I was going to watch Sui and know quite a bit about how magical research was being carried out. Because Sui used the proper magic formation and ingredients to do things he didn't understand well.

But when I actually ask, it impresses me that it was nothing like what I thought it was.

I also figured out what Sui used to mean when he said 'my way is not for 10,000 people'.

"So have you figured out the basic theory of magic?

"I understand too much, yes"

With Albao's cordial explanation, I was accidentally being respectful.

The current location is Holly Laboratory, corner of. Put something like a blackboard there, and Albao will give me all kinds of lectures.

By the way, Guinura was taken somewhere as a chore and I don't know what's ahead.

In order to know the basics of potion, it was necessary first to know the magical foundations of this world.

Albao was dismayed that I had no knowledge of the area at all, but he explained it politely.

It's magical in this world, and there are only two important elements that form the backbone.

One, just like that, magic power.

This is, well, talking about the total amount of 'demonic power' that is personal, spatial, and various things have.

It's commonly said that high MP is a story around here.

That and the other is magical aptitude.

This seems to be about the 'shape' - habit - of the magic an individual has.

So, because each human has a reference magic amount to prepare for that body, its small and large determines its magical talent.

Next, they have a magical aptitude, whereby a magical tendency or disorientation is selected.

Magic is a technology that gives definition to magic and makes it powerful.

To be a wizard, it takes its absolute power and taste, two talents.

Albao told me that easily.

For once, I've been briefed by Sue.

It derails in the middle of teaching, and the key thing is that it can be conveyed by feeling, and the part of the branch leaves that is not the backbone is somewhat familiar, and it didn't come into my head at all.

I myself, I would have never been a wizard. Sui was pushing my heartbeat, so I guess I wasn't in it.

"I don't know what you're impressed with, but is it good?

"It's perfect."

Thumbs up a lot to Dr. Albao. He nodded yeah and went into the next story.

"Now let's move on to the 'potion' overview that you better understand."

The lecture went into the next phase.

"I'll check again, but you're from Sui's shop, so good for you?

"I am, though. You know Sui?

"... well, I'll talk to you when I'm done"

When he gave Sui's name, Albao looked slightly more difficult.

But now I think I thought the explanation for the potion would come first.

"So, how was Sui making potions?

"Here's how it feels to do the Demon Stone properly and normally fuse it into water"

"Well, to tell the truth, mostly because it's her original magic. I want you to forget it for a second."


It was suddenly a stunning fact. It seems that the method of making potions that we have seen so close so far was not Kings Road.

"The way you make potions basically doesn't change. It's called fusing demonic stones with water. The potion is characterized by a 'pure mass of magic' removed from the demonic stone. So humans can use 'potion' to incorporate magic into their bodies"

Talk about magic power and magical aptitude. You don't have to think hard.

The potion is a pure mass of magic without magical aptitude.

So he said he could take it in without rebelling against his personal aptitude.

"But in fact, the only ingredient in Demon Stone is magic. It's not. Generally speaking, it's 70% magic, and the other 30% is' something I don't know '."

"What's 'something I don't understand'?

"I really don't know. What hasn't been figured out yet"

... Well, even though there is such a strange substance as Demon Stone in the first place, and there is a mixture of things in it that I don't understand further, I can't complain.

"So, this' I don't know 'thing is clearly considered an unnecessary impurity for' potion '. The content of this impurity leads to the difference in the value of the Demon Stone as it is"

"You mean the more expensive demon stones there are the less' things I don't know '?


The price of demon stones, quality?

I kind of figured out what kind of demon stone Sui usually uses.

"So, in making potions, it takes a lot of effort to get rid of that 'don't know' thing. I guess the goal is to apply a variety of catalysts and magical procedures to make 'what you don't know' less than 10% of the total."

"... Hmm"

"At this point, you may say that the price of the potion will be determined by half"

... I was told that it would cost a lot to do this work.

"At that stage, what happens to the taste?

"The less impurities you have, the neater and less distinctive it should taste."

So something like 'clutter' disappears?

"From there, well, that's a trial and error. It is time for the magic that resides in the Potion to grant as much effect as is acceptable. Various magical procedures are applied to increase effectiveness or add value. Simplify and tighten procedures, compare doses, and more. It's our job to study what works."

If you think about what I just said, is it a matter of magical aptitude?

If you do too much, the magical aptitude of the potion changes too much to incorporate it into your body as a potion.

Attacking that critical point, he said it was the potion shop's arm show to what extent it could increase its effectiveness.

In this task, the final stage is to work on the amount of magic itself, to grant fitness to the extent that there is no difficulty in practicing it, and to make various such trials and errors.

"It's only an anticipation, but the less that 'I don't know', the more acceptable the potion will be?

"Exactly. So how to reduce 'what you don't know' is one of the research challenges. I wonder if this is the overview."

Any questions? When asked, I finally stepped into the problem.

"So what about the way Sui does it?


Albao said, showing a bare gesture that made him wonder how to explain it.

"To be clear, her magic was revolutionary. Without the need for a great deal of magic or equipment, 'Demon Stone' was dissolved in water to make potions. This is definitely amazing. But..."


"The potion world can't possibly find value in the way that even 'what we don't know' melts together"

Was it what you imagined?

