"I mean, you and Suey and Mr. Neune were hanging out in the basement, so he said he was careful against the cold."

For the reason I summed it up succinctly, Sui and Neune nodded loudly.

Now Sui and Neune are both sitting on the couch, and I'm standing up and putting my arms together.

That's what Noine said when she listened to the circumstances and things she explained.

The last time I saw Neune was the other day. I made adjustments to the new prototype gun, and I was exasperated to see that I noticed something there.

She left while talking to Iberis. If I asked her later, she would try a new theory.

And even for discussion of the theory today, he said, two blue-haired beauties were hanging out on their knees in a cold basement.

For the record, the Vermut family basement, where the twins lived until a short while ago, has now rarely turned into a Swiss laboratory and Neune drug vault.

So, there was a visitor in the middle of it. Mr. Oyaji was in the kitchen in the name of helping Rye. Almost certainly, Rye would have plotted it.

And Sui, embedded in Rye's ploy, appeared somewhat grumpy on the doorstep when the discussion was interrupted.

Yeah. I see what's going on.

"I see what's going on, but that doesn't make it out in public in that outfit, does it?"

Why do I have to preach to a woman so much older than myself?

Letting such an aversion seep in and say, the two men who had claimed their authenticity were soggy.

".................. Yes"


We both look alike again. It's a face that understands why I'm pissed off.

It's still painful to dare complain to someone who seems to be fully reflecting. In that regard, it was easy to get angry with early Sally, who always seemed dissatisfied with something when she was angry.

"Especially Mr. Noine. You would rather be the scolding side if Sui was dressed sloppily. How could you take the initiative..."

"No, that. Because I was obsessed with the argument and didn't care that much."


Uh, really, two people with more similarities in their contents than their faces.

Not so much now, but Sui is also the type of person who gets neglected when he's focused on something.

I also know how it hurts because I'm the type of person who doesn't care if his eyes go too far to the cocktail.

Or is this something you don't deserve to watch out for?

but Mr. Oyaji is obviously throwing at me, so there's nothing else I can say here.

"Anyway! I can't help it if I'm in the house all the time, but care a little about people's eyes because this can happen! Mr. Noine, if you can, get dressed! Rye is going to make a treat, but I don't have that outfit!

When I gave him Rai's name, Neune looked more sorry than he was mad at me.

I wonder how my red-haired granddaughter figured out how she was doing her cooking on the streets today.

"Let's get dressed right away"

"... Ah, I'll help too"

Neune stood up quickly and flipped herself gently. Exactly. It seems that it was a good idea to stand at the table.

Besides, why did Sui follow as he came up with it? Maybe I just found it hard to stay on the spot.

When the two of them left the room with butterflies, me and Mr. Oyaji were left in the living room.

Mr. Oyaji lowered his head slightly as he seemed sorry for me.

I'm sorry.

"Really. I mean, I wish Mr. Oyaji had said that."

Me, the boulder, it makes me a little disgusted. What makes you sad and have to scold the inhabitants who live there in the house you called to cook?

"Well, apparently, the protégé - no, no, no, no. It hurts once you see it, you'll never know."

"... Parental concessions, what do you mean, Mr. Talia too?

"Oh, like I fell asleep once in a while, there was something missing."

In Mr. Oyaji's distant eyes, I didn't feel like saying any more.

Maybe, but there's something about Sui and Neune that I couldn't say strongly, even though it was because I was shadowing my late wife over those two.

I don't like it, but I'm a little happy. I felt a slight sense of the movement of such feelings.

"For that matter, Rye is more sensitive than I am."

"Even though his face is not alike, his personality is with his father's concession"


If I joked about the sentiment I had, Mr. Oyaji gave it back with a bitter laugh while holding his fist.

I think Rye was souring his mouth, too. but sui was probably enough to do even one of the raw replies in sui.

That's why Rye used me to try to match my sister's painful eyes. Hopefully Sui will punish me, but I don't think the effect will last long to think of Mr. Oyaji's Talia.

