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Out of town. In the middle of a suburban road, a gray-haired beauty was staring up at the moon.

It doesn't make any particular sense to the act. I just needed time to sort out the emotions that come up in me.

The thing about emotion, when you really suffer from understanding, the gray-haired woman thinks.

You should be acting selfish, but you suffer because of that selfishness. Then how much easier it is to act with reason and logic from the beginning.

Even so, individuals can't separate emotions.

It's another strange thing to suffer from the emotion of wanting to take everything away from you and the slate of emotions of not wanting to do it.

Trice even felt the illusion that he understood the meaning of the word sentimental with his heart.

"You're shaken, Trice."

A voice said to such a gray-haired woman, not even a boy or a girl.

Rather than consolation, it was a taunting voice.

"............ I wonder what you're doing here. Elm."

"If you say so, what are you doing here in this city?"

Trice only turned his eyes to the voice. The child, called Elm, seeped through an old atmosphere that did not suit his appearance and made him make a squeaky face.

But before Trice's words, Elm-Elm breaks his face.

"Well, that's good. As far as I'm concerned, it was fun watching you take a reckless bet."


"Are you mad?


Trice's reply dissolved moonlightly, untouched.

When I was in conversation with the total, there was no movement of emotions that bounced. Rather than not showing it intentionally, that was how the vegetables looked.

She's the one talking to the total, but she's more of an anomaly. That's what Trice looks like now living in this world.

"But yeah. I'm still mad at you. [M] It was my job to make contact with him. I had to pull in because you moved on your own."

"So I wonder if there's any harm in Elm"

"It is decided that there is. Conversations with him and his surveillance are one of my most valuable entertainment today."

Trice stared at the grey-haired child who had cut off his loved ones as entertainment.

Besides, Elm is not slightly frightened. I'm just looking at the look on Trice's face like it's funny.

"Well, instead, you're having a conversation with him because that's funny, so I'm putting up with him."

"... yes"

"Mmm. You want me to be a little bit more like someone else."

Now it was Trice's turn to turn a cold gaze.

For this child, facial expressions and emotions coincide, as they do when ironically dealing with the total.

"Only against you, don't you think?"

"It's cold."

"Nor do I want to be told only by you"

Elle still had a bottom invisible grin in those words.

"Even this, though I'm being nice to people so they don't say it's cold"

"Unless that's even the word of the one who drives people to the dead."

"That's a theory of results. I just don't refuse. [M] Whether that request is dangerous or not is not what I know. No, I know if it's dangerous."

It was an uninteresting joke. Even if it's a funny joke, Tris wasn't just going to laugh at this kid.

Trice took his gaze off Elle and looked up at the moon again. It emitted a white light which, after all, appeared somewhere different from that of the planet in memory.

"Is the moon beautiful?

"When I'm with you, it doesn't look that way."

It would have been nice to be next door here. Yes, Tris thought from the bottom of his heart.

But the reality is different. The total did not come with Trice. Instead, the only child with gray hair who doesn't care is there.

The fact adds to the coolness of the outside air felt on the skin. It will also be a matter of time before it turns to cold like cutting skin. That's the human skin feeling.

Please don't catch a cold or anything. But can't it be? Because he was indifferent to his physical condition and stuff like that.

No, but maybe, for a moment, his place has changed so much. I don't know. Tris isn't at the top of the list right now.

The only thing Trice can tell is that the total is different now than it used to be. Even if it remains a lid on certain emotions, change is a change.

That sting my heart terribly. But when I realized that I felt like thinking about it, the total became more and more loving. It's a good thing I said that the time I don't see you breeds love.

However, I can never doubt that it would be better to see him.

Even if love is not nurtured. Kiss me, or I want you to cuddle me, I don't want you. It's just good if you stay on my side.

And if you look at yourself once in a while, that's all your mind will come to mind.

Trice looks up at the moon and wonders like that.

Elle utters words that comfort Trice like that.

"Originally, I knew his character. I also knew his changes. It was a bad minute to make a wish."

"I know that."

A desire. Uncaptured, one shard of hope.

Even if I know it, I guess it's the business of forming romantic feelings that makes me want to hang out there. Yeah, Tris thought it was like some other HR.

After all, miracles and other things couldn't have happened, and I was too shaken up.

Still, I felt just a little clearer. If I'm not sending myself out, I'm not watching you in silence. Remember the significance of acting.

Again, Torisu Ibuki realizes that if this is not the case. Even if it was just a void in front of the total.

Have you noticeably seen Trice's emotional changes, Elle says encouraging, thrusting words.

"The rest is his destiny. What, I've survived death before. You don't have to worry."



Besides, once separated, Elm said.

"No matter what happens, I'm just going to die anyway. Like Izuki Torikusu once did."


Trice clenched his fist tightly to the word.

There's no way Elle wouldn't know the name as well as he did on purpose.

This gray-haired child will do so much as deliberately stroke the emotions that reside in Trice. There's not even room for malice there. It's just pure interest.

Tris doesn't have to think about it.

"You are. It's exactly like that moon."

"The moon?"

There is no need to listen to Elle. Even so, the words had the power not to let them do it.

"In the end, your essence is like that moon. Without the sun, you can't stay."


"Besides, the moon is also a symbol of madness. Just crazy about romantic feelings. It suits you."

"............... right"

Trice didn't even feel like denying it. It just pleases Elle where he did it, and most importantly, there was no way to deny it.

The total may think of Trice as the sun, but that's a total mistake. Trice feels so self-derisive.

It is the sun that truly sheds light that can save people, not the tris...

said the grey-haired child so as to block the thought of such a trice.

"Either way, I'll have your part to play."

"... I know"

That's a story about Trice's circumstances that have nothing to do with it.

stories involving her, and Elle's purpose.

"Target found. All you have to do is timing. And there's nothing we can do about it."


"But only your role is determined. Tris Tonerico"

Tris Tonerico. That's the name you're naming in this place.

There are two of us here.

Elm Tonerico and Tris Tonerico.

That's each other's name in this world.

"Let's live up to our husband's expectations." Brave Man. ""

"... I know." Sage. "

As satisfied with the response, Elle grinned coldly. I don't know if that's consistent with emotion, even from the edge.

Trice, who was looking up at the white moon, once regrettably glances at the city with the total.

And I looked up at the moon again so I could shake my thoughts out.

After those few moments, there were no figures left there.

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