'Mockingbird' means' monomanedri '.

Monomanedri is a bird of a nature that imitates the sounds of other birds. When I used to look it up, I had seen videos imitating the sounds of birds, rather than even mechanical sounds.

It's not very clear where the cocktail came from or where it originated, but did you take it from living in a Mexican forest, the origin of 'tequila'?

A beautiful mint green would have made you feel forest and nature somehow.

In addition, this cocktail may have its name on the general cocktail book.

Nonetheless, it is less well-known than super-famous cocktails like [Gin Tonic] and [Gimlet] [Dykili].

In the first place, the tequila based cocktails themselves are probably due to a smaller number than the other three types of cocktails.

That's how strong Tequila personality is, and there's something hard about using it on the base of a cocktail.

But I think [Mockingbird] is a particularly easy cocktail to drink.

The refreshing sweetness characteristic of the mint successfully covers the impression of the tequila. It looks beautiful, and the flavor itself has nothing pointy about it.

It is a drink that I would like people who do not like tequila to drink once, if possible.

"That's what [Mockingbird] means in itself."

If you give him a light description of the cocktail, Corsica will listen with pleasure.

The bartender has some kind of booze pussy. but we don't force our customers to talk about it if they're not interested.

It's fun to talk about your knowledge, but it's not about what you enjoy. Ultimately, the goal is for customers to enjoy themselves.

Nevertheless, I am glad to hear it.

"Are you a monomane... there are some interesting animals in Saw's world too"

"Looks like you're in this world, too. I saw it in the library drawings. Well, it's just a bird compared to a demon or something."

The information I have depends on the city's library for the most part. That's what I'm particularly careful to find out about the name of the cocktail.

Surprisingly, biological systems often see names in common with the Earth.

I guess this neighborhood is translated as it is if there are few differences with the planet. I'm not very familiar with it, so I don't even know how the names of the animals in this world are different from the Earth.

I've never seen a creature's name like Galapagos on a boulder or anything, but the area seems to be translated quite accommodatingly.

Similarly, things like color and nature seem to make sense if my perception is solid, whether it's in English or Japanese.

I also know somehow that blue and ethereal are translated into 'ao' with different nuances. I'm not proficient in the letters of this world enough to write them freely.

In the end, if it's a word you recognize, it makes sense without a problem.

but when it comes to toponymic systems, it is often not a glimmer.

I don't have American knowledge, but I don't have something to replace it in this world.

So a cocktail with a place name is hard to explain, and saying birds that live in Mexico doesn't make sense.

"Living in the woods to the south, it's a bit of an interesting bird."

In the end, it will fit in a generic expression.

I also worried that cocktails like that should be renamed, but all this, there's nothing I can do. No, I don't want to do something emotionally, something like that.

The truth is [Gin Tonic], because I'm making it out of 'Gini', so I guess I should rename it 'Gini Tonic'.

But that makes me feel like an act of ignoring the very history of 'cocktails' that's been piling up in my world.

To the name, of course, is the will of the person who gave it. It also contains the thoughts of the people who have dealt with it for generations. I feel like it.

... Ha. Who was it that turned this story to me?


"Anyway, if you like it, it's more than anything."

"Yes. I really, really liked it. I like mint a lot, don't I?"

I shake off the questions that have come to my mind before responding to Corsica's smile. She is so happy to have a nice cocktail.

I like mints, which is good information. Useful for making cocktails in the future.

When I was thinking about it, Sally, who was listening to the story on the side, just came in here to talk about it.

"Corsica, you looked so comfortable when you were smelling mint."

"Oh, really?

Corsica and Sally aren't too close, either, because the years are so close.

But if we're not getting along, Sally won't be too reluctant. And against a fluffy corsica, you can look bad.

Like now.

"Yeah. That's, like, a kid held up by his parents"

"Different! It shouldn't have been that way!

"So, is it a baby?

"It's worse!

When Sally made fun of Corsica as childish, Corsica was a little mucky and disputed.

I see that reaction, Sally laughing herself off. This guy, when he's a bartender, anyway, the roots are still pretty bullies.

As I listened, I pointed my finger at Sally to punish her a little.

"Yes, Sally. Cocktail with mint. Name it now."

"Ha, eh!?

It was as if I hadn't thought about it, such as when I was suddenly pointed out.

Sally stretches her pins and spine, but, uh, she roars, and her name doesn't come up any time soon. Still waiting about ten seconds, I finally said one thing.

"Ah! [Glasshopper]!

"... yeah. Well, let's make a point."

"I did it!

If he added points for mercy, Sally gasped as proud as she had won.

By the way, [Glass Hopper] is a short cocktail with a chocolate mint flavour, made from 'mint liqueur', 'white cocoa liqueur' and 'raw cream'.

Not too many degrees, as a dessert cocktail, it is quite a popular cup.

Perhaps Sally was answered aggressively because she liked herself.

I sent such a warm gaze at Sally, and then I turned my gaze to Phil next.

"So, Phil. What about a cocktail with mint?

"Eh - [Mojito] [Mint Julep], etc., if it is made from mint leaves. [Stinger] [White Spider] [Blue Coral Reef], etc."

"Well done. I'll give you 300 points."

I added a lot of points to my excellent apprentice's answer with great satisfaction.

Phil says thank you honestly as he tries to shine a little light on it.

It was Sally who raised her voice in such a way that she was not convinced.

"Hey, wait a minute! How come Phil is 300 points!? Not five points!?

"... do I have to tell you?


Hmm, and Sally eating rough nose and hanging.

Let's admit that intent. I spoke pale of the difference between Phil and Sally's thoughts.

"Sally. You sure think you're great at recommending your favorite cocktail or something. You can be honest and proud there. [Glasshopper] Then maybe I can get it out better than Phil"

"Oh, yes. Thank you."

"But Phil thinks more cocktails in the same time as you do. [Glasshopper] You were the only one who was able to be aggressive, weren't you? But Phil wasn't. That's because it took me a long time to think."

Sally is the type of person who can empathize with the story. I listen to them, go with them, and I have a talent to enjoy myself.

But Phil isn't. I have something to think about, so I can't take it in the direction of having fun myself.

It could certainly be a little unfavourable in terms of boosting the conversation. But that also means you have a habit of thinking about people's stories.

"When Corsica said, 'I like mints,' I thought you'd be a conversation story. But Phil thought, 'Should I suggest a mint-based cocktail?' That's the difference. That makes a big difference in serving cocktails. So Phil has 300 points."

"... yes, it is"

When I pointed him out, Sally looked just a little depressed. I don't think I overstated it. Because I think this is what's going to help Sally with her troubles.

but Corsica and Phil make me look like they're complaining about something, so I sneer one bitter laugh. And I stroked Sally's head a little overwhelmed.

"Hey, what are you doing!?

"Don't be depressed! I was just talking about 'Cocktails Only'!


To Sally with a slightly grumpy voice, I say Biscuit.

"You've been in a good conversation. That's your charm. The cocktail is not in a hurry, just stretch it"

"... is that right?"

The cocktail thing would be nice if you thought carefully about being a sally.

Anyway, she's got plenty of time left for me.

I admitted I was in a slightly better mood, Sally, and then I added with a little prank.

"So let's have lunch for Phil, who accumulated three hundred brilliant points, and his special guest Corsica. What do you want?

The reaction when I tried to say that was interesting again this. Specifically, Sally who became more dissatisfied than just now.

It was just a miscalculation that we were supposed to luxury lunch for everyone after the extra bend... but that's okay.

Sometimes it's the senior's job to luxury his juniors.

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