I've heard a lot about what potion is in the first place and its explanation from Sui and the people around me.

It's a concept that wasn't my world, but this world is equipped with something called magic for almost everything. Of course, to humans.

So, the magic is total quantity, the quantity of individual attributes, the tendency or aptitude is individualized and fragmented.

And when they are lacking, they cause physical discomfort and result in a state of 'magic deficiency'. The result is said to be death at worst.

The 'potion' is the means to replenish its magic from the outside.

"Potion" allows you to stop the loss of magic that you can't make in natural recovery, or do magic doping when using magic.

But quality potions are pricey.

As a result, not enough potion goes to poor humans. As a result, people who lose their magic powers by engaging demons and the like sometimes lose their lives.

It was awesome to have opened an inexpensive potion store to see if I could manage the end of it.

She hoped to save one or more human beings whose lives would be lost because of poverty.

However, inexpensive potions are still of poor quality. Trial and error in trying to do something about it makes the quality even worse. She was haunted by such a vicious circle.

That's when I went to Sui's potion store and I was' skipped '.

I didn't know anything about potions. I followed my tongue to see potions in booze.

And it was Potion's "Cocktail" that made it.

It was a magical potion with a time limit, made by multiplying cheap materials with cheap ones.

Now, one of those 'cocktails' has brought us together is the head of a potion store called 'White Oak' - Mr. Appalachian.

I tell him about 'cocktails' and real world 'maturation' know-how, and he tells me about 'potions' and 'maturation' in this world.

With that promise, he was supposed to leave the store and head to 'White Oak' for training.

Except I didn't know there was another companion on that journey.

"How the hell did I end up in the carriage with you?"


Would it have been about an hour since the carriage left?

Me and Guinura, lucky enough to ride together, but the behavior was in contrast.

I don't care about him as much as I can. The carriage does not reach its destination in one day. Either way, if I'm dealing with him, I'm exhausted before I get there.

And I think that Guinura is going to beat the crap out of me while I care about this one.

Do you want me to take care of it, or are you restless without a conversation? I'm slightly irritated by the words coming out of my mouth, as I recall.

"You know, what's it been since just now?

But I hear Iberis was more annoying than me.

She stares at Guinura, who has been releasing words to me under pressure that doesn't suit her small physique.

"Hey, what is it? I'm talking to Yugiri now. [M] Pull in."

No, you're not talking about it. What are you talking about? You.

Guinura is a little frightened but relaxes when she looks at Iberis. Oh, my God, he saw it sweet because it was a little girl.

That's how I looked at Sally sweetly before this and I was scared to death. You're a guy who doesn't learn.

Iberis gets up all the time and approaches Guinura with a deliberate smile with Nico. I thought so, the next moment I was grabbing Gui and Guinura's chest barn.

To that so smooth move, neither me nor Guinura seemed to understand what had happened just for a moment.

"If you're too loud, you might throw it outside"

Mr. Iberis. When you're sitting on the counter at our store, you're a lot quicker this time, even though you're tolerant of all the rumblings of the jerks.

No, I also know she's mad at me for replacing me.

"Hey, let go!

"I wonder if it's loud"

Guinura finally takes a heavy look at things and tries to peel Iberis' hand off, but Iberis' hand is frightening.

She is very powerful when she looks like this. At least, in pure muscle strength without magic, no one in the store's official rivals her.

"Stop it, Iberis."


'Cause I don't give a shit.

If I hadn't stopped it like this, I would have really thrown it out of the carriage, so I stopped quietly.

Iberis seems a little uncomfortable, but reluctantly releases his hand. As it was, he calmed down next to me, originally sitting in a worse mood.

Guinura strokes her breasts down in a ho and fixes the clothes mess. I had no choice but to speak up before then because I was going to say, "This is it at all, so the poor are".

"... So, what are you trying to say from earlier?

"Ha, you finally heard a reply. I thought you were an incomprehensible primitive."

"... so why do you have to be hateful?"

