"Aren't you two looking for a store?

Viola and I walked a little in the compartment in question. I was spoken to by a dubious looking man.

The outfit is blurry there, the guy with the glaring eyes.

The people walking around are there, but he came straight at us. I guess I'm only speaking to people who look like they're looking for a store.

Me and Viola look at each other and nod.

"Yeah. It's a bit of a rumor, I heard there's a store around here that serves' cocktails'. Don't you know that?

"Ooh. You're talking about 'cocktails' right now. Of course I do."

When I asked lightly, the man nodded, yes, yes.

He then explains it to me as I gesture and hand gesture in a way I'm used to.

"Straight down this road all the way, take the second alley to the right. After a short walk, you will see a staircase descending underground, so go down."

The man who said so rubs his hands with a nico grin.

I took a piece of copper out of my purse and gave it to him.


"No, you're welcome"

The man bows his head with a pepper, then shits and leaves in front of us. I can see in the distance that he is making people's rules again.

He decided that his voice was no longer audible, and Viola zeroed in.

"What's that?"

"Probably someone with a job like catching and begging together. I guess I'm giving information to people who are lost and getting tips instead to make a living."

"... can I see it? He was going to be poor to see, and good offices for a firmer job..."

"Hmm. I guess it's a good day for one thing"

Viola looks complicated looking like she was far from getting on with such a job. But I don't know if he's really poor.

By purposefully dressing as a blush, you may just be making money a psychology you want to grace, or you may be under contract with various stores and have no trouble with your life.

"For now, it's a matter of urgency. I know where it is. Let's go."

I remember the guide, and we walked away again.

Go straight down the street and turn right into the alley you taught me. Further from there, a staircase with a cold impression, made of stone, was found.

It's the basement where the store is located. What kind of facility is it upstairs? It looks like an apartment, and it looks like some kind of office.

"Viola. You know what it's like up here?

"... no, I don't know. However, there are relatively many new buildings around here. People from outside are migrating, it should have been a compartment."

It is also a compartment with a lot of people in and out.

I'm not really walking around here either, and I don't know the details.

Anyway, the two of us cemented our resolve and decided to go down that stone staircase.

Opening the heavy door, which I reached shortly, I heard a modest sound of Karan and the bell.


It takes a voice. When I looked at him, a man in his thirties to forties was sending his gaze this way from the inside of the counter. In my memory, there is no face of the man.

A little distance away from the man, I can probably see a slightly flashy woman in her twenties. I didn't recognize you either.

"Are you two?


"Come here, then"

The man said, guiding me and Viola to a seat next to each other on the counter end.

I walk, I put the interior of the store in my head.

The bar counter is pretty solid. There are ten counter seats and two table seats. The table seats four. Overall, it's elongated and doesn't have much decoration.

Imagine from the building above, but the backroom feels bigger than the size of the store.

I made it as a bar, rather than into the space where it was originally made, does it feel like I was forced to punch the bar in?

The bottles on the shelves, I wonder. Transparent bottles - probably from the four spirits - are still visible. But other colorful bottles, I don't know.

Anyway, I tried to collect different colors, and I found it interesting. Is it about forty bottles in total? A small number for shelf sizes. Naturally, Old's not in line.

Glass, well, except that there's no cocktail glass, normal. No comments in particular.

Check the area, then head to your seat. But I asked one thing before I sat down.

"Can't you wear a jacket?

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Put it on an empty chair."

"... ok"

So what are you going to do when the guests are full?

I put a minus five on the guy in my heart and did what I was told. Next door Viola is also taking off that thin purple jacket. What I was wearing in there was like a white sweater.

Is it because of your mind that your chest has become more prominent?

"Is this our first time?

When we got to our seats, a man standing directly in front of us asked.

It is common sense for bartenders to stand in a slightly diagonal position rather than directly in front of the intimidating. Deduction 5.

Give an unusual response while trying to escape to the back side of the chair.

"Yeah, well. It's my first time."

"So where did you find out about us?

"I was looking for a store to serve a 'cocktail', but the kind ones happen to tell me where it is"

"I see"

The man nodded yeah and made me laugh with a grin.

"I'm glad to hear that. They came looking for a" cocktail "that was developed by our store."

It was just a little hard not to break my smile.

Cocktails are a new culture of liquor that has accumulated years of time on the planet and a few bartenders.

What kind of mouth would you say you want, such as having developed it independently?

I glanced at Viola sitting next to me. She is her, a nervous face. Are you desperate to keep the borough out?

... I still have to turn the conversation around.

