─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

Neune shifts consciousness to a glass of reverse triangles that he has become accustomed to seeing at some point.

It looks like an intermediate between amber and orange.

I can't say it's beautiful, but it's not enough driven by the desire to try it.

But it conveys an even more intense impression, like smearing it, before drinking it.

The scent is inviting.

I just grabbed a glass and put it up gently.

That alone delivers a demonic aroma, like a mixture of citrus sweetness and sourness with the richness of mature grapes.

Scent that stimulates the inside of the nose and encourages the tongue to secrete saliva. Before I drank it, it seemed to make me feel the breadth of the nose that the cup had.

(… then)

Neune never appreciated the desire, and included a bite.

And I lost my words to that surprising balance of sweetness, acidity and depth.

It is rare that the impression and flavour that the aroma brings is so different.

I'm not stupid, but when I'm making medicine and alcohol, the smell and taste are different all the time.

Even so, this cup straightens out its luscious flavor, imagined from the fragrance.

No, would I be right to say I'm going through it?

The chilled liquid first delivers the sweet and sour to the tongue.

As its temperature gradually rises on the tongue, the twitchy sweetness of the citrus-style that was enclosed goes dyeing the tongue.

The entrance is precise, with a citrusy taste. It's never hard, it's just not enough. I feel welcomed by the sweetness and sourness that makes me even feel refreshed somewhere.

It's as comfortable as a sweet fever for a young boy and girl.

But the depth of brandy I drank earlier has never disappeared.

The flavor continues to influence the taste.

That's why, while I feel citrus, I guess I don't have that exciting image.

Brandy opens up in earnest only after the taste is spread out on the tongue.

Citrus that disappears as it bounces brightly.

There is certainly another footprint next to it.

Eventually, when the citrus settles, you see its footprints and notice the brandy that was leading the palate.

The brandy spreading in the mouth later in the flavor pushes its deep fragrance forward.

From the breath that goes out, from the swallowed throat, it gives the flavor a dark feeling at some point.

The mature fragrance that closes the finish of the flavor dyes the impression into a single colour that is so mature that I think the first sweetness and sourness was illusory.

What I feel to the end is the depth of 'Old Potion', known as Brandy.

The weight of its presence, with calm but clear heat.

If you are going to borrow the words of the young man ahead, this brandy will be the 'motorcycle' for the cocktail in front of you.

Neune was ashamed to think of something romantic that wasn't even in the pattern, but he didn't feel bad.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

"I'm indulging you"

Neune, for the first time I've ever seen him, felt a pure grin on his face.

"Thank you"

"Here's a thank you. Sorry to keep you attached to an unscrupulous order."

Sure, it's not like we're going to get paid, but it's also like each other. I'm giving you a free tasting of alcohol.

I'm just glad she's mouthing the glass again, again, before she starts talking about anything.

Of all the marks, I'm pure delight that you drink so deliciously.

Thus, around half the glass was dried, there was a quiet voice of Neune.

"... just for a moment, will you ask me how I feel"

Rocking the glass, Neune takes a distant look somewhere.

"Of course, I don't mind."

"Okay, just a little bit. It's like the real thing I don't usually tell people."

Neune drank the remaining sidecar in one bite like lubricant.

Drinking in three sips is a delicious way to drink a short cocktail - what a story I hear, but I don't really see many people practicing that.

But Neune poured [the sidecar] like fuel and said.

"I hate humans"

A rambling narrative that abandoned the usual polite tone. Shocking fact. Wrinkles between eyebrows.

It was the unknown side of Neune, who seemed a gentle and sensible beauty.

No, I remember seeing it only once. This is what she was like when she was told Talia was already dead.

I don't know how to answer that because I don't have that much experience of being told I don't like it face to face.

But Neune seemed to want me to say nothing.

"I used to like it. Unlike the unchanged inside, there was stimulus in the human world. But now I think he was an idiot. Between creatures of different values, how did you think you could have a normal relationship? Even if I recall, I'm angry with that man"

Neune used to fall in love with humans and was given Talia.

