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It was an interesting shade in the first place.

A layer of red and black 'cassis' is sinking on the bottom of a light, brown liquid.

He says he wants to decorate even the fruit of the lemon, but then, I see, the shades will look even more gorgeous.

(Enjoying the look is fine, but I wonder how it works)

I was soaking up a little customer mood, Holly, but I just decided to include a bite.

If it tastes like my 'aged salad', I know this is still the case. The same goes for the deep 'magical effect' hidden in its palate.

I can't help but be interested in seeing how it meets the 'cocktail'.

Holly doesn't have to be afraid to take a bite, and the taste puts her head through it.

Irritating sweetness and acidity strike my tongue intermittently like a wave.

The aroma is to the extent that the sweetness of the usual aged salad is mixed with citrus. But the first bite, it's delicious.

The straight sweetness of the syrup, the acidity and freshness of the lemons, and the richness of the 'aged salad' that drifts with flutter.

They wave and flow one after the other before the tongue gives its thoughts.

Such a pleasant image came into my mind as if I were freely running around the southern lands I had only ever seen in my imagination.

As I pass my throat, I even remember the slightly nostalgic loneliness of the sunset dusk.

The taste of cassis, which gives only a flavor, seems to be due to the sunken red flavor.

Taste it all together and it's certainly sweet.

But it's never sweet. Rather, the lingering irritation in the tongue conveys a reasonably sour accent.

Sleeping in Holly, it has a pleasant taste that drives an innocent adventure.

"If you like, try stirring it yourself"

To Holly, immersed in the aftertaste of a bite, the young man in front of her suggested.

I also felt reluctant to destroy this flavour myself.

But the curiosity that just sprouted earlier makes the act.

If Holly stirs the liquid with a familiar hand, as she always does with experiments,

The light brown sea to the earlier point sank easily into the sun.

Holly is unintentionally breathtaking about that vibrant change of colour.

And slowly, it contained that liquid again.

The luscious sweetness of the cassis surrounded the area.

A book of nights descends on the sea plains of the image, transforming it into a sweet and serene space.

The taste is in the form of sweetness on the earlier waves. In that sense, the irritation would have decreased.

But the overall atmosphere, the flavor, the aroma, is never too sweet.

The sweetness of the cassis blends and mixes with the heat of the aged salam.

A relaxed and refreshing taste. Similar to the [keel] I drank yesterday, then completely different, a blend of acidity and sweetness.

Makes that impression, it was a bite.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

"Is this the technology that roared Mr. Heliconia and Dr. Appalachian?"

Hear Holly's thoughts and look at that satisfying grin and bow your chest down.

In fact, a cocktail with dark rum was slightly more nervous than usual because it's been a long time since I've had one myself.

That's also a cocktail that can make a difference this time while you're drinking.

Cocktails that are divided into two or more layers at the moment you can.

In famous terms, [Tequila Sunrise] and [American Lemonade] would be given.

Enjoying it with your eyes is also a flavor of cocktails, but these cocktails have even more fun.

When I like it, I say I can make a difference to the taste.

I can't even say that I made a cocktail called Planters Punch this time.

First of all, as I mentioned a little, there are many types of recipes in this cocktail.

Originally 'plantations (big farms)' in Cuba and Jamaica in the late nineteenth century, drinks made in buckets for workers seem to be roots.

For that reason, I guess recipes such as this are not clearly defined.

The only thing we have in common is using dark rum, with lemon being lime, varying amounts of syrup and coantro, or up with soda.

In the meantime, I arranged a recipe for using a special wine called Port Wine.

The port wine was transformed into cassis liqueur and the 'red' floating on the surface was sunk to the bottom.

I deviate from many other recipes I remember, such as stuffing regular ice cream where I pack crash ice cream.

Maybe we should call it [Planters Punch Arranged] because the arrangement is too much for boulders.

"Did you enjoy it?

"Enough. Look, Albao, do you want to kiss indirectly, too?

