"So. After all, what do you think?

The three of us sit in a chair for four, and Bergamo, sitting in my front, asks.

I ordered a sandwich set consisting of equipment such as ham, cheese, cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, etc., and picked each of them a little later.

I wipe the salt gas off my finger and then ask him back what he intended.


"I think there are a lot of things about the terms. I'm not, and honestly, what do you think it should be?

It would be Bergamo's concern. The inquiry was a much lighter voice than the content. Corsica sitting next to him, quietly watching without the way she pinches her mouth.

On the table are the sandwiches I mentioned earlier and each beverage. It's a conversation seat that doesn't get too heavy, picking them lightly.

Because of my anxiety as a friend, I decided to tell the truth.

"That's not true, I don't want you to go to Sui, and I want 'Vermouth' tips. Not only that, but Mr. Noine doesn't have to worry about demons if he's gone. No, I mean, if cocktails just spread around the world..."

"Whoa, whoa. Stop. Stop. You're getting too big for that."

'Cause I tell you to be honest with me.

As we interacted jokingly, Corsica, sitting next to Bergamo, laughed couscous.

... I wish I was alone with Bergamo. When I think I'm looking at another one, I'm just a little embarrassed about the stupid exchange.

I really coughed up on purpose and said it again.

"Anyway, if you can, then I want to take it all"

"Well, I guess so."

"If I could do that, I wouldn't have a hard time."

When I held my head, Bergamo was looking at me with a slight bitter laugh.

Then, when I reached for a ham and cheese sandwich for comfort, I received a voice from Bergamo that I would explore.

"So much so, is that 'vermouth' important?

Bergamo's simple question stopped the hand he was aiming for a sandwich.

Bergamo himself, I said, looked at me with a serious look.

"I don't know. If I were in a situation like this... you know, if the idea of boosting the store more in exchange for Corsica, or something."

Bergamo glimpses Corsica. Did she fit the atmosphere on the spot or nodded once with serious eyes.

Then Bergamo ran out of words, as he had received courage.

"I thought there was nothing I wanted in exchange for Corsica."

"... Bergamo, yes."

"Oh, I don't think it's Corsica for me."

I took Bergamo's opinion firmly.

He's always taken care of his sister Corsica. Starting with my first encounter with him, and all the way up to today, he's put Corsica first.

Consistent. You don't even have to put it on the scale in the first place.

I admire the strength of his core a little.

"But if you're gonna take me or if the store crumbles, even your brother's gonna worry, right?

Such a fold, the girl who had been silent until now, received a chilling voice.

Bergamo was surprised by the words and stuffed the words.


As Corsica assumed the conditions under which her mouth was pinched, Bergamo lets off the glow of her eyes. But I made it clear where it bothered me a little.

"I don't know for sure until then, but I still take Corsica. After taking Corsica, figure out a way to do something about it. I think."

Bergamo's opinion that it is only a priority for Corsica remains unchanged.

I've been impressed with his refreshing remarks for a while.

"After prioritizing one, I won't give up the other, will I?

"... maybe there's nothing I can do about it. You're as free as you are. So if that's the way you want to think about it, I don't know."

To his advice, I learned a great deal of admiration and a little envy.

I worry about which to prioritize in order to get one. That stage is long gone.

He can be distressed from the one place I'm worried about.

"But your brother's thoughts don't take my feelings into account, do they?"

On the side I admire, Corsica, an earlier hypothetical party, sandwiched her mouth again quietly.

Bergamo also turns to Corsica with another look of surprise.

She lightly included the tea at hand.

"I don't want you to prioritize me in that situation, I'm sure."

"... no, but"

"Yeah. I know what your brother thinks, and I'm glad. But that's your brother's selfishness."

Corsica told me so strongly. Bergamo to be extinguished.

But maybe it does. Because what Corsica thinks is not included in Bergamo's opinion.

Listening quietly to Corsica, she turned to me next.

"Hey, Mr. General. Why don't you put aside your opinion for a moment and think about how Mr. Suey feels, or don't you?

Corsica says abruptly with a fluffy soft grin.

"When a girl falls in love, is it weird that she wants to change the situation now?

Her soft smile and voice make me angry.

When the hell were you talking about that?

"Uh, what are you talking about?

"Why did Sui say 'I'm going'?"

That's Corsica gesturing with her fingers at me trying to say why.

When I shut up, Corsica finally started talking.

