Eventually, the case ended without so much importance. Of course it would be important to the killer, but as for this one, it didn't feel like that was what I wanted to be involved with.

Me and Mr. Oyaji were naturally pissed off when we acted on our own. Suey, Rye and Phil. Sally, as well as Knights and store officials. And even Neune, who was supposed to have helped me, pissed me off.

Nowhere was Trice supposed to be pissed off, which would also have caused him to get unnecessarily pissed.

Protected Neune, he said, was a very calm one.

I don't think it would be strange to have some mental trauma if all that normally happened, but she said it was an ambiguous response "because I'm still alive for a long time"?

The killer was normally caught getting bullshit out of him.

I didn't know who ordered it, but it seems whoever was circulating information in the Knights found this case in the period.

I don't know what I can hear from a captured person. I'm not in a position to hear the inside story that much either. He said Viola would let me know when some sort of settlement came in, so I'm waiting for information.

Mr. Oyaji's injuries were no big deal either. So the temporary leave was also taken down for now, and Easy's was open as usual the next day, but that was stopped.

Until the incident settled, I would not say a week, so at least three days were off.

In some cases, we were told that we might be accompanied by escorts, but I only told them that I had trouble breathing too much.

And some of that is no different than my plans.

Two days after the incident.

Me and Neune in the face of the Vermut family. The two accompanying and escorting disciples were taking to a certain suburban cemetery.

Still chilly winds this time of year, but it's so mild today. The sun's rays were also strong and the signs of spring were felt right there.

"This way."

Proceed quietly, in line with Mr. Oyaji's unmistakable footsteps.

Eventually, in front of a tomb made of beautiful stone, Mr. Oyaji stopped.

It doesn't feel Japanese, it doesn't belong to the church system. It was a primitive tomb, just marked with a large stone.

Before anyone could say anything, I first gently placed the bouquet that Rye had in his hand.

Then Mr. Oyaji turned to me.

I snorted and took one shot of ammunition out of the porch.

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I set out to be in this world."

Groaning so, the ammunition returned to the shape of a glass in his hand.

I made [Salty Dog] for her to sleep under the grave this morning.

"It's really good, isn't it?

"Oh, I drank too much the other day.... Besides, drinking is the best way for my daughter to know what she's doing."

Everyone on the spot nodded at Mr. Oyaji's words.

Take that, I'll put the glass on the ground once and put my hands together on the grave.

Then he slightly waved the salt onto the ground, which gave him a slight feel of spring breath, and quietly flushed the cocktail.

The cocktail that reaches the ground is swallowed up to the ground after just a little slip through the surface.

After a little hesitation, I felt like I could see Talia swallowing her will at once.

That's it, and I'm leaving the scene with my hands together again.

I'm gonna take my seat off.

"... oh"

Mr. Oyaji returned a small word of acknowledgement as he leaned down a little.

Sui and Rai also lean slightly and nod.

At the end of the day, I saw Neune, but I strayed from her gaze.

I don't have a hobby of watching women cry desperately.

How long would they have held hands together in front of the grave?

Maybe it's just a few minutes, maybe it's been over an hour. They were seriously hand in hand with that much density, and eventually looked up with no one.

"That's enough."

"Well, let's do it again."

After they finish their prayers, me and my two disciples will be on the spot again.

And keep your hands together quietly.

What shall I pray to her, who has never met me face to face?

I don't get an answer for how much I've thought about it. So I decided to tell him unilaterally.

I'm happy to be with your family now.

At the end of the prayer, when our feelings joined the group, Neune said.

"It's abrupt, but it's time for me to ask"

In front of Talia's grave, he might have decided from the beginning to ask about our resolve.

To Neune's words, Mr. Oyaji speaks differently.

"... I'm sorry, I haven't gotten it together yet."

"I understand that. But in the first place, your opinions don't come together."

"Yes, it is."

Mr. Oyaji becomes a troubled face.

I'm sure Mr. Oyaji told Noine where I don't know him. He wants me to wait until Talia's day of life to respond.

And today. The opinions that should be compiled in the plans are not compiled due to irregularities.



Sui and Rai gaze at each other casually.

As I say because we think of each other, it's painful to deny each other's answers.

Before they said anything like that, I left a step ago saying I should.

