"Sorry for the inconvenience"

"No. I'm sorry to bother you."

After we borrowed the bunk and laid Sui down, I gently left the room and Megri and I bowed our heads to each other.

The pivotal sui, uh- roaring, seems a little calm.

I thought I'd stay on her side until she recovered, but she hated me, so I respected her will, and we decided to go back to Mr. Kamui again.

When Mr. Kamui realizes what we look like, he asks with a sorry face.

"How's it going?

Me and Mr. Megli face each other once.

After a few eye contacts, I decided to leave the explanation to her.

"You've been seeing things for a while. If it doesn't seem possible, have them stay. Uh, you're gonna be okay tomorrow, right?

"Yes. Sorry, overlapping inconvenience"

"No. Originally, because this guy made me drink too much"

Megri stares at Mr. Kamui.

Mr. Kamui distorted his expression badly, but he bowed his head to me like he had immediately decided to.

"I'm sorry. It's on me."

To his apology, I rush back.

"Terrible. Even Sui, he's an adult at once, so it's his own fault. Instead, I didn't give him a proper glance."

"... That's what you say. After all, I think it is also the responsibility of those who drink alcohol. So let me apologize."

"... if that makes you feel better"

Mr. Kamui, who doesn't lift his head.

When I reluctantly accepted his apology, I roared and corrected my residence.

"... Miss, are you recovering faster?

"Uh, if it's potion, yes. You don't know much about sake."

"You don't get it. That. Damn it, I missed it."

Tell me, Mr. Kamui cared about the chills and the clock.

Among the furniture in this house, a decorative clock headed by the Western style refers to 8 p.m.

"In the meantime, why don't you just wait two hours? After that, you should go home already. We'll take care of him later."

"... excuse me. Best regards,"

After first deciding to treat Sui, Mr. Kamui re-sits at the table.

There are no different items on the table than when it was busy earlier.

"I'm sorry when the lady is around, but what's left of it? If you're okay, why don't we hang out a little longer?

"I'll take it. It's Megri's handicraft."

Tell me, I'll sit at the table too.

Megri, who was watching the situation, looked frightened but unwilling to stop.

Its seats were initially shimmering and gradually showing a slight uplift.


Mr. Kamui's voice slipped through my ear.

"... So, how long are you going to be a bartender here?


I couldn't grasp the intent of the question asked well.

I know what that means. How long are you going to be here, working this way, that's what I'm talking about.

But I don't know what that intent is. What does he want to hear from me?

Even so, Mr. Kamui's expression is serious. I don't think it's just booze place bullshit.

"Sir. It's too sudden."

Before I get to the answer, Mr. Megli scolds him with a bitter look.

"I know, Megli. But I don't always know what a choice is. Sometimes I get stuck suddenly. That's when the lost guy just dies."

"That's not the situation right now."

"Right? That's why I'm asking you now."

Poking Mr. Megli's words, Mr. Kamui looked at me again.

You see that I'm flattered and I can't say anything, I just pick a few words.

"So... do you... do you want to start with my story?"

After choosing, he seemed to decide to speak first from his own side.

I don't know what they're going to say, but I concentrated on keeping his words out.

"Did you just say that? I'll be back in the country any minute if I give my name. There's a kid waiting for you. But that's not the end."

"Over, is it?"

"Oh. At the same time I'm a parent, I'm an artisan. I, the craftsman, keep asking for it." The Ultimate "of my work."

His immediate goal is to raise his name in an exotic country and have Mr. Megri's home recognise his marriage.

But that's only an immediate goal, not an end point, etc.

And as an artisan, he wants something 'ultimate'...

"I don't know if I can spend the rest of my life making that. No, I'm even suspicious that it exists in the first place. But what I keep asking for is the way I choose to live."

Chosen, way of life.

So, Mr. Kamui, he shoots me straight in the eye.

"That's why I heard. Is your way of life, Bartender? Pick a bartender and see what's ahead?

