The current location is inside Iberis' room. Even though the intervals are no different from my room, I find myself dissatisfied with the fact that I only have one bed.

But thanks to that, I was able to take up space, and I was able to talk a lot to the machine in front of me.

"You've been flying a lot since day one."

"Could be"

I returned it with a little reflection to the squeaky voice I heard from the speaker. She won't see me in trouble, but she won't get through either.

"I really don't see it when it comes to cocktails."

"No, that's not it."

"Isn't that all?

"... sorry, right"

I don't know what's going on over here either, but it seems to me that Sui, who is supposed to be talking to me, is in good hands.

But it's a little embarrassing to say more than that.

I thought so, but some people thought it might be interesting.

"Total is a spring. I was mad because Sui was being ridiculed!


You shouted out from behind me, Iberis.

The voice seems to have been compressed with magic and sent to the other speaker connecting this machine, with nothing to block it.

'Oh, yeah. Phew, hmm.'

"No, well, there was no reason to be ridiculed,"

I'm pretty sure I got angry, and I'm not wrong to say that in the honor of Sui.

But when I put that into words again, there's still something really nasty about it.

"But leave that alone. I just want to say one thing."

Sui coughed to cover up a little and said.

"I, that [keel], I haven't had a drink yet."

"... No, because this is a" cocktail that uses alcohol "that we don't serve in the store... and we use wine for ingredients..."

"I've never had a drink."

Feeling like this voice, are you pretty frustrated? Or is it a blackout?

Yeah, there's still limits to communication if you can't see the look on your face anymore.

For one thing, I'm going to take action on either one of them.

"I get it. Is Phil here?

'... ah, yes'

Speaking up, he probably turns into Phil who was listening to us in the back.

"I'll verbally pass on the recipe, so make it for me"

'Huh? Ha, ha'

The voice of Phil the Machine Ladder was heard bewildered. This is easy to understand and you seem to see the usual troubled grin.

"Even the recipe is easy. Cassis, you have liqueur, right? You can mix that and white wine from one to four to one to nine, if you like. The glass is a wine glass and no ice is allowed. To keep the wine also in the fridge with the cassis in order to cool it"

'... uh, okay, but'


Maybe I won't make it.

It was a rare, clear rejection for Phil.

While I'm having a little fun, I ask why.

"Uh, why? It's not a difficult cocktail that's important to the white-wine eye."

'I'm not. I'm sure Sui wants the general to make that cocktail. That's why I don't make it. "

"... uh, no, you"

Seriously, that's why?

Is that why you're a little embarrassed?

"Right, Mr. Suey?"

'... well, if you don't mind, the...'

"No, sir."

You seem to see a grin of dusty Phil.

Phil has had a bit more of this kind of push since Sally and I started letting him stand in the store more recently than ever.

Until now, you've left it up to me to judge, and I can tell you that I'm starting to make good decisions myself.

It's a good trend, but when the spear is pointed at me, I get in trouble.

"... If that's the case, Sue, will you wait?

"...... n"

Short affirmative voice.

At least it looks like the best cocktail I'll ever make when I get back to the store.

Hehe, and Phil's voice continued after a gentle laugh came out of it.

And Sally. Don't be musty earlier, why don't you join the conversation for a little while?

"Buffy! Nothing, because I'm not musty!

'That's what I say, but look, you said you wanted to ask me something in sales.'

Apparently, there's Sally in addition to Suey and Phil over there.

It seems that Sally was urged by Phil to head over to the call in such a way as reluctantly.

'You're still a restless master. Absolutely nothing to be ashamed of as an apprentice.'

"I'm sorry. I thought you wanted to ask me something."

"Oh, the, uh"

Still don't work on Sally slapping the haters and just move on.

of, but Sally cages her mouth as if she were in a little hurry there.

"... what you want to hear, right, uh, in business, something"

"Maybe you really just wanted to talk to me, but you didn't have a reason to, because you seem ashamed to want it to work out, so do the right thing."

'That's not true! The general's a badass!

I felt Sally, who bent her navel firmly, could be visioned. At that usual rate, I smile naturally, too.

That's right. Nothing will change.

If we don't meet face-to-face and have the same conversation as usual, our relationship is the same.

I don't mean to change anything because I figured out who likes it, who cares.

It's better if I care weirdly and change my response.

"Come on, you pretty apprentice."

'... was it now a nuance you made a complete fool of yourself?

"Let It Be Imagined"

'Is that your attitude toward disciples who are keeping the store healthy!

"Is that your attitude toward the master who is in training for the store!

It's the usual selling word. An exchange where Sally makes a decisive mistake after this and I just minus the point.

Even so, a lot of silence is pinched.

If it was usual, you'd hear noisy objections here.

When I was wondering, Sally's uplifting authenticity leaked just a little.

'... nothing. The store is fine though. Without the general, after all, it's just a little, quiet. Just train and come back.'

"... don't say anything that's going to make you homesick"

Just a little bit, there was a soggy atmosphere.

Sally hurries up and speaks up to fix it.

"Rye said that! Even so, it feels weird not to be here!

"This is Sally. I don't think it's a good idea to blame people, huh?

I also heard a voice clearly pointing at Rye's lips.

Oh, my God, these guys, how long have we been gathered in front of this machine?

"But total. I do miss you a little, don't forget! That we're working hard over here, too!

'That's right, total! You've increased the number of visitors to the store! Don't disappoint your customers, make up your mind and come back!

"Ah, Bergamo! Not yet in order!

'That's right! Mind the details!

Following Rye's voice, I can also hear Bergamo. The sight of the two fighting for a place in front of the machine also comes to my attention.

It hasn't been days since I left the store, but it's not like they're making a scene.

I say with a touch of heat in my chest.

"Something, thank you. If you think everyone's going to wait, you're going to be able to do your best over here."

My voice sounded quiet.

I see signs of people moving across the machine on purpose, and they respond to my words.

I'm not waiting for you.

"... you don't have that, Mr. Oyaji"

After my words, across the machine, on this side, it was well understood that the gathering people laughed.

Even you, Mr. Oyaji, were gathered in front of the machine.

For the record, I asked Sui what '2,000 Years of Witches' is.

'And I don't. I don't know, but who told you that?

"No, well, with the wind rumors"

'Yes. Never look into it. Because it's absolute!

I was pretended before.

So next time, I thought I'd ask Albao.

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