"... why are you asking me that?

seconds after asking. No, maybe after a few dozen seconds, Sally said blush.

She's her, too, and she doesn't gaze at me. Playing a glass of wine in my hand, I feel a little better.

"In general theory. It's not limited to bartenders, but when I work like this, I sometimes think," I don't like it. "

"Even Mr. General?

"Rather, I'm just like that."

How many times have you thought about 'quitting' when you work in Japan?

Still, I stuck to the cocktail and kept doing it until today.

Maybe what I said out of the way made Sally feel a little easier, too.

Sally sips wine all the time. The cockroach and white throat rang, and now he gazed at me.

"It's not like I want to quit. But I don't think it's for me."

Straight gaze and conflicting trembling voice.

To her weak claims, I don't say yes or no.

Now it's my turn to listen to my apprentice, just like the seniors did.



"What makes you think that?


When I asked again, Sally was a little stuck in words.

Sometimes people move with vague, somewhat emotional. When something hard overlaps, that's all I want to get away with.

But that emotion is only a consequence. The important thing is to know why you think so. It's somehow hard, not to think about why it's hard.

Knowing what caused the result and eliminating it is necessary to solve the problem.

That's what I was taught in this job.

"So when do you think so?

"... it"

Sally doesn't seem to be able to pick words well. Always all that hazy talking girl shuts up.

But I can't help it either. It's quite painful to put the weakness of one's heart into words where it hurts.

I kind of understand Sally's troubles at the moment, but you can't tell me that from me.

"… I've been afraid to make cocktails lately"

Slightly, Sally spoke clearly. Unlike being nervous and cocky, raw emotions were making that face strong.

I nod and urge her to continue again.

"How could that be?

"... because I'm bad"

"Because you're bad?

"Because I suck at making cocktails"

Clearly she said.

From what I can tell, Sally seemed to prefer conversation to cocktails. I didn't like making cocktails either, I was guessing.

I'm overtly freaked out about today's fresh cocktails, or I'm hip to Rye's order. Even my usual order made me feel less aggressive in trying to make it.

And she's worried about it.

I snorted at it and stepped in and listened.

"Why is that?

"... you say you don't have enough practice? You tell me to practice, right? I know. I don't think so."

Sally turned that way like a little infidelity rotten.

You asked the wrong way. In an attempt to make an orbital modification, I returned a denial to it.

"I won't tell you."


"I want to know why Sally thinks I'm bad."

Why is it bad? Not really. Why do you think I'm bad?

It is there that is at the heart. She can never make a cocktail. Whatever you say is bad, there's no way it tastes worse than amateurs.

Then why does she think she's bad?

Sally looked sour and said in a really small voice.

"... because lately, we have a lot of customers asking for cocktails from Mr. General and Phil"

Like a child with a bent umbilical cord, Sally says.

Indeed, Phil's technology has come up especially lately, and more and more customers are asking for Phil's when it comes to cocktails.

Sally's heart, standing beside her and laughing quietly, seemed to be troubled this way.

I change my tone slightly when it's time to set things up.

"Why do you hate that?


"You don't think you're lucky you don't have to work?


Gatter Sally lifted her hips. Soon after that momentum tried to eat and hang on me, Sally stopped talking.

It appeared to have occurred in me, confused by anger and anger.

I apologized immediately so I could forgive her.

"Bad, I said something to incite"


"But it's time to put it into words how I got mad, right?

Sally is breathtaking.

People get angry when they're touched by things they don't want to be touched. Words like that are half a lie.

People get angry when they make fun of what's important to them.

Sally, who was worried she wouldn't be suitable for the bartender, got angry when she told me she didn't have to work for the bartender. That's all she is seriously worried about.

I said I was afraid to make cocktails, but I didn't say I didn't want to make cocktails.

Sally spins her words in a sober manner that makes her forget the earlier sword curtain.

"... what I'm really afraid of is not making cocktails. It's not like they say it tastes bad."


"What customers hate because of it"

Sally spits out emotions that don't come together well, managing to put them into words.

With every word, the momentum grows, and the emotions roar loudly so that the water that was accumulating is thrown out.

"Don't you want me to hate you?

"Because then Phil said it was better, and I needed it, and they thought it wasn't for the bartender!


"So, Mr. President, everyone!... I'm afraid my mother won't need it."

Sally, speaking out of momentum, was exhaling as excited.

After I run out of words, my twitching and tears seep gradually, and my cheeks feel shy and feverish.

After I said it, I could see how I could have said this, and I was beginning to regret it.

"Very well."

I took all her words once and nodded deeply.

Sally blushes her lips for a long time and looks desperate to mislead her loudly. Again with her like that, now firmly I apologized.

"It was my fault."

"... Yes?

"I'm sorry I didn't notice until you were so worried."

With my head down, Sally was clearly confused. But all this time, I can't help but apologize.

"Right. You two are here in anticipation of your mother. You can quit whenever you want for a reason, you're not like the bartender you normally worked for."

"... it's such a big deal"

"No. I'm sorry I couldn't take a good look at you, even though it's like I got involved"

Phil and Sally are vampires.

The two who are vampires cannot replenish their magic in the normal way. That's a pedigree problem.

It was the cocktail that made that impossible. And the two of them are here in exchange for their mother's promise to get the technology and bring it back to the country.

What they carry is a country or a race. It's a serious position that could even change the relationship between vampires and humans.

Naturally, the heavy pressure the two of them will have won't be the ratio of my imagination, but at least Sally got it all the way into her chest and came this far.

Don't even realize that, how dare you say you're a master.

My apology was there, and I stroked her head.


Sally's expression distorts her stunningly, but I stroke her head to reassure her.

Wave my hand. Ignore Sally, who is showing the grid, and I chose the words to reassure her.

"I'll say it as a master. Sally, you're good enough for bartenders."


Sally's face is tense. That's not true, it says denial.

But I've swallowed up those emotional words and just asked one thing.

"... is that true?

"Oh. True."

Sure, Phil tastes better in cocktails.

But that's not all that matters as a bartender.

"Next time, I'll have to ask Phil too. He's probably just as worried as Sally."

"Huh? Why?

"I won't tell you that. Notice for yourself."

So I only did one last thing mean.

However, I'm sure we're missing each other.

Sally herself may not have noticed, but the conversation part, not the cocktail, makes a difference between Sally and Phil. Sally is the one who makes customers smile more in conversation.

Some customers naturally prefer quiet Phil, but it's not like Sally can't serve customers like that. Phil will be worried about the difference again.

But Phil's circumstances are Phil's circumstances. Nor is it to tell Sally by speculation. It is best for each other to grow aware of each other.

I listen to Sally's troubles and think about one more thing I can do to her.

Here's the conclusion I came to.

"Sally, because of you, make me something."


Suddenly, Sally takes care of my orders.

I was stroking her. I let go of my hand and reached for the wine at hand.

Swallow dry to overlap the sinks of wine flowing in with the evils of your own making.

And I played the empty wine glass with my fingers.

"It's just empty."

I stared at her there.

On the table is still a bottle of wine left in it. Naturally, I can reach out to you.

But Sally won't get away from my sight. Swallow and said.

"Yes, I did."

A much tighter look could have been Sally's genuine look I've seen in a long time.

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