─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

The man took a bite of the [Gin Tonic] he offered in front of him.

Confidence. There were no errors in the amount of portions, and the work was accurate.

At least, you can't have gone somewhere wrong at this stage.

Even so.

"Your cocktail is a pain in the ass."


In a small, shady space with dim lighting illuminating a calm interior.

That's what the regular guy said, obviously with his face up.

I don't know what that means, and I'm flabbergasted to forget the customer service smile.

The only way to appreciate a drink is if it tastes yummy.

"That's because you're a boring person"

"... excuse me"

In the meantime, I apologized for thinking I was pissed.

Time is probably after three. Even though I say it's narrow, the counter is ragged, and the sofa seats are vacant. The store already has only...

Next to me stands a senior, but he just wants me to practice conversation and shut up.

I don't know what that means.

Assuming I was a boring person, so what are you saying?

"It's normal for boring people to make things, isn't it?

"... is that right"

"Right. At least, your cocktail's so boring. I can't feel your humanity."

I don't know what that means.

"You, it's been two months since you worked here, right?


"Then why don't you try and break it down a little bit?


Defame the cocktail and then turn it around.

─ ─ gave me a little teasing grin.

"For example. What is your type of woman?"

That grin, it's disgusting.

"You say you're a virgin? But you're into women, aren't you? As much as I do bartenders."

"... not that I'm not interested"


"So there's no one at the store who thinks it's better?

"... no, not much of a man or a woman if you keep the counter apart"


"That's pre-construction. You'd think," Who's the type? "

"... No, because customers are just older sisters. Myself."


"What, younger hobbies? Then you, you're in the wrong place to work. I'm out of good college, so why don't you go to school and stuff like that?

"... it's good. I want to study alcohol now."


"... ha. Also, I wonder why you say that so pinchy.... I don't study."

─ ─ stared at me.

Then, check the clock.

Hmm, he nods and asks his senior.

"─ Yeah. It's almost time to close, and until then, can I borrow the evening fog?

"It's okay."

They decided that they weren't going to take my approval or anything from the beginning.

I will be seated next to you.

I also removed the salon (salon apron) and it really looks like the job is already good.

"For now, drink."

"Yes, I'll take it"

And I had a huge amount of cocktails made by the seniors.

Because I study, I tell you to drink as much as you like.

And I drank, drank, drank.

It's disgusting, and still, you can't leave me with an extravagant drink.

So, drink, drink...

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."

I opened my big mouth to the potty and even punched what was in my stomach.

My head twirls, my vision glues, and I just feel so sick.

Forced to spit out the solidification of lava looming from his stomach. Looks like I can burn my throat every time.

But I can't help it. I can't afford to keep pushing that.

If you let go of the sickness that grows in my body, it will eventually burst beyond my body's capacity.

"Uh-huh. Gee, gee, gee, gee, ho."

Sometimes, my throat can't stop me from acting.

But still, the body rigidly lifts the contents.

My throat, abs, and everything else hurts anyway. Painful. Disgusting.

Just hold onto the potty and spit out the liquid that overflows out of your body.

The liquid, which was so beautiful before I drank it, is mixed up in me and painted black.

That feeling was there, and I spit out the foreign molecules that appeared out of my body again.

You spit out what was in your stomach, and you still feel sick, but your body was mostly lighter.

Nevertheless, I have only been in a state of well-being.

In a locked store when closing time came. Lie on the couch, just waiting for time to pass.

Seniors said as they placed a glass of rice and water on the sofa table.

"Are you all right, total"

"... it's okay"

"No, you're not very okay. You're bluish."

Saying, Senior puts a limp sauce on my forehead.

Along the way, my senior finger touched me.

From me now, it was incredibly warm.

"I thought it was a bad idea, but I thought it was a good opportunity."


"You know enough to hate your limits, don't you? We don't have very classy shops, so some customers give us drinks. If you don't say no, it'll lead to sales, but if you can't do your job with it, it's a problem. So it's important to know the limits."

"... Yes"

To a drunk, falling rookie, I can't believe we're talking about work.

And even if I think about it, I don't put it in my mouth.

Know my evil or not, seniors didn't feel like work, I said in a kind voice.

"... don't worry too much"

"... Yes?