"There's an honest saying," Do you want a drink? 'I'd like you to hear it. "

At the same time, Arbao didn't seem to beat curiosity either.

I received a glass from Holly knowing I would be teased, including a bite. And I open my eyes like I'm surprised.

"What is this... yesterday's unattributed liqueur potion...? I didn't really think of it when I drank it, but it's an amazing change"

Albao peeks into Holly's face as he asks for consent.

Holly nodded at it, too.

"Interesting stuff. Even the" fifth attribute ", which was barely felt during the" aging salam "phase, has been activated to the point where it is felt."

I was so small and breathtaking that no one knew what Holly was saying.

"'Fifth Attribute'?

My whining sounded good in the lab in addition to my thoughts.

Holly didn't inadvertently do anything to deny the words she put out.

"... that's right. I hadn't confirmed that fact at the review the other day. Have you looked through my thesis?

"… I remember that your research was like this"

Originally they were not studying 'maturation'.

He was studying "potions that don't work when packed in barrels" to transport "potions" somehow using "barrels" that react with the magical suitability of potions.

And one day, when I was stacking up all my failures, I found a combination of only one type in the salam potion, with an effect rising to trace amounts, rather than losing it.

They gave it the name 'Aging Potion' and watched closely for the reaction.

The conclusion is that when a material in the salam potion is synthesized, the resulting change in magical suitability shows an ideal reaction with the suitability of the barrel.

And they say that the material will only be in that state when it's 'Salam Potion'.

The material is named 'Cane'.

It is said that the ingredients of 'sugar', native to the South, which have been transported across the sea, have linked the salam potion to the barrel.

"It was... wasn't it?

"Exactly. But as we went further, we discovered something new. The magic of the Fifth Class."

Holly said 'From Here Ahead' was a story after the quality review.

Within her laboratory, groups were divided to study the 'maturation' of other attributes, as well as to conduct further comparative experiments of 'salam'.

Apparently, what was done in that experiment was a comparison based on my advice.

Some items I asked the Appalachians about during the review.

Barrel wood, maturation period, barrel reuse, processing inside the barrel, etc.

Array of necessary items for 'maturation' as far as I can think of.

They were asked by the Appalachians to submit those differences, and they were found.

When oak barrels were used to scorch the inner surface and aged for 'two months'.

The magic of extreme trace, but definite 'fifth attribute'.

"If I report that to Dr. Appalachian, 'White Oak' isn't very refreshing. Almost all the laboratories, including this one, are involved in the study of the Fifth Class."

"Oh. So you said yesterday that every lab is doing research on 'mature potions'"

When I turned my gaze to Albao, he nodded affirmatively.

That means Cecil's words and actions yesterday may also be involved in the area for a moment.

One end of his grump is that he doesn't care that the whole 'white oak' is being moved by the discovery coming out of the lab of a young Holly, or something.

"That's why. Even for me, I don't want anyone else to get ahead of me with the discovery that came out of us. At that time, he gave me a hint," You "appeared. Evening fog."

"Is it me?

"Yes. Your focus allowed us to discover the Fifth Class. No, I was discovering any of it, so I guess I should say I'm early."

Apparently that's a little bit of an inconvenience.

Holly abandons her pride lightly, wondering, well, it doesn't matter, and goes on.

"That's you, I wonder what you can come up with regarding 'maturation' in other attributes or more critical 'maturation'"

Pong and I get slapped on the shoulder and I'm a little convinced.

At yesterday's welcoming party, I had a strong feeling that I was just here to train.

Maybe they expect something like 'Breakthrough'.

"Well, first of all, actually, I've been thinking about one thing."


I'm not sure that's right, but I was actually wondering.

"Sugar Cane" was the material needed to mature the "Salam Potion".

I felt this had something to do with the fact that the raw material in my world was' sugar cane '.

If so, does something exist about the corresponding spirits of the earth, even in potions of other attributes?

"Aren't you willing to give 'Gini' a shot at 'Nez Fruit' or something?

Would it be wrong to start with a suggestion like that?

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