The duration of Neune's stay is as long as three weeks.

I'm not sure how long, but that's about it, Mr. Oyaji said.

And today is her second holiday as she begins her stay at the Vermut family. Ever since she got well acquainted with this house, you might say it's the first time.

The rhythm of life on a closed day changes subtly from a certain day of business. Specifically, we eat breakfast together, but we're free because we don't need to take lunch together.

Anyone who wants to eat at home can get together and talk to me, or you can go out and eat with me.

"Because of this, I'll even show you around the city!


To Rye's words, said Neune, like a gavel. It's an act when you're finishing your breakfast and reporting lightly on what you're going to do.

I am relatively free in the morning, even on the business days of the store, but given the afternoon time, I'm still not fit to play. Neune, who has no plans, is Neune, and doesn't look like he's doing much sightseeing alone.

Therefore, I guess Rye made such a suggestion towards Neune.

"Thank you for offering me guidance."

"Then it's good! Hey, you want to come with your sister?

"Me too?

As Neune finished, Rye was speaking to Sui.

Suey is still passive about Neune compared to Rye, who is no longer unilaterally broken.

I think Rye misses Neune as much as her first encounter was a lie.

Anyway, the word skipped Neune said in a slightly stronger tone.

"Rye. Even if I look like this, I'm your grandmother. Aren't you feeling bad about shopping with your grandmother or walking around the city?"


"Whatever you say."

I find walking with my grandmother boring and insensitive. Or something like that, there would be an honest excuse.

But I really don't think so.

In the first place, reluctance as to whether I would be able to get that far. Neune's troubles seemed to land somewhere like that.

Do I deserve to be so close to you, even though I am the culprit who has carried the problems that plague you?

Such reluctance should grow the more familiar you are with this house.

"Sometimes you can go out with two sisters rather than me"

"So your sister is good with you, and even the three of you are good"

"Yes, it is."

Rye is Rye, and I guess I'm not inviting you without thinking about it.

In her, she learned about Neune and understood what was going on with Neune. That she never wanted to take Sui for harassment.

I disagreed on the basis of my feelings and ours, but I've already got Noine's situation on the scale.

That's why Rye is acting like he won't regret it if something is decided.

I don't know if it's conscious or unconscious, but that's probably why I'm going to want it to be especially good for Sui or Neune. I'm thinking of one day's farewell and desperately making memories.

Maybe he overlays Neune with his late mother.

"So is your sister."

Before finishing his conversation with Neune, Rye waved back to Sui.

Sui roars with difficulty.

"... but me, I need to do a little research today"

"Must it be today? Can't you?

"... ok. dating."

Before Neune, Suey broke into a push.

She accepts her suggestion that she has no choice but to love her sister's selfishness rather.

Then, the gaze concentrates on Neune.

"... but I am"

Neune laid her eyes down to scowl.

Something like perpetrator consciousness, that you're pushing for a choice, maybe bigger than I think.

It was Mr. Oyaji, who put his arms around her and looked unfathomable, who said such provocative words to her.

"Rye, guess what. Noine is tough with young daughters like you. I'm old enough."

"... fren. What did I just say?"

"Don't push it, Grandma."

Cancer and Neune rose from the chair. I stare at Mr. Oyaji with an intimidating look that is completely different from that directed at his granddaughter.

"I don't want you to tell me, Fren. I think I used to have a tighter body when I saw it, but what about you now? You see alarm around your stomach."

"... you have a slightly deeper frown wrinkle."

"No more shadows to see, not as good as you"

We live together, and when it comes to realizing one more thing, this is it.

Mr. Oyaji and Neune are fundamentally unfriendly. They don't seem to fit sleigh at all, and I have an image of them saying it to each other on something.

Leaving aside that Neune doesn't fundamentally like humans, I guess it's not compatible.

"Ah too! We don't fight! That's right, total! The total goes with you!?

While they didn't heat up the argument, Rye came to me with a conversation.

While I took the ball firmly, I gave it back a difficult face.

"No, a little today. I'll check in the library in the morning, and in the afternoon, I promise to show up at Iberis with guns and porch maintenance."

