I'm not convinced.

What I blurred was about how to make the Advo bird miss.

In front of me like that, Corsica was stroking the bird for fun.

Aside from the one that was facing us, the other that was our turn is lightly nostalgic to her, surrounded by a big bird and the dog-eared girl looks happy.

Near her, Rye, completely reconciled with the bird, and the innocent boys with viola, are very naturally in the ring.

Phil and Sally, who should be close in age, looked worried nearby about what was going on.

The method of making the Advo bird miss is simple.

Get close to the Advo birds and show them the food first. In this case, it is desirable to be a favourite of Advo birds.

And I'll try that myself. To relieve their vigilance, they first eat it themselves and show it's not poisonous.

Then pass it to the Advo bird so that it throws its food up.

Advo, come closer when the bird is caught and facing up, and touch your chin.

That's it.

Touching the chin seems to be a gesture of affection for Advo birds, who have also received food to forgive their hearts?

"I mean, how do you know that?

Viola visits Bergamo on the side, staring hatefully at a bird who can play with a girl just like me.

"In my village of birth, Advo birds were familiar demons, I wonder. It's going to be a ride, and it's going to be a number one bird because you're so vigilant. And then it turns into food."

Now is the time to adapt to the city, brothers and sisters of the Beast, but was born in a wilder place, speaking of which.

And that doesn't matter now, what matters is the 'food' part.

"Sometimes, Mr. Bergamo. There's one thing I'd like to visit."

"What the hell, total. It's creepy to change. I mean, I'm afraid of my eyes."

What exactly scares me of my eyes burning in this expectation?

Not to mention that disrespectful response, I'll keep an eye on Bergamo and visit.

"Have you ever eaten Mr. Advo Bird's eggs?

"What an approximate tone. Well, I do."

"Do you have one!?


Bergamo turns a surprise when I visit with my shoulder grasped.

"What did it taste like?

"Ah, oh. I don't know what it tastes like, right? Eggs are eggs, but they're sweeter. It's like a mixture of sugar and honey, and then I feel a little fluffy and magical."


To his response, I thought it was more than half what I imagined.


As mentioned, liqueurs with eggs as raw materials, originating in the Netherlands.

Intense, thick and very sweet. It is an interesting liqueur with a pleasant custard-like aroma.

There are two famous theories about the origin of that name.

One is derived from The Avocado Fruit. There was an intense beverage originally made by the Dutch with avocados, and the theory was that this was what immigrants who moved to South America made with eggs instead of avocados.

In this case, it is assumed that 'Advocate' is based on Dutch meaning 'Avocado fruit'.

The other derives from 'lawyers'. I took the theory that drinking this egg liquor, born in Holland, makes my tongue spin like a lawyer.

Apparently 'Advocate' in this case will mean 'lawyer' as it is.

Either way, it doesn't matter if it's an egg-liquor-style liqueur born in the Netherlands.

That's how you came to me in this other world.

"So, Mr. Bergamo. Advo, what does bird spawning look like?

Visit Bergamo, who I watch lightly with a pull, while I'm really just a little excited.

He went on to preface "sure" after a few thoughts.

"I think it was the flow of laying eggs after spring, making a turn about the beginning and end of winter and building a nest by the end of spring. The wild ones."

"... Well, that's right"

Yes. Birds usually raise children from spring to summer, which is a mild environment, it seems.

So catching my turn at this time of year didn't mean I could worship an egg instantly.

I wasn't expecting it, but I was only slightly discouraged by the information.

Bergamo is worried about me like that, but I don't have the energy to answer that.

"Well, even if you don't, Advo birds, they give birth about once a month"

"... ho, is that true!?

When Gabba and I woke up, Bergamo pulled back.

"Ooh. The kid tries to snack on the egg about spring, and he opens the one that's about to become a hina. Gross and so angry that it's traumatic"


I see. Sperm and uncircumcised eggs?

Spring and summer are breeding seasons, so if it's sperm eggs by then.

And when there's a tragedy.

Or the ecology around it feels like a demon. Is there also a relationship that deals with magic and is it ecologically different from a normal bird? I'm not familiar with bird eggs, so I can't say much.

"Then I saw the tragedy and Corsica avoided it."

"Is that this sense of distance?"

Next to the mystery of my demon bird, Bergamo added small.

As opposed to being a familiar bird, there is a difference in distance between Corsica and Bergamo.


Corsica raised her voice abruptly as she watched.

She sends a modest glance over here. Looks like he's asking Bergamo for help.

"What's the matter?

"Brother! This kid's about to give birth!


I was just a little excited.

No, if I confess, I think I was pretty excited.

"Well, let's do it"

Then a moment later.

I was in the farmer's kitchen, wrapping my arms around him.

