"Thank you so much for coming to my birthday party today"

Standing on the platform of a wide venue, Sage Ezoensis, the lord, was speaking out.

His voice is amplified by magic that is also different from science, reaching every corner of a wide venue.

Humans gathered are mostly dressed in formal suits, dresses, etc. As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to be a little overwhelmed by the state of those neat people.

Nevertheless, at this time, the lighting of the venue has been dropped in order to direct attention to the stage. Which means no one's paying attention here.

While I was somewhat rude during the greeting, I decided to check the ingredients, glasses, etc. again.

"I wonder what's going on, Mr. General? You seem rarely restless."

As I turned my attention to the cold table I brought in and the newly installed refrigerator and showcase, the girl, the silver-haired twin who is on this scene with me, spoke more.

"I made a cheap deal, but I'm not connected to these parties in the first place. Is it okay to be polite or something..."

"I heard that, Phil? Rarely does the chief sound weak."

"Sally, it's bad character to look happy there."

Surrey, who rarely finds my weakness and makes me look happy, and Phil, who looks at Surrey like that.

Where the three of us are, of course, not in the 'Easy's' where we usually work.

"You guys are magnificent in boulders"

"Well, I'm sick and tired of these parties,"

"I started to stand on the service side."

Unlike me, who is uncomfortable with the difference from the usual sales atmosphere, the two of them were laughing at each other, who would have been in that capacity originally.

Today, we are in front of more than a hundred people in a hall with a calm impression, not the usual noisy stores.

At the Lord's request, I'm in charge of his birthday party drink.

"Well, enjoy yourselves."

The lord's greeting is over and the lighting of the venue regains its calm brightness.

Then, you will gradually see a round table lined up all over the venue.

There is not a line of food on top of it, but a variety of foods are available on the walls, in the center, etc. of the venue. It is a buffet format.

In such a painting facing the entrance to the wall, we stand as the 'faces' of the lords of this city.

As a welcome drink, spicy champagne is handed out to those gathered at the venue, but anyone interested will come soon enough.

In fact, even before the greeting began, people who were interested in us were eagerly sending their gaze here.

"Well, from now on, it's a battlefield."

Copy that.

"Good luck"

Unlike the usual stores, we're the only ones standing here.

The three of us regained our temper and waited quietly for the hour.

"So long, cheers"

The gathering began calmly with their mouths aligned with 'Cheers'.

It's been roughly two months since I came back from 'White Oak' training.

More than I had assumed, winter in this world didn't seem painful to live.

Originally, the preserved food itself was quite well developed, and the storage technology of the ingredients is not low.

They are able to survive the area by preserving the state itself rather than chilling it, freezing it, or encroaching it again.

Nevertheless, the humans themselves walk less, and the plants do not grow well. From the people who work around it, there's less to do.

So, when I got back, 'Bar Division' sales were, well, obvious, but decreasing.

No matter how penetrating you educate your disciples, it's hard to maintain sales on boulders. In this kind of business, customers are people.

It is the common goal of the staff to strive to ensure that it accompanies the 'store'.

Nevertheless, I had received reports on a case-by-case basis, and each time I gave advice, so they maintained a much higher standard than I thought.

Then for two months, there was also the power of the 'secret weapon' brought back, and sales quickly recovered to the previous level.

It seems the same in all worlds that people who have nothing to do come to drink.

That's what I've been told for a long time, but the Lord asked me to give a reception for a party, and that's why I'm here.

"Excuse me, do you have the rumored 'cocktail'...?

"Yes, you're right."

A while after the greeting, someone will show up before us to change drinks.

I asked a pair of classy old ladies of my own, who were talking to a stranger.

"Would you like to explain?

"... well, thank you"

Of the two, a woman with a seemingly attentive face said with a little nervousness.

At present, beverages are prepared in a completely different format than the usual form of business.

Usually, the workbench and counter to work on are separate, but now the height is adjusted so that you can work on the counter itself.

rather than in a form that needs to be divided?

Only now are we the number one priority in offering drinks as quickly as possible to the many people in this venue. Looking good is second to none.

The counter was lined up with a few drinks that were ready for you to grab.

"First of all, this is a 'wine' and 'juice of all kinds' in 'tea' and 'champagne' in 'non potion' that anyone can drink with confidence."

Half the counter is lined with potion-free drinks for those resistant to 'cocktails'.

I believe that the beverage at the moment I open it in the glass tastes best, but it is the result of consideration so that it can be easily taken into my hands.

"Next up is our 'Easys' prized 'carbonated beverage'. We don't use 'potion' either, so you can drink it with confidence."

In the other half, "Ginger Ale" and other carbonated beverages were arranged with secrets and publicity.