Even if it doesn't involve a carbonated beverage, I'm on my way to Iberis. Guns and pouches - especially when it comes to pouches - are often asked how they feel about use.

I said to Rye as I slapped my hips with Pong. But it was not from Rye, but from Noine, that the words returned.

"I've been wondering a little bit about it for a long time. What is that 'gun' tool?

To Noine's doubts, I chose the words, while disturbing my head a little.

"... it's like a weapon for me only. A robot named Iberis made it for me."

"Um, you're close to Rye, you're a young robot kid"

"It's that kid. For once, you have an exclusive agreement with me."

I felt Neune's gaze sharpened around my exclusive contract and my mouth.

Now it's clear that I'm staring at you. There is a similar sense of intimidation that Mr. Oyaji was receiving earlier.

"I've been thinking for a while... Isn't Evening Mist a little strange about your friendship?"


It's often said that friendship is wide or narrow, but how is it strange?

"All races, all races, all ages and genders. You are involved with a variety of people and have a close relationship. Strange, but not a bad thing. But a child who is fond of you also seems to exist quite a bit"

Well, I got a pin in my eye to inquire about.

This, the gaze of suspicion that does make you feel the connection of blood to Sui.

I'm sure the next word will come......

"You're a little thin, if you're a woman, you're a dictator for now."

"No, sir."

Let me return the word of denial all the time.

I'm choosing words because I want to please them, and I'm never praising them for being annoying.

No, it might be a nasty idea to have a good relationship with someone by that compliment, and think of them as a warm drink.

but anyway, i never feel like hotting a girl or anything like that.

And Neune remains suspicious of me for clearly denying it.

"But that was the other day when I saw you in the middle of a buyout. Weren't you still throwing up words that would make the young daughter of the store care?"


To that word, I accidentally raised a strange voice.

What, when are we talking about this?

I desperately think about recent moves in a hurry. There are some kids here who can't wait for me to give them answers.

"Total. I didn't ask. Different story, isn't it? You said you'd be careful or something. Huh? Are you lying?

"Mr. General. The day you recently went out to buy out, when you finally bought a bunch of 'Charms' pickles...?

There was obviously plenty of air on the spot that would make me a bad guy, headed by Suey and Sally.

In such a critical situation, the piece finally fits in with a hint of Sally's words.

"Ah, uh! I remember. No! Listen to me."

I succeeded in remembering exactly which scene I was being watched.

At the same time, I clearly remembered that I was innocent.

That day, I was choosing something like a knob called a 'charm' to serve to customers at the counter. There is no particular determination as to the type of charm, but there is a wide variety of simple confectionery, fruit platters, pickles in the dried ones, etc.

And when I passed in front of a shop, I was distracted by the pickles there. I decided to make this my purchase today.

During the price negotiations, a mix of jokes made it a weird story. When the shop kid told me about the charm about pickles in a funny way, I told him I'd make it cheaper for him.

That's enough to dictate to a woman, but I've lined up my resignations.

If they did see that scene, it might not be strange to be misunderstood.

The kid at the store also enjoyed it quite a bit and put it away so I bought a little more and went home in a hoax.

"So it's not the shop kid I was dictating, it's the pickle"

Me trying to make a strong theory with my face.

Do you imitate the trouble of dictating girls even though they are not in business in the first place?

Even if I were to dictate, I wouldn't think I'd have a decent head if someone was saying 'I want to taste it all the way to the back of you' or something with a syrup.

What do you say, and I glanced at Rye, and she roared hmm and then sentenced him.

"I think what you're saying is true, but guilty"

"... why?

"'Cause you did the same thing when the kid at the store told you not to talk about the charm of pickles, but about my charm."


I can't deny it.

"No, because if it's cheaper to just praise people, you praise them, right?

I sent Phil a gaze for help, who seemed to be the only one on my side here.

He smiled like trouble, and returned it.

"Depends on time and case"

"... it wasn't then, was it?

"At a time when I would be in trouble if I were seen, I already..."

... I'm not guilty of anything. It's intelligent.

Then he had an uncomfortable time, mainly when he was told a blur and a novel by three people: Sui, Sally and Rai, and went out to cancel his plans for the day so that he could escape.

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