He said he'd ruined it by following him. Now, don't look a little happy. Is it okay after all?

Iberis stood still again, and Guinura freaked out. I'll keep it down.

Cough with Ohon, Guinura says as she corrects her spine.

"Well, that's what I want to hear. I wonder why you were invited to this carriage to White Oak."

"I had a promise since I left. I don't have a basic understanding of potions, so I was wondering if we could exchange views on aging potions and come to training."

I told him only the answer succinctly.

And Guinura replies, "Hmm."

"Well, surely a man like you who can only mix potions should learn the dignity of potions once and for all"

Ginulla says with her gaze from above, like she laughs with her nose all the time.

This guy really... next time Iberis reacts, shall I give him a look?

"Yes, sir. So, why is Guinura here?

"Well done. You asked!

Now when I asked her a question, Ginula stood up rattled and smiled with a joyful smile.

"I am sooner or later the man who stands with 'Aurantiaca' on his back. He was sent to exchange views with" White Oak "as a representative of" Aurantiaca "at the beginning, in the words of his father, who said he should go through all sorts of things as a young man! As a delegate, this is me!

"Heh. That's amazing"

It's a good word to hear, and I hope it wasn't physically thrown into martial arts training or something.

And, I decided to keep my thoughts to mind as they were.

But Guinura also seems to have some anxiety about her new life.

He flips out of such a magnificent attitude just now and peeks at my complexion as I shrink my shoulders just a little bit.

"As, well, that's it. If you say so, you can keep me company even when I get to White Oak. If you need to ask me something about the potion, can I tell you something special?

Heh, that's amazing. And I almost answered without thinking about it.

Iberis turned to me and said out of the blue, "What is this guy saying from earlier?," he asks.

I said, "This is the kind of guy I am," I answered with a quick glance, and then, uh, I sighed.

"If you need anything, thank you."

"Oh well! Well, I guess so. I can't help it. I have no choice but to thank you!

To my warm words, Guinura let her face shine.

No, this guy, he's too pathetic. What, are you hungry to hang out with people?

I'll lead you through Guinura just a little bit, but, well, I don't care.

"So, hey, would you be quiet?"

"Become, fu, fu. Well, that would be good. I have to pack too."

So come on.

As much as they told me to shut up, why do I feel a little hurt?

You're really delicate, little animal-like. He's a little animal with a big attitude.

Nevertheless, Guinura was finally grown up when he started packing and doing things.

Shortly after I thought maybe, Guinura approached me with a slightly confused face.

"... what's going on?

"No. Somehow, in my luggage, there was a letter addressed to you"

"... from whom?

"From your father."

I received the letter with a slightly unpleasant feeling.

Guinura's father, Mr. Heliconia, is doing better too. I had quite a few parts accommodated, such as the trading route for the demonic grass system potion.

So if he asked me to do something, I'd like to ask him if I can, but... oh, I see.

"What? What? What kind of content?"

Iberis peeks in as she was starting to get bored early on her carriage journey.

I spread the letter so that she could see it, because it was fine to show it to people.

In summary,

"I threw Guinura into martial arts training with a good word to hear, so I want you to see it not crumble if you like"

It was a request.

Apparently, it was Mr Heliconia's kindness that Guinura rode here.

"Phew... Phew... Hmm"

Guinura also seems to be concerned about the contents of the letter again, but she also seems to think it is uncomfortable to hear it in person.

He's watching me with a flicker as he continues to pack and do things.

I fold the letter and just say one word to Guinura.

"Live strong."

"... wait, what do you mean?

"That's the word."

I didn't see any more words to call.

Well, it's about Guinura, so I'm kind of gonna do it right.

"Hmm, well good. I'm done packing, and yugiri. Because of this, let me tell you something funny. Say it."

Listening to Guinura's demands, I see a blurry view flowing through the window.

I brought in some books in my spare time, but with Guinura here, I might not need that spare time.

Oh, Iberis. So throw it out for me another time.

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