"Cocktails are boring or something. You're still a rookie."


Then the seniors said they were going to sort out the slip and left me. Sit at the counter, put together the slip and start fighting with the calculator in your hand.

I try to get my forehead squished while biting my lips off with disgusting regrets.

And my fingers touching my forehead were helplessly cold, unlike my senior.

No, are you sure your fingers are cold?

I put my finger on my cheek.

My cheeks felt colder, much more than my fingers.

It was like, one day I touched it, it was like his cheek.

It was the coolness of something that was cropped and not a person.

In a moment, I've always understood.

Now I'm dead.

The cocktail I made was made by the dead.

There's no way I can feel humanity from a dead man.


Thinking about it made me feel better.

I'm stuck on my head, relying only on his smile.

I can't do it anymore. I can't believe I'm looking for a cocktail with little hints.

Give that up, the dead are like dead people.

"No, you can't."

When I thought about it that way, I felt Ibuki in my head smiling and shaking her head.

More than that, no.

He said it was too early to die.

".................. disgusting"

This disgust is also something I'm sure I won't taste if I die.

Then there's no way I can let this go on my own.

He won't forgive me for making that choice.

"... ─."


From my own mouth, I heard an incredibly thin voice.

The seniors didn't miss my words like that, and turned here.

I couldn't help but wake up and ask my senior straight.

"Cocktails, what can I do to make them tasty?

After two months of working, it was the first question I heard.

They taught me how to make a cocktail, and I heard the trick.

But that's how I never heard it clearly.

I never sincerely admitted that my cocktail tasted bad.

Seniors think a little and then smile all the time.

"First, that you like cocktails"

I'll dish my ears if I don't miss every word of my senior's answer.

"You'll like cocktails. Then you'll be caught like that and you'll be able to practice hard. That makes more people like your cocktails this time. So, eventually, more and more people will like you."

I don't know the last one well, but I kind of figured it out otherwise.

All I'm thinking about right now is weighing the dosage accurately and doing the work.

I'm sure you can't do that.

"Bartender cocktails are the same as business cards. The cocktail is yours. If you don't like yourself, who's gonna like you?

In the words of a senior, I suddenly remembered my temperature.

I thought it was surprisingly cold, Sole said.

It's not the temperature of the dead. It's the temperature of the cocktail.

The temperature of that liquid, cooled by ice. I drank a lot of booze, so I became a cocktail.

While I realized I was drunk, I was kind of convinced by the answer.

When I was so convinced, I realized that my senior words were falling on my chest.

"... how long have you been practicing as a rookie?

"All the time in your spare time, I guess."

"... thank you"

"You're welcome."

That said, the seniors went back to work on the slip again.

I feel the heat returning to my body as I lay still.

From the cocktail, it gradually returns to man.

If seniors do, I'll have to practice twice that.

Not all the time in my spare time. Make some free time and practice.

And I like cocktails a lot better than I do now, and the cocktails taste better, and I can tell the cocktails.

And one day, to the words of Ibuki that day, I'll come back.

"No, that's what I'm asking you now."

Senior just finishes sorting out the slip and asks Niyali and me.

"My made cocktail. Which one was your favorite?

Now, I don't even want to remember the taste of alcohol, but I'm going to throw up again if I do.

I couldn't have complained about the seniors' pleasant smile.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

"... I remember"

How could I have forgotten?

About the day I decided to face the cocktail properly.

─ ─ Are you saying that Ibuki's memories are apparently not completely back?

"... seniors' words. At the end of the day, I didn't think it made sense."

No one likes me, even if the cocktails are delicious.

Such a fondness is enough for Ibuki.

After all, the thought was not overshadowed when he was in Japan, but when he came to another world.

What a strange fate, I dressed up and thought. I might call it a reality escape.

"... Now, wash your face and practice."

Not because I dreamed, but today's practice will temper me for a while.

That's what I thought, I just got my hands on getting up.

pikiri, and the muscles of his arms screamed.

I let go of my stubborn hands, often grumpy.

Whatever you think, last night, it would be the price I dressed up for.


I will not admit the pain with strength.

I rose forcefully with the power of my will.

The disgust that had accumulated in my stomach in my dreams had disappeared at some point.

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