Advo bird eggs were, imaginatively, that of the ostrich.

And I borrowed that egg and broke it without hesitation, believing it was an inert egg.

And when you mix the yellow and white that came out, you get a sweet smell of thickness that you don't think is an egg. I'm sure the principle is, if you don't ask Sui, you won't know.

And where they mixed just fine, I 'ammunitioned' the liquid.

Drop ammo in the last empty bottle you were bringing, and I'll disarm you.

From one egg, roughly 750 ml bottles, two liqueurs were made.

That's the Advocate I have now.

"Hehe. I knew you'd find it so convenient."

I'll stroke the light yellow liquid from the outside of the bottle, which fits in my hand.

From now on, we need to expand the scope of the investigation beyond knowing that the demon has something to do with liqueurs.

"Phil, take a look. That's the face of the man who sold his soul to the cocktail. I totally think of booze as a lover or something. Phil can't do that."

"Sally. You're telling me to sound deliberate, aren't you?

Two voices brought in as assistants, beside the bottle I was inadvertently looking at.

I, as always, send a slightly harsh gaze at Sally for lack of courtesy.

"Sally. Have you finished warming the milk?

"Not yet. This amount will take a little while."

At the same time, Sally is heating the milk she received from a nearby ranch in a large pot she borrowed.

A few litres of milk inside. Because this time it bothered a lot of people, so I decided to put it together and act massively.

What? Naturally, a cocktail.

"Ma, it will be soon. Then Phil needs help weighing Advocate over here"


I gave Phil one of the bottles I could, and alongside me, they set up a major cup.

At the desk in front of you, more than twenty mugs are aligned.

"The portions are in 45 ml. Pretty thick, so watch how the liquid moves and predict capacity."

"Oh, I see."

While I was telling you, I went into work ahead of Phil.

Grab a bottle in your right hand and a major cup in your left hand and tilt the pour slowly.

Even normal liqueurs can feel thickened if they are sugary.

Advocate, however, is not their ratio.

The liquid, zero from the pour, slowly fills the major cup as if it were sand from the hourglass, making it feel viscous. The colour is yellow, even more so.

Be careful when you cut the bottle. Since the speed at which it is poured is slow, watching the major cups with the usual senses can inadvertently overpour it.

I was slightly confused at first by the feeling I hadn't had in a long time, too, but I quickly regained my senses.

"Wow, wow."

"Philoo. Slow and good."

Phil, standing next to me, seemed to have zeroed a little from the first cup only if it was his first experience.

"Look, we're going on and on. I'm keeping you waiting."


While I rush such a fill, I pour liquid into the mug one after the other.

Sally looked a little resentful at me and Phil like that.

"Why am I warming up my milk when Phil is helping me pour it?

"That's because Phil has more skill."

"............ chi"

When I made myself clear, Sally threw up just a little less funny.

But it's true.

So far, in terms of cocktail technology, Phil is one step ahead of Sally.

It is also because it is originally a serious temperament. On the face of it, cocktail stability increases. Makes practice serious.

Most importantly, it's Phil in cocktail technology, but Sally wins in terms of customer service.

Especially if you're bad enough, you're faster than me.

These two are twins, but their personalities are split up beautifully.

Having said that, I thought I'd comfort Sally in her infidelity, but I stopped.

Let's praise it when it's done well.

Now, if you feel sorry for me, I want you to practice for me.

Before I leave, even a little.

"Thank you for waiting"

"" I did!

When Sally's milk warmed up in good shape, we put an Advocate poured mug in the basin and left the kitchen. Sally carries the large pot with care.

As soon as I went out the front door, a lot of people were gathering around the table I had prepared to talk to.

A member of our shop and the face of the Knights, and the family of the farmer who loaned them a place for it, were colluding on the spot.

After I apologize for keeping them waiting like that, I spread the mug on the table.

I'm sure you don't know what it is. There's just a build-up of yellow viscous liquid on the bottom of the inconsistent mug.

After confirming the facade, which seemed unusual, his last role gave way to Sally.

"Bye, Sally. I think it's about 100ml, so a cup and a half. Pour it on each mug."

"I get it!

Standing at the winter entrance, the slightly cooler afternoon.

Hot milk poured from a large pan gives you a soft scented hot air.

From the poured end, me and Phil stir the contents with a bar spoon. Waiting may cause the eggs to solidify due to the heated milk.

Eventually, where the mug was all mixed up and cut, I told him.

"This is [Advocate Eggnog]. While you're warm."

As long as it was in my voice, Rye and Bergamo first... the shop faces reach out.

Caught by it, the people gathered here reached for the cup thoughtfully.

A milky liquid filled with a soft fragrance of milk and a sweet smell like custard was waiting to be drunk all over the cup.

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