If her blue hair is a symbol of rarity in this world. I'm sure I haven't had any good thoughts before.

So it seemed like the right choice to praise the hair, although it was aggressive.

"Well, you can imagine. He's been a jerk for a long time. That's from that ginula shit."

"Ah. Sounds like it."

I was a little frustrated with Guinura, but what else?

He just seems like the type of kid you like.

"But Sui has always felt good. I used to do it again every time. Ever since Viola and I started to twitch, it's even worse. Who the hell does he look like?"


"That sounds like something to say, doesn't it?

"No, not at all"

Hmm, whatever you think, I guess it's decided to resemble Mr. Oyaji.

I don't talk about the obvious. Because I'm an adult.

"Whatever, Rye wasn't so much because Sui and Viola were giving him a stare that way. So he grew up a lot more relaxed than his sister."

"Ah. You two have a much different personality because of that."

"Most of all, I love you both. I'm not going to tell you which is cuter. Just."


I caught a glimpse of a number of rounds in Mr. Oyaji's eyes when he cut the words.

During the tour, Mr. Oyaji mentioned this for a reason.

So I waited for the word when I was ready.

"... but that's why Sui is here. I really want to be much sweeter than Rye. It may not look that way on the surface."

"... it's..."

"He lost his mother at an early age. So, I've lived with care the whole time. He came running for the potion store to save his mother. That's why I can't honestly be sweet with someone I can forgive."

I'm just a little bit convinced, recalling Sue's usual attitude.

She sucks at asking.

If you want something, but you can't honestly tell me you want it, and you don't give it to me, I'm mad.

I make such emotional expressions.

If I give it back, I want you to realize it. I want you to understand why you're angry, broadly and gently. That doesn't want to be sweet, what is it?

"The guy, his hair was a complex. The truth is, even now, you care. But in all seriousness, you've always wanted me to admit it. Not just your hair, but your hair shows you who you are."

Mr. Oyaji's voice sounded low.

I'm worried about Sui.

Mr. Oyaji continues his conversation with a sharp eye.

"So I told you this story. You know?"

I nodded quietly at the question.

"Mr. Oyaji, haven't you seen me sweetly?

"... Am I?

"Have I ever put on anything and treated Sui or Rai differently? Have you done anything weird to distance yourself from them?

In a resurrected salute, I asked Mr. Oyaji.

I kind of get what Mr. Oyaji is trying to say.

He's trying me out, determined to take a step.

Knowing the difference between races, knowing where I stand, so I wonder how I'm going to move.

If so, I will have to answer such questions with anger.

"I'm the one who's been living with you for months. I went out with Corsica to Iberis, Bergamo and Phil. Did you do anything special against them? I shouldn't have. Then you'll see."


"It doesn't change anything that Sui or Rai have been notified that they are not human now. That doesn't change my impression of her. She asked me for something, and I couldn't possibly refuse it."

To my powerful remarks, Mr. Oyaji falls slightly under pressure.

"I mean, you care about Suey, okay?

Mr. Oyaji says to me to explore.


"... oops"

I grasp my fist and go one step further and say:

"Of course, it's not just Suey!

"... Oops?

Mr. Oyaji looked confused at my height of consciousness.

Against him, I draw conclusions in an even stronger tone.

"I... we, the Easys and Swiss potion shops, will continue to unite and spread cocktails around the world! So don't worry! From the beginning, my heart is not going to be trapped at the end of the day!


When I spoke in good faith, Mr. Oyaji was only slightly disappointed.

... Why not.

What kind of dissatisfaction do you have with my passion for cocktails?

"... if it's true, you can almost fail him. I'll spare you this booze and make it a critical point."

Saying, Mr. Oyaji took [Boston Cooler] and included a bite.

I closed my eyes to indulge in the flavor and said, as it were, quietly.

"If you're not going to keep your distance weirdly, that's fine. I don't care what I say, I guess. It's up to you guys."


The question got obsessed in me, but it seemed like the end of the story there.

I mean, I guess the future of me and the cocktail is good because it's bright.

When I get drunk, I tend to have a lot more words and behavior and thinking.

I also decided to settle down with a bite of [Boston Cooler].

Fluffy aromas are the aroma of lemon skin and the raw irritation that gives ginger ale - ginger spiciness.

I take it personally that these two combinations match just as well as the Lime and Tonic combinations.

Included in the mouth, the tongue, stimulated by a slightly weaker carbonation, feels the laid back acidity of the lemon.

This entrance is where the syrup rounds up, but this time it spreads as the lemon freely jumps through his tongue.

The sweetness and spiciness of the ginger ale that follows is pleasant.

The addition of acidity to ginger ale, a dry flavour, makes the incision sharp and the original sweetness is then accentuated.

By analogy, a weapon with low attack power but wind attributes has that effect in a dungeon with many enemies with wind attribute weaknesses... No, it's not. I'll start over a little.

For the analogy, the windy skin chills in the wilderness. Stronger winds evoked the feeling that the warmth of the blanket could be felt even more.

If you mix even a drop of syrup here, the impression will change. Even with the same pedigree, the drama on the tongue changes dramatically.

Thus, the liquid that ran through the wilderness called the tongue finally spreads and peeks behind it.

The sweet, weighty potion characteristic of 'Salam', not found in [Saratoga Cooler], begins snugly and gradually compresses the tongue.

The image of the 'liquor', which spread loosely, eventually disappears quietly, drifting with adult tannins, different from the juice.

Lemon, Ginger, and 'Salam'.

The wave of flavours folded over the three layers finally represents the answer just past the throat.

But the last thing left on my tongue is really the bitterness of lemon skin.

Then the taste rushed my lips with another bite.

"I really am. There's got to be a lot of complaints, but this whole cup is gonna get me deluded."

"I only have cocktails."


I said it slightly with Nihil in mind, and Mr. Oyaji gave me a slight crush.

"If I had time to dress up, I'd just get to the next one. Oh?

"Huh? You already drank!?

His swing, only the lemon swayed quietly in the empty glass.

The ice that makes noise with Karan is like a bell that tells visitors.

Mr. Oyaji is the only one who rings that bell today, and I'm the only one who responds to it.

Apparently, me and Mr. Oyaji's drinking party just lasted a little longer...


"Both of you. Until this hour, don't come home, what are you doing? Hey?"

Me and Mr. Oyaji move Gigi and his neck back.

My blue hair was shaking at the edge of my vision.

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