"Sui, Rai. And Mr. Oyaji and Mr. Neune. Why don't you ask my opinion?

For the first time ever, I've never given a definitive word.

The faces gathered on the spot look at me intrigued.

Eventually, Noine spoke quietly and asked me to try.

"Mr. General. You first told me to stay in Sui."

"Yes. That feeling hasn't changed yet. I want Sue to stay in this city after all."

I told you, Sui pinches his mouth.

"But total. If I don't do something, the 'Vermouth' you've been looking for..."

"Sui, let me say one thing"

I confronted Suey with a mouthful of snacks.

I think a little bit about this case.

I would still have moved the case back. I haven't met anyone. We haven't met, but I found out about it as a real feeling.

Sui must not leave this place now.

I can't cope with anything going on ahead without the most cooperative sui to make something that I come up with. I thought so.

So here's the deal.

"I need a swim. It's essential that we stay together and be supportive. So, Sue, stay with me."

"... yeah"

There was a look of confusion like Sui's, being poked into the void.

All the fuss, I grab Sui's shoulder.

Sui reacts with a fright, letting his gaze wander with the mundane.

"... can't you?

"... uh, no, no, I'm not,"

"Then please. I know you're talking cowardly, but I still need a swim."

".................. yes"

With the last word, Sui nodded cocklessly.

I have now taken advantage of Sui's favor to convince the lowest. The guilt pounds his chest.

Still, that's what stops her. Her, I can blow the stray that I'm useless.

Corsica believed and acted on what she said. "Don't go, Sue. I need you. Operation '.

Noine, who was watching us interact, made a slightly colder voice.

"Then you give up on 'Vermouth'..."

"That's different, too. I'm not giving it up."

I returned another denial to Neune, with a slightly blurry face.

Sui and Rai on the spot did something about what I was saying.

I'll take a swim, but I'll also take a vermouth. I'm in trouble because I can't do that, but I was wondering what you meant by taking both of them.

But only Noine looked a little funny, I said.

"You say strange things. What do you mean"

I finally smile back at Neune for asking the truth of my statement.

"I just thought. You want to take Sui because your insides are under threat. It also means that the people who live inside are under threat."

"It's obvious."

Yes, of course. It was too obvious and everyone had incorporated it into their prerequisites.

He said he needed strength there to protect the elves living in the elves.

"Nothing should be the only force needed to protect the threat. There can be a different way."

"What is it?"

Flip the prerequisites, here's my answer.

"Let's all move in the elves inside. You don't live in the back of the woods, you just have to move to this city. Then everyone will be safe, won't they?

Noine looked the best shuddered face I've ever seen.

But also for a moment, I ask back to laugh at what was interesting about my answer.

"I see. I didn't have that idea. But isn't that too selfish? Where the hell are the benefits of elves?"

"One advantage is that you don't have to be scared of demons, but you have a clearer advantage"

Noine's question was the one that led to the first answer I came up with.

When I gave this answer, I felt refreshed in my head.

I realized what a motorcycle was for me and what a sidecar it was for.

"If you live in this city, I can make you a delicious' cocktail 'for everyone in the elf!

I made it clear.

After all, that's all I have.

I take it very seriously, I only wield that weapon.

I grabbed my fist so tightly that I could put everything in myself.

"The advantage is' cocktails'! This is not easy to drink even if you live in the back of the woods! But if you live in the city, you can drink it whenever you want! Is there such a favorable condition!?

The last time I swung my fist up a lot.

Soon Neune, who had leaned over, spoke out to squeeze it out.

"... I see. But then again, there's no reason for me to give you knowledge."

"Let me apprentice you because I will do anything in the dungeon. I'll also put on a delicious' cocktail '."

"... cocktails, cocktails..."

Neune's words at the end, quiet back around.

Neune leans down, shaking his body with a pull, desperately enduring something.

Then a few moments later.

Noine, who had just enjoyed what had happened, finally blew out.

"Ha! haha! Will it! I knew humans loved it! This is also a ridiculous story I can tell you in great seriousness, its the best straightness! hahaha!

Neune is holding his belly and laughing at my determination.

I kind of felt the response and looked out to face other than Neune.

"... Huh?

But they were clearly, frightened.

Whoever looked at his face seemed to say 'This cocktail idiot'.

Then there was a laugh in the cemetery that didn't look right on the spot.

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