That's it, unless I go back to this house and glare at you again...

"... what do you say, living in a dorm?"

Mr. Oyaji asked me that abruptly. It's like exploring something.

As for Easy's Dormitory, I also got quite a bit of Mr. Oyaji's order in the kitchen, so am I concerned about the comfort of using it? But hate, I don't really use fire in the kitchen.

... Then you wouldn't bother asking me that.

So should I answer purely dorm comfort?

"It's good. Sunny, thick walls, large rooms. Everyone doesn't seem dissatisfied."

Put my personal feelings on board with other residents. But Mr. Oyaji seems a little bored.

Looks like I didn't get back the sentiment I asked for, and I rephrased it somewhat grumpy.

"I don't think so. For example, we're talking about loneliness."

"You miss me... me?

I overheard it.

Mr. Oyaji neither affirms nor denies, but silence would mean affirmation.

That means I'm out of this house, and I'm starting to live in a dorm, and they're asking me if I've changed anything.

Really simple, just worried about me and listening......

"Yes, I'm fine! That's a room for one, but we're all together for breakfast and stuff! Doesn't make much difference."


"Oh, yeah."

I find it strangely irritating that Mr. Oyaji cares.

Even when I started living alone to go to college, my parents didn't ask me that. Do it. They only asked me how my studies were, how my classes were, where I got my college job.

Even though Kashi just walked a few dozen minutes past the place, and it's the kind of house that the store employees live around. Mr. Oyaji, who doesn't seem to have any shards to worry about, asks.

When I found out it was directed at me when I was stunned at my daughters saying, 'You're overprotective,' I don't know, this, what.

When I was stuck in words, Mr. Oyaji was embarrassed by what he said. A little blurry, intimidating me for realizing something.

"Well, I don't give a shit! Sui or Rai cares! I miss you so much! I guess I'm here because I miss them! Oh!?"


No matter how accustomed you are, it's me who gets scared when Mr. Oyaji shouts at you.

I may feel sorry for you, but isn't that what human beings are for?

Mr. Oyaji once again stares at me in a cautious manner.

"So complaining!?


Mr. Oyaji pushed me off so hard that this story ended.

But because it ended that way, the atmosphere flowing like this is subtle. It hurts when silence strikes.

Somebody come quick! Do something about this air!

"What are you shouting about"

And whether my wish had been fulfilled, Noine appeared in the living room, a little aware of her familiarity. Sui is also attached behind it.

Me and Mr. Oyaji meet each other in a collaborative motion for nothing only then.

"Nothing. I was just talking about the store."

"Yes, yes. New dishes and the right cocktails. So get a little hot."

Did you decide to make a good mistake? Anyway, it didn't seem like the two of them were going to pursue it any further.

Anyway, Neune nodded one thing when he saw we were done talking.

"Then the total. Is being here off-duty today?"

"Yes. I'm going to take my time today though"

Promise to Rye is our top priority today. I'm not putting in any other errands.

To my response, Neune nodded contentedly and invited me.

"So shall I ask you to hang out with me for a bit? You can't make me neglect my drug and alcohol studies more than you begged me to teach."

Neune smiles.

It's not about guns, it's about our partnership.

Apparently, it was about wanting to borrow my tongue because I soaked the herbs I could have taken in the spring around here for six months.

"Happy to do that."

I nodded without one or two.

Even if Vermouth's story is resolved, Neune's knowledge of the drug liquor can help create a liqueur potion, and there's nothing bad about working out his tongue.

To my acknowledgment, Neune looked somewhat horrified.

"Great. Honestly, asking Suey what you think won't help anything."



The voice of Sui, Neune slashes away without biting.

I'd almost feel sorry for Sui if it was normal, but I can't say anything because Neune's expression was too sinister.

Something, I guess I had a terrible hard time.

It seems that Rye's cooking will still take a while, so he was supposed to accompany Neune's drug-and-drink lecture.

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