Originally, there is the addition of a little other ingredient to [pastis water] as a way to drink pastis.

One of them is called [Tomato], which adds Grenadine syrup to [Pastis Water].

The one I prepared this time is also considered to have just added lime to the [tomato], even though there is a difference between Absinthe and Pastis.

Other cocktails, called [Paroque], which add mint liqueur rather than grenadine syrup, are also appropriately easy to drink.

Well, I'd like to hear more about what you think of the cocktails I've prepared this time, but I'm waiting for my next one.

I decided to take the fearful glass lifted cravel sideways and get to the other one.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

At the edge of Cravel's gaze, I could see the bartender youth in front of me entering a new task. I gave Sally the bar spoon she was washing and she looked a little worried in front of 'Old'.

When that happens, just a little, the weakness that you don't have to drink like this gives you a face.

The sip I took earlier, so much, left a strong impression in Cravel's head.

It's like I don't think it's a drink, that impression.

"Because it's okay. Believe me."

"Dear Phil..."

At a time like that when I spotted Cravel's heart, Phil said.

There have been many exchanges so far, so it's not like we don't even know each other. But it also makes no difference that it is Phil that Cravel most forgives his heart.

With his push too, Cravel finally included his first bite.

Intense impressions are largely diminished.

The fragrance is light depending on the water. Light lime acidity softens the palate.

Now, the intense taste that made me want to accidentally refuse to swallow was somewhat soothing.

"Oh, you've grown up a lot more than before."

"Grow up."

"Oh, no. Excuse me."

It was Cravel's too honest sentiment. Not only Phil I was hearing next door, but everyone around me has a slight bitter laugh.

Despite holding a cold glass, the body surface bumped and had heat. It would never be the potion's fault.

"But then, like the general said, let's mix it up"

Phil, who was watching Cravel calmly, said so and offered his hand.

Cravel giving Mudler to Phil like that while lighting up a little. Without one or two, Phil carefully mixed inside the rock glass with that muddler.

A slender white fingertip, not unlike the edge of the face, handles the muddler lightly.

As the cravel was prowling, the cloudy liquid instantly stained red.

Phil offered that cup with a fluffy, gentle grin, whether he noticed Cravel's gaze or not.

"Come on, go ahead"


Cravel thought it was cash while I was there.

If it was a cup offered by Phil, I could have carried it to my mouth without so much hesitation.

The flavor that spreads through my mouth was completely different first.

It is the sweet berry fruit fragrance that settles the feeling of that characteristically past herb and spreads instead.

I do feel the atmosphere of Absinthe as well, but the overlapping berries are brilliantly neutralizing the habit and turning it into a palate that I can say is easy to drink.

If swallowed with dust, the absinthe would still remain as a aftertaste. It stays, but the flavor is not as intense as it was when I went straight earlier.

Its scent, which spreads over the tongue painted on Grenadine, slips away with a glorious spread, as if it were a rose flower.

Earlier, the taste that I thought I couldn't drink as much changed with the additional ingredients.

Cravel felt surprised again by the depth of the cocktail she intended to know.

"What do you think? Does it look okay?

I was called from the side by the lid.

If you move your gaze from Phil in the front, a bartender who seems to have worn a cocktail glass in the freezer was asking with pleasure.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

Between the tasks, it seemed that Cravel had finished his tasting, so I asked him when I got up.

She picked a few words before grinning at the garlic.

"If this is it, yes. I think it's delicious."

"That's good"

I don't know about Absinthe, but I was relieved to say it was delicious.

When I was horrified, I guess I was a little relieved by how Cravel was doing.

Isotoma, who has been anxiously looking at Cravel as a flicker, asks me softly.

"So, what kind of stuff do you make for me?

"Isotoma seems to like it."

"No, no, you're right"

In a cloudy response to the tea, Isotoma gave a shuddered voice.

But I don't have a choice. Just as it's not very hard to put the taste of Absinthe into words, for example, so is the cocktail you're going to make now.

No, I can put it in words, but it's hard to make a pictorial assessment. That's all we can say about cocktails with room for choice of ingredients.

Nevertheless, I reconsider whether the current language is not enough for a boulder.

"I don't think Isotoma is actually that incompatible with Absinthe."

In my somewhat assertive tone, Isotoma glimpsed a glass of empty chaser.

"... even if they say so"

"I'm just not used to it. Originally, I prefer spicy alcohol to sweet alcohol, and from the point of view of its preference, I think it was very foreign."

This may rather be a common problem for the Japanese, but Absinthe's unique sweetness often doesn't fit his tongue if he's not used to it.

