"Confirm door tightness"

Close the store key, speak up and complete the confirmation. I learned today that there are people who sneak in even after checking, but let's hope today is the only day.

By the way, firmly speaking out is, 'Did you close the key today?' To eliminate anxiety.

"... it's a little cold"

Exhale to exhale the heat of the body lit by the potion.

This season already stepped into autumn. The cold outside air accentuates the whiteness of the moonlight.

At a time like this, I can't help staying out forever. I turn back and speak to Sally as she waits.

"Well, Sally."

"Yes, sir"

"I'm going somewhere."

When I spoke, Sally clearly looked nervous.

I have ever walked with two disciples, but the basics were a set of two.

That's why I've been worried about where I should go, but in the end I didn't get an answer.

So let's get Sally to choose between the two leading candidates.

"A somewhat noisy place and a quiet place. Which is better?

Just for the sake of clarity, tell Sally.

Sally got lost in those two places with little information, then said.

"If it's two things, there's a quiet place."

Copy that. Okay, let's go.

I followed her choice and decided where to go.

Walk forward to lead, watching Sally move slightly less.

... Well, I don't need a lead where I'm going.

"What? Here..."

Along the way I was walking, Sally was obviously also like she noticed something.

Still, he followed it with a reluctant expression and gradually turned into a faceless expression, finally raising his dissatisfaction where he arrived.

"Isn't that the general's room!

"Welcome to my castle"

What I showed you was my room in Easy's dorm.

It's basically a less playful room for sleeping, practicing cocktails, or staying quiet.

Spacious kitchen, flush, large fridge, and liquor shelf. After that, it's a very easy room for me, a desk for reading and writing.

I abandoned it last winter because it was the Vermut family, but this year it is my current ambition to consult Iberis to purchase the heating appliances that I met.

Sally stares at me with some blame, turning away from the nervous look in front of the store.

"What's up? Disgruntled?"

"... no, but, you know, luxury or something?

"I have the liquor I bought in the room. Let's luxury it."


Because it's the liquor I bought for my salary, there's no difference in luxury.

But after all, Sally was a little unhappy.

"... I'll ask for your information. What was the other place like?

I wonder what I will do when I hear that.

I think, but it's not a rush to answer if asked.

"It's a regular shop. Stores where you can usually drink alcohol"

"If so."

"But it also comes with the girl along with the booze"


Sally's eyes, obviously sharpened.

Now that I know what she's trying to say is in my hands, I'll let the boulders excuse me there.

"You have no choice. There are hardly any stores open at this hour."

"... so those two choices, as men who invite women -- no, what about as people?

"I was worried, too. That's why you picked me out."

"Damn, cowardly"

Yes. This is how Sally made me choose for when she complained later.

Well, there were other options left in themselves, which I voluntarily rejected.

More like a tavern for the masses - if it's an adventurer or something, it's never open.

but if you take a pretty girl like Sally to a store like that, it's not the place to talk. The rate of getting tangled would be over 100%, and I don't want to make her feel that bad.

... And Sally herself will be fine because she's strong, but I'm not just sorry.

So today it's a treat in my own room.

"Well, that's good. You can go home no matter how drunk you are here, and you're safe, right?

"... Safe."

"If you get attacked by me, you can shout it out."


When I tease her, Sally looks embarrassed while she looks at her.

but it's also for a moment. Immediately, he pointed his lips in a grumpy manner.

Was it a little too much for a joke?

"Ah, bad. It's a joke. He said he wouldn't attack."

"... Mm"

There is no sign of a return to the mood at all.

Instead, I feel even worse than I just did. I didn't say it, but I said, 'That's it, that's upsetting'.

That was a mistake. I just drank it in my room, but I didn't expect it to be so solid.

A second thought, I turned to her and suggested with a slightly more serious voice.

"Maybe you didn't like my room that much?

To my words, Sally replied softly, uncooked.

"Beh, it's not like I don't like it. It's just that"

"So what do we do?

Press in case to get confirmation.

Sally exhaled loudly once and finally said as if she had decided to do something.

"I get it. Sorry to disturb you."

"Whoa, let's go in."

I can't help it forever, at the entrance to the room.

I led her into the room properly, and then I stood in the kitchen. It is natural for the invited side to prepare.

"What do you want to drink?

"Uh, anything"

Have you come for anything? Anything then.

I'll just take two wine glasses out of the cupboard. I also buy a variety of wine studies in this world, so let's open one.

Then, recall the contents of the refrigerator and assume a knob that would fit the wine.

When I was at the Vermut house, it was good to have Phil and Sally in my room. But since I moved, I feel almost gone.

Sally has a nervous face and is solidified into a kachikochi in front of the table.

Damn, don't be too nervous to talk about what makes you so nervous.

Is there anything appropriate to relieve the tension?

I was confused by the words that accidentally came out of my mouth because I thought so.

"Well, I'll just get ready. Wait while you play the game..."

Sally, who had been solidifying in the same position for a long time, gave it back with a decent look to my words.

"Game? Is it also some kind of board game?

"... no, it's nothing. Hold it right there."


If I returned what I was, Sally pulled back with an uninterrupted look.

And when I look around the room, I'm leaning my neck.

Of course, no matter how much she looks, there's no way there's a game in this room.

Even so, for some reason, the sight was naturally floating in my head. I even shook about the game and thought at least a little bit about busting the place.

There's no way a woman could be here to start a game without my permission and start playing with our faces.

"... what are you thinking I am"

Now I clearly noticed a discrepancy in perception between myself and Sally.

In me, drinking at home was almost synonymous with drinking 'her'.

So I didn't feel like a special act. It was just a routine I haven't done in a long time.

Without thinking about it, I asked him out.

But I wouldn't be. At least from Sally, there's no way this situation isn't special.

If she still likes me.

I'm called into the room of someone I like, and we drink together.

If I wrote this, what's so special about it?

"... stupid or me"

I shake my head once and put it back in neutral shape.

There are no specifications for what I have invited. Today I treat her as a master.

At least, with that in mind, I decided to pick the most expensive wine I had ever bought.

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