"... I... need a cocktail..."

"The ultimate cocktail, huh?

If you say so, it will be easier. I can escape this stabbing gaze.

Yet I was afraid I'd snort.

I do like cocktails. I'm not dissatisfied with seeking a cocktail.

But is that where the goal of my life is?

Is creating the ultimate, 'cocktail' that I don't even know if there is one, my end point to get to?

Can I answer that question without thinking?

"... Miss, that's what I'm worried about you"

Mr. Kamui said quietly when I was jamming the words down his throat.

"Sui, is it?

"Oh. When you were out of your seat, I was saying,"

Mr. Kamui repeated her words small.

Her eyes say I've been thin for the most part in the last six months.

I get most of what I need, I build the foundation for making cocktails, and I steadily assemble a formula that spreads it.

Watching from the edge and going very well.

Yet I'm the only one at the center of it, fading a little.

I feel like I'm going to stop pretending at the mundane moment.

Now, the cocktail is still contouring, but if it comes off some kind of clap,

He said I was going to disappear and he was scared.

"... what a fool"

"That's a stupid story. But the lady is worried. I wonder if your nucleus will disappear somewhere."

The nuclear part would mean, a cocktail.

I like cocktails. I like relationships where cocktails connect. My cocktail, and I like how people make me happy.

That's never a lie.

"It's okay, 'cause I'm a cocktail idiot enough to be spooked by everyone."

"... oh. Well, that's fine. You said something weird."

"... Yes"

And me and Mr. Kamui silenced each other.

When you get out of hand and drink sake from the toast, the sweetness of the fluffy liquor spreads.

Second, I thought about Sui.

I wonder how she felt drinking this liquor today, until she was so much.

"Yikes! You're soaking up! Megri, save it and get it out! Re-drink."

"I thought it was time you stopped."

"I know. But it's as good as today, right?

"You have no choice."

Mr. Megli sighed and disappeared again to the kitchen.

Leaving two of us here, I drag on the topic earlier and get to the bottom of it.

But Mr. Kamui smiled subtly and eared at me.

"I was just kidding. One day, I'll make you a glass to keep."

"Is it a dragon or something?

"I told you that was a joke. But you do. The bartender can't even make it, it's an awesome glass. Sure, cheap."

The fact that it is cheap is particularly whispering.

Apparently, I just said it because I didn't want Mr. Megli to ask me.

I was unwittingly asking him for his grinning expression.

"Mr. Kamui. Making a piece, is it fun?

To my question like that, he rounds his eyes. Then, close your eyes, put your arms together and worry.

But he seemed to have come to an early conclusion.

"Half the time."

"Half...... does that mean that the fun mood is only half?

The puffiness and further penetrating questions came out of my mouth.

Mr. Kamui speaks to rap, with a hundred faces.

"It's the most fun I've ever had to think about the next thing in my head. But trying to make it happen is often painful. It's hard. I've been thinking fun. I even want to punch myself. But naturally that doesn't end. I was wondering if I could lose here."

Once accumulated, Mr. Kamui opens his eyes slightly.

He peered into my face and laughed.

"That's how the hard work was done, Ritsu, more than I ever imagined. It's hard work. It's all flipped out and" it was the best fun. "That's why I always imagine. How much fun would it be to make the ultimate in me?"

That smile on his face was so beautiful, I was nodding unexpectedly.

I felt like I could tell. Different job titles, I thought his feelings had somewhere to go.

My first 'cocktail', scattered 'cocktails', and my first praised 'cocktail'?

Many of the "works" in me would have given me that feeling.

"That's the fun and I'm doing this job"

"No, thank you. Somehow, I understand."

"That was good. Don't worry too much about the lady."

To Mr. Kamui's last words, all I could return was a bitter laugh.

Mr. Megli returned shortly after that conversation.

She leaned her neck over and over to the strange atmosphere between me and Mr. Kamui.

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