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When I woke up, I noticed my back was still wet with sweat.

Suddenly, it is only occasionally that the ever blurry memories come back. But this time, I only had a few memories.

It reminded me of everything I had left behind in Japan.

I don't want to go back.

As much as I hope so, I don't find life in Japan a shame.

I miss my friends somewhat, but my presence won't be that big in them, and it's not a big deal.

Even so, the empty bottle of 'White State' that I remember comes to mind. Tighten your heart heavy and cold, like a jacket sucked in water.

When it's just an empty bottle, I feel awesome.

I was wondering if that was my apology for not being able to dispose of it or my guilt for leaving it.

Looking out the window, it was still early in the morning. The thin blurry and eastern skies are becoming brighter, but the signs of the night remain intense.

I'm barely asleep because I slept late. But I was totally drowsy flying.

"... sleeping twice... no, you want to take a little walk"

Even if I go back to the futon and meditate my eyes, it's going to take me a while to get to sleep the next time.

For a little while, I decided to move my body and induce drowsiness.


When I went outside, I realized the temperature in the morning, which was getting mostly cold.

A crowded blue sky deepens the signs of excessively cold. It would include not only the temperature of the air, but also the emotional one: alone in a dark world.

Every time I dream, I get sentimental about myself, but I can't help it.

I was saddened that I was alone now.

"Something's suddenly making me want to go back to the futon."

It was me who just wanted to reschedule to the cold.

But before my head approved the change, I saw a shadow.

On premises with dormitories. There is a small figure at the entrance to the factory where the cocktail materials are produced. She noticed me, waved and approached me well.

"Morning, General. You're up so early today!

"Morning Iberis. I can't believe I'm staring."

Even though it was still early, Iberis, a robotic girl who looked like a junior high school student, was full of energy. The vibes of solitude fog the feeling of loneliness until earlier.

I'll ask her while I give her a little thanks.

"Is Iberis always at this hour?

"Hmm? Not always. I had something I wanted to try today, so maybe I just didn't sleep well"

"Uh. I do."

Am I the only one who feels shallow sleeping when I think about it a lot before I go to bed when I'm making some kind of trial or error?

Especially if the difficulty is critical boss fights. When you couldn't really win before you went to bed, or when you meditated on your eyes, you tried all sorts of tactics in your head, and you said you couldn't sleep well.

... When I think of the old days, thank you. Don't let your thoughts go back to the old days.

After agreeing to Iberis' words, I asked further.

"What do you want to try, 'gun' after all?

"That sort of thing. I'm almost done with the basic theory, and, uh, a little bit more."

That's what I said. Her expression didn't feel like saying a few more words on the back of her back.

You're seeing right there, but the last part never fits. I seemed to see something like that.

"Are you all right?

"It's okay! Even with all the problems, it's up to the pilot to make it to the delivery date!

I said worried because it seemed to be stuffing the roots slightly, but Iberis laughed happily at it.

But after that, I looked slightly mean and said it back lightly.

"Besides, it's always impossible. If the general says so, it might not be convincing."

"... Somehow, you're aware"

I couldn't say it back strongly.

Until now, I do feel that, for cocktails, I have been through quite a bit of impotence and impossibility. Not so much talk about life-threatening levels of boulders... not a lot... yeah, not a lot though.

When I get stuck in this, it's like a lot of things first, so I'm just gonna change my story.

"No, Noine said she wanted to hear something, what happened?

Not long ago, that's what they said in the morning hours. Noine said she wanted to talk to you again about the 'gun'.

And that Neune is also the woman who is deeply involved in the work Iberis is working on.

I asked him to specify a date and time later.

"How about the next holiday?

"Next recess... maybe I'll be alright... ah"

I just thought I had no plans, and I remembered that I had only one appointment.

"No, I'm sorry. I promised Rye that day."


Iberis did not pursue it in particular.

Next time the store is closed, I promise to go visit the Vermut family. I don't know about the errands in particular, but I don't know what would happen to her mood if she rebelled.

But then Neune's story might get a little more comfortable.

Because Neune is currently at the Vermut family.

What about leaving a serious story for her and going out to play, as a person?

"Can't you handle it up front?

"Then when the next shift is off? If you're okay, I'll tell Noine."

"So please."

I feel a little sorry for having my plans rescheduled for this convenience.

but Iberis didn't look particularly concerned, stretched his spine and gave him a light yawn.

"Well, I guess it's time to get to work. Want to see the totals?

"No, let's not do this today. I haven't slept much, so I plan on sleeping lightly twice."

"Were you busy yesterday?

"... well, even at breakfast"

I really had a lot going on yesterday, so I'm not talking about it like I would when I left.

Did Iberis inspire some curiosity about this one, pointing her lips a little boring? but I quickly changed my mind and nodded that I understood.

Shake your body slightly more pleasantly and let your voice play.

"I hope you get the stuff to make fun of Sally again"

Apparently, it's the definitive route that Sally revealed something in her.

... and it is Sally's unhappiness, or something, that has been firmly softened.

"... and, uh, don't be too jealous of Sally"

"You're not kidding, are you?

"No, I know."

I felt something hard to say about Iberis' decent expression.

What Sally was worried about unexpectedly isn't much of a rip-off either. but if you don't explain that, you won't change what Iberis says about being a jerk.

No, but do we need to change it?

In the first place, Sally's relationship with Iberis would be between friends who don't hesitate. Hurt in Iberis' words, and I don't think Sally's bothered either.

... after all, can I have one as dry as Iberis?

"Nothing. No. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, I'll see you later."

I dropped off Iberis, who seemed in a good mood in the morning, and I decided to go back to my room.

Thanks to Iberis' energy, the loneliness he was feeling has disappeared with dew. I still feel the cold in the atmosphere, but not enough to care.

The color of the sky was also about to change from herd blue to dark blue.

I was just making sure of that, and I got a slight yawn about how much Iberis caught me earlier.

"... go back to sleep"

As a bartender, the choice of sleeping twice may be a little lazy. I woke up because of it, but I can't say it was a praiseworthy act, such as spending that time sleeping.

For God's sake, I will not resist that desire.

From now on, we often do things like refill ingredients, decide how to handle Absinthe, and talk to Sui lightly about everything else.

At one point in the morning or so, you would be forgiven for spending some time in your favor.

I made that excuse for the "cocktail" in me, and I bit the yawn to death.

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