"Uh, by the way, what kind of store is this?

It was a late question that I first pinched one cushion and tried to get my feelings back on track.

But with the answers I get back, I have to focus more and more on maintaining my smile.

"We are 'Easys'. Be sure to remember. And I am our master... My name is Yugiri Soo"

That's an odd encounter. I am a total evening mist myself. The store I serve is Easys.

and somehow discipline myself as an adult who wanted to respond. Through my throat, a weird laugh was going to come in now.

"How dare you squeeze?"

Me and the guy (I don't want to call him Saw, even if it's mean) were talking, the female clerk gave me the squeeze in such a fragrant voice. Because it's winter, awesome - cold.

"Thank you"

"How are you doing?"

I said thank you, but when it's returned with an extended voice, don't get a little angry with this. Deduction 5.

At this point, I'm starting to accumulate quite a bit of things, but I'm going to try and calmly act as a normal guest.

To begin with, what does a human who only knows' cocktails' by rumor do?

"So what the hell does' cocktail 'look like? I heard you mix potion with juice or something."

"Well, first of all, try it and feel it"

When I asked, the man came up with a menu as an answer to my question.

The response to not knowing guests asking them to try it first is reasonably good. I do it once in a while.

If I were to mention the problem, the fact that I gave the menu to someone I didn't know in the first place.

Someone who doesn't know what it is tells me what to order.

Moreover, the menu is a simple menu that we serve, no matter how we look at it.

Around here, my frustration was turning to fright.

In a modest voice, he asked Viola sitting next to him.

"... what do we do?

"... right"

At this point, to the extent that I don't even need to drink anymore, this store seems black.

At first glance, the entrance you don't know what store it is from outside. Sometimes the Knights come all the way in if you keep them locked up on the day of the investigation.

It's a store you can't get to if you don't teach it to people you know.

Probably, neither liquor nor potion has applied for permission.

Viola looked troubled, but she roared just a little bit and then said.

"For one thing, let's ask for it appropriately"

"... will you"

For once, it would also be necessary to ask for it and actually check the scene.

After I got lost, I took [Jin Tonic]. Viola ordered [Blue Moon].

And I was even more stunned to see what that handiwork was.

First, a woman who stood with nothing but to give her a squeeze took it upon herself to produce [Jin Tonic].

Place the glass (not to be wiped with a clean cloth) that stood back on the workbench and pack the ice with your bare hands. You have a proper freezer and ice.

I just thought I had voiced "ah" on the way, and I looked like "well good" right after.

Then again, 'Gini', which should have been served at the same time as serving ice, was removed from the freezer and poured into the glass without weighing.

Then he opens the refrigerator again and takes out the mysterious beverage that he thinks is "tonic water".

I poured it dobodobo, scratched it around with a muddler, and it looked complete.

What I can tell is that this' tonic water 'is apparently not a' carbonated drink '.

And the identity of "well good" probably means I forgot to put in "lime," but it was a hassle, so I let it go.

I was full around here, but Viola's [Blue Moon] is even more amazing.

First, until the guy gets lost in the glass and chooses a rock glass for now. I don't have a cocktail glass.

It's just something I've been thinking about since before that. In the first place, they don't have shakers in this store.

The man, from somewhere inside the counter, took out a barrel of metal. Water bottle.

Kapa opens his mouth and puts ice in a metal water bottle of the type he uses to match the woman next door.

After that, pour the 'Gini' used by the woman next door and the lemon juice removed from the fridge, naturally without the use of a major cup.

And extremely, I took the 'blue' bottle from the colorful bottle on the back shelf.

I think I've explained several times that [Blue Moon] is a 'purple' cocktail.

Apart from purple, which is held by Parfetamur, a liqueur with the luscious aroma and sweetness of a smile flower, there are no elements of colour.

So [Blue Moon] is not blue.

Yet the man pours the blue mysterious liquid into the water bottle.

Then he tightened the lid and put it in front of his chest.

I don't have anything to say about Shake. The way a person with no experience would shake a shaker just by imagination, not by the letter of 8.

At the very least, I just hope you're feeling well cold.

Eventually, when the shake was over, they poured liquid into the glass with all the ice, as a matter of course, and finished it.

The man confidently took those two glasses.

"Thank you for waiting. [Gin Tonic] and [Blue Moon]."

Two glasses the man has been sneering at.

Me and Viola stare at each other and decide to be ready to be silent.



And I quietly matched that glass.

No matter how hard I tried, I didn't feel like asking what was good about the day.

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