"Sui doesn't dislike the current situation, but she doesn't think it's good as it is. But I'm clumsy, and I don't like to move spontaneously. So if you don't give a reason for the store or for people, that guy can't move. It's now that it's gone too far, and you're talking about 'drunk' know-how in exchange for yourself, like,"

Leaving aside that understanding of what the hell started.

Anyway, I thought Sui was quite dissatisfied with the status quo and wouldn't move to do something about it.

I still haven't been able to give the answer, so I don't think it's a good idea for Sui to stay the same. Feel that?

"But it's really very simple. Mr. Sui just wants to change the situation. I want you to move for the general and turn into you a little bit. I want you to be aware of who you've moved for. Be clumsy."

For me, for myself, for the store, for people.

The information that comes from Corsica goes harder and harder in my head.

Corsica, who noticed I was confused, laughed bitterly as she reflected that she had said too much before putting it together at the end.

"It's hard to understand, isn't it? But in short, Mr. Suey just wants to move for whoever he wants. So I want something to change, I'm a girl in love. This time, it happens to fit into a troublesome form."

I take that last word and meet Bergamo next to her.

Bergamo seemed to share my opinion and shook his head flat to the side.

Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about.

Bergamo, with a frightened face, said quietly to Corsica.

"You know, Corsica. What does that have to do with what's going on and what's wrong with you?

Bergamo stood firm in my feelings.

In the end, the only story about Corsica is the assumption that Sui is acting like this because he thinks of me.

What am I supposed to do when they talk like that?

Here's Corsica's answer:

"So my brother and I talked earlier. Even if the general is selfish and doesn't think about Sui's feelings and try to reach a conclusion, Sui won't be convinced."

If the essence of Sui's idea is that he wants to change this situation.

Just finding a good solution, leaving some lump?

"So what do you want me to do?

"It's easy." Sui, I like you, "the general said," I'm done. "


Unexpectedly, I had a weird voice. I'm glad I didn't have a drink in my mouth.

Thanks, but instead, I don't know what it means anymore.

"Ah, the. Uh, I mean, what?

"Whatever conclusions the general draws from this, that's the best way to convince the reluctant Sui."

"... eh. Suey's pretty rational, and isn't that counterproductive?

Whatever it is, isn't that a little too much licking about Sui?

When Sally summed up Suey's opinion the other day, she was pretty reasonable.

"I don't care what reason blows you up with that one word. When convincing Mr. Sui to be firm, but remember if it's okay."

It is a grinning corsica.

She's a fluffy, atmospheric girl, but she's just inherently outdoorsy, and things like this are active.

"... no, yeah. For now, thanks, both of you. Fine, that was an interesting opinion."

"Oh, wow."

"Yes, you're welcome"

Bergamo is bewildered, Corsica smiles, as always.

Even if I can't see any conclusions, I feel I have had important guidelines when I get lost.

Think of deciding one first and then doing something about the other?

Probably not, but with the secret to persuade Sui?

"But Corsica used to have such a flighty idea."

"Really? More or less, I think people do if they fall in love."

I don't have much experience in love, how hard it is to answer.

I don't remember being honest until the end.

"So if I was in Sui's shoes... if I wanted to help the general somehow, if I wanted to do something about it, this is how it happened"

Corsica's smile soothes me slightly.

Whatever the radical remarks, this girl's roots are still tender.

"If the chief thinks so, I can see what Sui thinks."


"Now I wish the general would recognise me."


Right now, I kind of have a funny statement to make. Depending on how you take it, it's not weird that Corsica takes me for something like that.

And before I said anything, Bergamo in front of me stood up in a hurry.

"Ko, Corsica!? Hey, are you kidding me, total!?

"I'm just kidding."

"Is that true!?


Corsica, with a deep grin.

Bergamo looks in a hurry, alternating between Corsica and me.

What can I say when I see you like that?

"Hey, total! I knew you'd be my sister!

"Wait a minute! I knew it! I knew it!"

Bergamo told me, and that's just me coming a little musty too.

The people around me, they're all aligned and they talk about people like numb-numbered bastards.

"I'll say one thing. I don't care who I am. It's a lie."

I'm sick and tired of answering, but Bergamo deepened his suspicious gaze and yelled.

"Ugh, you bitch! I just heard you talking to a woman in a buyout!

"Become!? Oh, no! That was dictating pickles!

"Is there such an asshole!

Where did the friendship mood go until just now, Bergamo stares at me with his canine teeth peeled out as he roars with a gulp.

Give me a break, and if I looked at Corsica insignificantly, she would laugh out her tongue like a prank.

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