Once you've finished talking about the store, the Vermut family's table will regain its vitality again. In particular, I was impressed that Rye, who is not usually very drunk, was slightly drunk.

In keeping with her tense like that, I told her the obvious story, too. lest she be unhappy again for a while.

Or maybe I just enjoyed talking to her.

Would it be like this if I had a sister? To think so, it was such a pleasure to have her laugh.

Even after I flattened the dinner Rye made for me, Mr. Oyaji took the initiative and made a proper knob.

Sui, who lost and stood up, had the cheese cut unanimously.

With that in mind, the lights on the table will remain on forever.

In the end, I went home just before the clock went around the heavenly side.

As always, night winds don't hesitate to take my temperature away. Pull over the coat you're wearing and I'll exhale.

The Vermutts dropped me off and I went home alone.

In doing so, it really comes to my mind that I was trying not to think about it in a good time.

"The moon is out."

I'm talking about the plan that Mr. Oyaji told me to think about.

What do I want to do with a cocktail now?

Blurry, I remember blurry old times now remembering that I forgot to tell Sui a lot.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

There may be a misunderstanding, but the bartender isn't sleeping until he's critical to attending work.

Not on those days, of course, but many days I get up a little early and do a lot of things.

Reading a book, watching a movie to make a topic, even taking a walk to avoid being unhealthy, trying to immerse yourself in a hobby, and then practicing cocktails.

Well, dare I say, I don't get paid that much, so I might live a way that doesn't cost me any money.

A lot of people say that bartenders want to do something else. Many people spend their time not bartendering in that direction again.

Some people write novels in rare places, such as banding, playing stage actors, or having model jobs.

Whether you are looking to be independent or have something else to do, what do you have in common is where you have dreams and goals?

I have a goal, and it's beautiful to work towards it. Customer service for such people was often found somewhere attractive.

Conversely, I don't remember people doing bartenders for no purpose.

Wouldn't someone like that somehow start a bartender and somehow quit and go? That's why I'm not very impressed.

In that respect, I was one of a kind.

There's not even something big enough to be a dream.

or was not so much a fluffy motive as to say there was nothing.

He is obsessed with cocktails, finds purpose in cocktails, and supports only cocktails.

While many bartenders use cocktail-making as a means of customer service, I was the only one to do so.

No destination, and still can't abandon the past. I was just looking for answers that I didn't even know I could find.

The place I headed for the holidays was a familiar building that I've been through many times.

It's about two stops away from the nearest station near the university where I live, and I walk a little when I get to the station. I used to come on my bike because every time I came on a train, I would pay the train rent.

At the entrance there was a line of sparkling liquors in cans and bottles that I wouldn't normally buy. The price is sticking out with a handmade pop.

A little distraction from it was the juice of lemons, limes, cranberries, pineapples, tomatoes and many others arranged according to the kind needed. Each manufacturer sells it according to its application, including the presence or absence of sugar and the ratio of fruit juice.

And on the other side of the entrance, in the building, I could see so many bottles filled with alcohol that it was not the ratio here.

Once inside through the entrance, you can see the Scotch shelves on the front. I spoke to a familiar man looking at you.

"Hello, Store Manager"

"Hmm? There you are, Misty Evening. It's been about a month."

"Hi. I'm out of time."

The manager looked at my face and gave me a not-so-commercial, nostalgic smile.

This store was a liquor store that I started and was brought to Ibuki.

I specialize in imported liquor, and in addition to over-the-counter sales, I also work wholesale. I mean, I guess that's the main business.

The bar I started working at was also buying liquor from this store.

I don't know much about the main store I'm in because it's the fourth store in the series, but before the owner opened the first store, he said he had been purchasing from this store since his training days at other stores.

"Are you here again today to make a small paycheck contribution?

"I don't know how to put it."

"I'm sorry. Young kids don't come here much."

Then the manager called out to me and told me to slow down and go back to organizing.

I take a closer look around the store as I sweeten up to his words.

Most of the reason to come to the store is to look for brands of whiskey and liqueurs that you can't buy in your neighborhood's supermarket.

A slightly larger supermarket offers a range of major brands and easy liqueurs. But stepping into a little minor liquor makes it harder to find it as soon as possible.

Especially if it's a bit of an elaborate cocktail or something, you can't help but want to make it according to the recipe.

Then you have to come to these specialty stores to find them.

To begin with, a major liqueur placed in a working bar. Next, the ingredients in the recipe I was curious to read the cocktail book.

While I was doing this, at some point I was totally a regular in this store.

No, before that, I've had a few trips.


In front of a certain liqueur shelf, I worry. In front of you is Parfetamur.

Sweet, luscious purple liquid with a smell of smear.

Speaking of what you're worried about, the brand.

It's the same as the one I keep in the bar where I work, so I can easily imagine the flavor myself. Make it the 'usual'? Make it as major and slightly different in taste as it is there.

Do you take more adventure and get your hands on something from another company you haven't bought yourself yet?

I can't afford my wallet enough to say everything if I get lost.

I said, if you don't indulge me well, there's no growth.

With a limited amount of time and money, we need to think about that choice.

"What are you lost for?"

As I was pondering the basket with one hand, the manager showed up and asked like that.

"... the best [Blue Moon] wants to make"

"What are you talking about like a gourmet comic book? They're all the same."

"That's not the liquor store manager's line, is it?"

When I put in a light scratch, the manager returns a slightly disintegrating grin.

"The combination of the human skill of making and the cocktail makes it everywhere, so there's no end to it. Then you're all in the same place where you got lost. Just look for a combination that fits that bottle. Including technology and drinkers."

The manager's words were just a little stained.

They're all different, so there's no way any of them are the best. What you can do is how well you can match that personality.

So, I'm just worried about me right now, and he says they're all together.

"... If you were Ibuki, you wouldn't have chosen for now."

The manager's whining seemed to be directed at me and seemed to make a monologue somewhere.

I don't even wait for my reply right now, but I'll connect the words with a distant eye somewhere.

"If I think about it better, I'll laugh and praise any alcohol."

"... I know"

I swallowed something consciously that seemed to spit out the moment I was distracted.

Even when I went shopping with her to pick a drink, I always did.

Even I think the decision is faster, but Ibuki was faster in circles. If you get lost, reach out in the mood. If you complain that I was lost in too many instant sentences, smile back at any of them.

There was no detachment in her chosen object. Maybe some of them didn't fit my mouth. But I didn't have any bad memories of the alcohol I drank with Ibuki.

But I don't have any more hands to choose the bottle in front of me right now.

If I don't choose, I won't move on.

You noticed me that was getting somewhat sentimental, and the manager made a joke out of it.

"So, as a manager, if you get lost, all of it goes wrong."

"That's the first proposal I rejected."

When I returned the bitter laughter that way, the manager laughed like he was in trouble and started organizing the shelves.

I'll face the bottle again. And in the end, I chose the usual bottle that I was used to.

If Ibuki had been here, he might have said, 'How boring is the same as usual'. I thought about that.

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