If you somehow imagine the difference between sweet Japanese confectionery and sweet European or other confectionery, would you also imagine the difference in tongue feeling?

That difference in tongue sensation naturally also manifests itself in liquor preferences. There are so many phenomena that alcohol is popular abroad, but not so much in Japan.

But I also think it's a matter of getting used to it if you stick it in.

It may be difficult to suddenly accept flavors you don't know. However, gradually, the flavor can be found to be delicious.

The human tongue is made that way.

Even I didn't feel very good when I first drank Absinthe. But I got used to the professional pattern, little by little, and I could taste it quite enough.

So as part of that habit, I chose this cocktail.

That cup on a day like today hurts if you just say it hurts a little.

Fortunately, however, the amount of just making that cup remains critical.

"Speaking of which, you said before that alcohol and humans are alike, right?

"Uh, when the master filled me with a cup"

"Don't say anything bad about people."

Laugh back bitter laughs at Isotoma, who says it's a joke.

Nevertheless, it's good if you remember.

I'll explain the cocktail I'm going to make now, using a slightly more subtle analogy.

"Absinthe is a little twisted girl. It would be hard to get along with a kid like that all of a sudden, wouldn't it? Then what do we do?"

I laughed more and took the bottle I had prepared.

"It's decided. I want you to introduce me to someone you know in common. You just have to break it down with Absinthe one by one."

The first bottle I took was an 'Old' bottle.

Among the lines in the store, I chose "Scotch", which has relatively few characteristics. The aroma is slightly subdued, but the sweetness is good with salted plums, which can go with any cocktail.

Weigh him into the shaker using 20 ml and a measure. Inside the shaker, twitching and amber spread.

"Fortunately, Mr. Isotoma is close to any liquor. Absinthe and I will get along soon."

Where I chose Old, I thought Isotoma was dead.

Not many cocktails use Old. No, I have a number, but I don't really recommend it to customers.

That's why my first choice for cocktail ingredients was an intriguing face.

"Mr. General, it's a little crummy. The metaphor."

"... wash your clothes now."

"I know, I know."

I stabbed Sally with tea in her face from the side, and then I took another bottle.

One that is removed from the freezer and spits out white trivia from the bottle. "Gini" started today in critical condition.

Isotoma, who saw Gini's bottle, asks me with a worried face.

"Hey, is that good? You don't have any more, do you?

"We'll figure it out tomorrow. The last drink is for Isotoma, who took care of her."

Tilt the bottle until the last drop is critical, also thankful.

Perfect 20ml for major cups. It was really critical, but good enough.

Unlike Old, which was room temperature, the freezing Gini was dropped by the shaker, which lowers the temperature in the shaker all at once.

While I felt the air, I reached for the last ingredient.

20 ml left in the shot glass, Absinthe.

I'll pour that one over the shaker, but it won't cloud Absinthe where mixed with other liquids.

The liquid remains slightly yellowish and transparent.

Naturally. If Absinthe's cloudiness is caused by 'alcohol content', it is unlikely that it will decrease in degrees to the extreme, where mixed with other ingredients.

Even if Absinthe in this world is something magical, it doesn't make a difference.

Steer lightly with a bar spoon to see the flavor.

There is no need to be sure, intense aroma and a high concentration of alcohol. Now, I'm afraid the taste itself is somewhat mild.

I mean, it's not a problem.

Fill the ice to about the eighth of the shaker, cover it, and beat it to the cocon and slab.

He lifted a tightly closed shaker to his chest and began to shake loosely.

Pay attention to speed and force only a little while being aware of the usual.

Although it is quite cold thanks to Gini, there are many ingredients at room temperature.

Accidentally, the ice melts and easily becomes watery.

Lightly with a wrist snap without being able to exert force. The ice inside jumps and passes its temperature to the liquid sooo.

Every time I tap on the bottom of Karan and Shaker, I feel comfortable with the vibrations transmitted to my fingers.

It integrates with the shaker while being aware of the sensations transmitted to its fingers, the sounds transmitted to its ears and the optimal points throughout its body. Immerse yourself in the sounds that echo, but that time is not that long.

Eventually, I finish the shake loosely.

Place the shaker once and open the freezer to remove the cocktail glass that had been chilled.

At the same time, I was particularly concerned about the gap between the bottles of Gini.

A chilled, thin, whitened glass, in front of an isotoma.

A new glass stands on the spot in place of the [Daikiri], who was finished drinking.

Open the top of the shaker and pour the liquid in loose. A light yellow liquid fills the cocktail glass.

Poured till the last drop, cut the shaker and I told him.

"Thank you for waiting. [Earthquake]."

A yellow source of tremors, shaking quietly, was there with flutter and fragrance.

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