Then, without any particularly colorful stories, for a while, I was hearing all sorts of things about Sally's stupidity. There are a lot of things that accumulate, even if they look pretty free in business.

With a glass in one hand, I gave her a modest hammer back as she gradually rapped.

After all, is it about two hours in time? While doing so, the bottle of wine was almost empty and Sally's head was starting to shake flutteringly.

The mouth count slowly decreases and my voice loses its hegemony. I also get more blinks and somewhere out of focus of my eyes.

I guess the tiredness of the day and the extreme tension until earlier worked.

Rather than being drunk, he looks asleep.


Speak to her as her eyes gradually wane.

Sally opened her eyes to the voice.

".................. yes! ……… no…"

I said fine as a spinal reflex, but then again in ten seconds, I can't stand the weight of my eyelids.

It's 3: 00 in the morning. Seriously, it's a good place to stay up late. Even considering breakfast time, it would be time to go to bed.

Nevertheless, it's supposed to be a night race, but it's a lot more adapted to human society's time.

While I admired the strange part, I stood up alone trying to keep it open. I give my hand to Sally, who has followed me with a blurry gaze.

"I'm going home and going to bed now. Look, can you stand?

"... Oh, I can stand"

Sally's reply, though one-tempered, is honest. Maybe he's drowsy and doesn't have the strength to rebel. Stand up slowly, pulled by my hand.

Is there not much intoxication per se, your feet seem firm.

"Looks like you're okay. I'll walk you to your room for once."

"... Yes"

Mm-hmm. My voice has a solid answer, too. And most importantly, I'm willing to go home properly without saying it's a hassle to leave.

That's not the same place as the woman who used to crumble in my room. He was a woman who went straight to the table and fell asleep without listening to me. It was fucking annoying.

'You want to be attacked?' You want to attack me? 'he asked.' I still haven't forgotten the smile I've asked back.

When would it have been that I had given up sending such Torisu Ibuki back?

With thoughts in such a past, the edge of my mouth was loose at some point. I rushed it back when I realized it, but it looks like Sally found it too.

"... what are you thinking?

It was a slightly tense voice.

Sally only slightly strengthened the power to hold my hand. Tension and curiosity - such signs were felt.

With my room in the background, it was a sight I wasn't used to seeing but I was used to seeing.

On a scattered table, a dark and magical source of light at night. In front of me is the appearance of a close girl, alone with such a girl. We were alone, drinking.

I feel a little drunk myself. Surrey, which should be completely different, is overlaid by the situation alone.

In my head, a murmur called Zaza arises. The statue of the girl in front of me bumps. My heart is going to pound at the second.

But I said it seemed like nothing.


"... nothing"

Sally recited my words.

It could have been a bad misfriction. I just wondered if Sally would be all right now with her head poking.

After a short silence and wondering if she might be asleep, Sally said blushing.

"... nothing, even though it's good"

What is good?

Should I ask back?

Should silence be observed?


To her words bowed down, question but not listen back.

I just laughed at Sally vaguely.

Sally looks at me and says something.

But I just opened my mouth, and it didn't make me a voice.

"... sorry, for a long time"

"No. It's good to hear so much from your apprentice."

Instead, we exchanged in a social dictionary with no ear damage, and that's it.

I gave him a lift to the basement, where Sally and Phil slept, and I broke up with him, sternly asking him to be careful not to fall asleep tomorrow.

I felt like Sally had been watching me leave.

If you go back to your room, I'll give you some slack on the table or on a bunch of glasses and dishes left in the flush.

If you say what you don't like about drinking at home, it's nothing but cleaning up. The ease of drinking is not comparable to drinking at the store, but the hassle of drinking after.

Drink well and wash things when you are feeling reasonably comfortable….

"... no, let's do it"

Throw everything out and suppress the desire to jump into the futon.

It's troublesome to do now, but it's even more troublesome to stay when you wake up. I don't want to feel bad from the start of the morning.

I took all the wash off the table once and then started washing it.


One person works silently.

When I do, I mostly think about the drinks of the day.

It was fun, I learned, something simple like that. Do it alone.

Trouble with whether I said the right thing or didn't do something wrong by myself.

By the time I'm done washing things, I'll sort them out and put them in my mind.

"………… OK"

I didn't have a lot of food today, so I cleaned it up right away.

Now I can sleep without worries, I see a table that has become beautiful while I think so.

Later I just went to bed, but when I noticed, I laid my back where I was sitting, blurry on my cheek cane.

I think there was Sally's smile here earlier, and I miss her a little bit. Never thought I'd be lonely by myself before.

Look at the void where no one is, and mouth words that sound vain.

"Ibuki. I'm not wrong today, am I?

There was no reply, just words disappeared into the shimmering night air.

What did Sally mean by 'good'? I kind of thought about it.

Wasn't that what you meant by 'you can think of yourself instead'?

It only came to that idea, self-loathing.

I guess I didn't get a good look at her after all while I was with Sally.

Say with your mouth that you're his master, and say something great for him or something.

I wonder if somewhere in my heart I would have enjoyed replacing Sally with Ibuki myself.

That's why Sally felt it. Still, wouldn't you have said 'good' to me like that?

Then there, the only choice I could make was not to make it good.

It was his last will as his master.

I'm sure that wasn't wrong.

"Trice. Where are you doing now?

Like seeking salvation. Or so that you can laugh. I let the words go again.

I wanted answers.

"... Do I still like Ibuki Torisu?

Again and again, the words disappeared.

What is Trice doing? What is the wall that exists between me and her?

I don't even know that, I just use it every day for cocktails.

That was the only connection I had with her. By doing so, I thought there was no way to get to her.

But what if it all connects?

I liked Ibuki Torisu.

Maybe even now, I haven't forgotten about him.

But is it love feelings for Ibuki that I have now, or is it something different anymore?

Can you see the answer to that?

"... Let's go to sleep"

You don't have to think about it now.

I know I don't get an answer from thinking about it. If that's the answer, I knew it a long time ago.

Whether it was a purpose or a means also remained obscure, and the cocktail still stood by me.

Now I just live today with that fact in my chest.

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