The carbonated drinks are foaming with a glass of champagne.

If left alone too much, the carbonation would fall out, as would the champagne, but as I said, it is worrying, it is often missed from earlier.

"And the last thing we will offer will be a 'cocktail'. Each one available this time is [Screwdriver] [Gin Tonic] and [Blue Moon]. We make this one after we take your order"

When I heard the word, I could see that their shoulders were slightly stretched.

"Each, may I have an explanation?

I returned the women's curiosity and fear as refreshingly as possible.

"Yes. [Screwdriver] is a sweet, easy to drink cocktail with 'Vottapotion' divided by orange juice. [Jin Tonic] is a refreshing" cocktail "made from" tonic water "from carbonated beverages lined up here. And the last [Blue Moon] is a sweet, luscious' cocktail ', using the' Smiley Potion 'that the lord makes himself. Especially the last [Blue Moon] is a dish that also roared Mr. Heliconia from" Aurantiaca "."

When I gave Mr. Heliconia's name, I could see that the tensions among the women had slightly eased.

It is on these occasions that the power of celebrity names cannot be ridiculed.

Not to mention if his name is also one of the authorities in the 'potion world', there is nothing more powerful in promoting drinks using 'potion'.

The women were a little worried, I said.

"Well, I... take that [screwdriver]"

"May I have this' carbonated beverage '?

"Yes, sir."

I nodded and skipped directions with my own eyes to Phil and Sally, who were holding back beside me.

On this occasion, we have decided to share roles clearly.

Sally explains the carbonated drinks that are already on the table.

Phil is in charge of the 'build' cocktail you make without using a shaker.

And other than that... it's my role to accommodate the earlier order for 'other than the menu I told verbally' and the cocktails that are made of 'shakes'.

Of course, if two jobs come in at the same time, etc., we will follow them, but this is what happens if we divide them into big messes.

"Now, it's a carbonated beverage, but there are actually four types here. Each one has a very different personality, but you care, don't you?

"... Yep"

"Good. I almost lost my job when they told me I didn't care."

"Hehe, that's good to hear"

The edges of the women's lips are only slightly loose in Sally's overwhelming reaction.

Immediately afterwards, I was beginning to explain the difference to the woman who ordered the 'carbonated beverage'.

While I was at training, Sally's mouth was turning invisibly.

Even now, she talks about each and every characteristic of carbonated drinks in a funny and funny way as she looks into a woman's eyes. I can see by the side that the women are comfortable with those explanations.

Probably, but I've been making my own trials and errors with cocktail descriptions and stuff while I was gone.

Beside such Sally's explanation, Phil, who increased his clarity in motion, was in tedious work.

Less work is wasted one by one, and the smoothness of those connections is not a previous ratio.

Here too, there are times when the two of us are so busy that we can't get around to it, I guess we were trained to make our bodies move before we thought about it.

When we work together, I feel that Phil is positioned and the work aid is better off out of step.

I felt that the environment in which I was not was working to further stretch the strengths these two had originally.

Even if sales fell somewhat during training, this is also a further harvest.

"So this is Ginger Ale."

"Thank you for waiting. [Screwdriver]."

Two people offering glasses to each of the two women.

Bubbles that disappear when floating in a glass of champagne and soaking ice in an orange sea that fills the tumbler.

The women, when they received their drinks, each included them in their mouths to try a little on the spot.

And in the next moment, make that look gorgeous all the time.

"Delicious. You have a wonderful feeling of being able to play in your mouth and the sweetness and spiciness of it."

"This one too. I can't get the incredible depth that lurks behind the soothing orange juice."

After they shared their thoughts with each other, they looked softly into each other's glasses.

"... I don't know what it is."

"... you're the one who doesn't like to look at me."



"We have plenty to offer, please come back"

I call on Nico and the women who stare at each other to break in. Then the two of them looked at this one calmly as if the possession had fallen off.

"Right. Thank you again. Eh...... everyone in" Easys ""

"Me too. I would recommend it to my husband."

"It's an honor."

As I folded my hips, the women smiled and left.

Where the two of you left off, exhale just a little.

"Don't get tired of explaining the same thing so many times a day"

"Mr. General. We're just getting started."

"Uh right. Bad, bad."

I've been saying words that Phil encourages to the weak sounds that have stuck to zero.

Now there's still a situation where interested people, potatoes and still hiccups are coming.

If the field warms up, a number of humans who are not in the current ratio might push over.

"If you don't mind?

That's right, I was just getting my temper back on, and now there was a calm man's voice.

Again, I answer him with a full smile.

"Yes, I accept"

Today. Rent a seat called Lord's Birthday Party.

The plan to spread 'cocktails' to the world is loosely underway.

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