I guess there's no way Sui didn't even know how potions would be made.

You can make a big device and a solid potion at a cost.

Yet I refused to do so.

What she wanted to make was a potion for the 'poor'.

Perhaps the magic she uses a lot, to make potions, is one of them.

If there's a problem, it's just what we've been told just now: 'I don't know'.

No matter how creative you get beyond that, the limits will soon come.

At the beginning of the encounter, I only heard a few words.

Sui went to "Shart Magic Academy" with a city scholarship to study magic.

So, he said he did an excellent job in practicing, in theory, in most of the actual battles, and graduated in the chair.

But even such a girlfriend said she didn't just wield her 'potion making' grades.

But I guess that's the result of her piercing her beliefs there as well.

"Well, if Sui had made potions normally without relying on that magic, I guess he wouldn't have done anything worse than 'potion'"

"... Huh?


Where I was smudged, Albao showed genuine confusion.

I also have trouble reacting to that face that just says' what are you talking about '.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Just at that time, I was called out by a woman who showed her face in the lab at the time that we should finish the morning. It was Mr. Holly.

"Hmm? What are you consolidating? You work hard, you don't pay."

"It's not like the manager's paying for it. You're late in the first place."

"Yes, Al. Reduced stick."

"Al, please don't"

Ha, and sigh, and Albao explains the situation.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disappear, but I was wondering how I could solve Sui's misunderstanding."


"No, you know, Suey actually got a good grade on Potion," he said.

Oh, is that a misunderstanding?

Where I was confused, Holly, who was listening, slapped Pong and his hand.

"Oh, you're talking about 'Sui Vermut'. That's funny." The Witch of the Two Thousand Years "or something."

It was the title again. I was asking.

"Mr. Holly. What's that" 2,000 Years of Witches "thing? If I asked him, he wouldn't tell me."

"Wow. It's such a waste of time to talk about such interesting origins"

Holly laughed at me and explained it to me.

"" Two-Thousand Years of Witches "is the title sent to the" Genius Wizard ", which is called" The Millennial Talent "and" The Millennial Incompetence ". Hey, Al."

"So, please don't, Mr. Holly."

... Something sounds a little funny right now.

"Millennial Talent" and "Millennial Incompetence".

Albao answers, as usual, with a slightly harder look to say.

"I'll explain. She was a real genius. Do you know the conditions for admission to the Chartress Demon Academy and the conditions for graduation?

"... hmm? Enrolled at fifteen, not graduated at eighteen?

"No, I'm not. If the magical talent is recognized, you can always let it in and leave if you achieve outstanding results. That's where the terms are."

I thought that was another interesting condition.

Does it feel like a university where there is no age limit for admission and you can graduate at any time as long as you collect the credits you need to graduate?

"So she enrolled in" The Oldest in History, "called Fifteen, and graduated in" The Youngest in History, "called Eighteen. Plus, score well beyond your full score in just about every subject."

"... Isn't that amazing?

"It's not amazing. It's what she's called a 'millennial talent'."

Holly adds to Albao's words to supplement them.

"By the way, I wonder if the average duration of the 'Chartress Demon House' visit was about twelve years"

The ratings of the blue-haired girl in my head suddenly soared.

Um, I didn't know that a beautiful girl who usually stuffed with trivial things for nothing was such a talented girl.

"... but what do you mean by 'incompetent once a thousand years'?

"... she really couldn't do anything but about the 'potion'. Whatever the technique, when I realized it, I only specialized in the talent of adding my own flow arrangements and creating just as intense 'something'. Well, he's not the only one who's satisfied with it for some reason."

In my head, the initial gelomas potion of meeting Sui comes to mind.

Right. Right. Right. He tastes crazy. That's what happens when you make potions with your senses, and that kind of thing, you'd be stubborn.

To my satisfaction, Albao looked tired and said.

"Almost every field is in its hands," The Talent of a Thousand Years, "and" The Impotence of a Thousand Years, "which puts just one field in the negative everywhere - the title" The Witch of Two Thousand Years, "combined.

I heard what Albao said, and I was deeply convinced of the title.

Is there only one more thing I care about?

"By the way, Albao talks about Sui like he knows him well from earlier."

"... well. I know him well."

Albao nodded lightly in my pursuit.

And he taught me to look a little remorseful.

"The year she graduated as president, I graduated in the third seat."

"... isn't that pretty awesome, that?

"Well, they say it well. If it hadn't been that year, I'd have graduated from the presidency."

Really? In fact, was Albao like a classmate with Sui?

Albao, who had zero, had quite dark eyes. He seems to be complicated on this matter, too. There are signs that you won't touch me, but it's seeping out.

Holly in front of him suddenly hugged him like that.

"Oh already, Al, you're still dragging and cute"

"Be, let go! And Al, please stop!

"Don't you like Mr. Holly's boobs?

"Well, I don't like that attitude!

Albao pulls Holly off forcefully and exhales to intimidate her with whoopee.

"He's such a tough guy. Be good friends with me. Ha ha."

Holly says, without waiting for my reply, she makes me laugh deliberately.

Albao, whose face turned bright red, seemed unfamiliar to the woman, was staring at her.

Having a reputation for not being used to women, I honestly admired her behavior.

I was wondering if there was such a forceful force move to comfort someone who was depressed.

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