But it was Neune who raised Talia.

I don't know how long ago that was now. Still, I thought some of her resentment towards the man was still smoking.

"But I really regret it. There's only one thing I've always liked about humans."

Neune only loosens his harsh look until then,

If you weren't complacent, you said to me.

"It's just a flickering move on to something. The height of the calories going to the wish. I've been fooled for a long time by the glow of energy. It's something I don't have."

Guisserie and the floor creep.

Without realizing it, maybe I was putting some effort into my legs.

"But even Mr. Noine, you're seriously studying the drug booze thing. I have something for hiccups."

"I make alcohol simply because it was right for me. I don't hate it, but that's it. There is no great fever there. Elves have a long life span, so maybe that's what they're made of so the spirit doesn't burn out."

Pin and she gently poked an empty glass with her index finger.

The empty glass no longer contains any liquid that burns.

A high sound sounds, and Neune continues to mock herself.

"So I'm gonna like the worst guy. When I was given Talia, or when I let Talia go. I thought there was a better way. I made a choice that kept bothering me."

Noine's eyes, which I said, clearly showed a dark part.

When I heard about Talia's final period from Mr. Oyaji, she was saying. I resent Mr. Oyaji, and thank Mr. Oyaji.

That's true. There's something about Neune that I can't help but worry that there must have been a better way.

Neune reaches out to the note he leaves on the table. I was making it, an assignment about drunkenness.

She turned to me clearly after seeing it flush again.

"To be honest, I didn't think I'd make it this far. This is a short time. If I'd written this half, I'd have thought better."

"... Huh?

"So you showed me the 'fever' beyond my imagination. Pass."

Too abrupt, took a little time to grasp the situation.

There must have been a deadline. The deadline for the assignment is until we give the answer.

Is that what I've solved here and now?

To my confusion, Neune answered with a fierce grin.

"Total. I don't hate the energy that goes to your booze. So please. Give me a bad answer, and don't disillusion me. I think so."

After I said it, Neune took a big, deep breath. There is a slight vermilion on his cheek.

She said, taking another big, deep breath to shame her attitude until then.

"Excuse me. I mean it, but I hope you'll listen to me if you can."

"... ok"

Said Neune had gone back to being my discerning, intelligent speaking woman, as if she had been lying earlier.

Nodding honestly at her demands, Neune laughs furiously and quietly.

"But if you listen, don't forget. Keep what I said in the corner of your heart."

"From where to where, sir?

"It's just the last time."

I wish I hadn't asked.

I didn't know you'd just forget the last thing she said, laughing calmly.

I mean, that's just to remember that opinion, which I expect, so don't disappoint me.

"You've spoken in. I'm sorry to be around here. The challenge is, it's okay now. Now it's better to make it in time to discuss it with Sui or Rai."

The last closure was polite, and Neune graciously laid her hands on the door of the room.

But I never left right away.

Because there was an unexpected person standing in the hallway.

"Fren... are you eavesdropping"

"I didn't mean to ask, I'm sorry"

In Neune's reprehensible gaze, Mr. Oyaji looks badly.

But then, whenever I say it's just right, I say it to me and Neune.

"First of all, kid, we're all getting together in the dining room right now. Come on down."

"Hmm? Okay. Is that all?"

I'm curious, but I don't have to ask for details.

Guys, that means we'll talk. I somehow figured out that the business was about Neune.

"One more thing. The day after tomorrow."

I keep listening quietly to what Mr. Oyaji said.

"I don't think I told you, but I'm off the day after tomorrow. Sorry I'm late."

When it comes to the day after tomorrow, it is usually a weekday.

I don't think it's a particularly big day, or any kind of weirdness.

Nonetheless, Mr. Oyaji said he was clearly off duty.


I couldn't get my head around to asking if it was a good idea.

Mr. Oyaji said without running, with a look that seemed difficult to answer to my question.

"The day after tomorrow, it's Talia's day of life. I'm off every year, no matter what happens just that day."

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