"... Hmm. I'm telling you, if you think I'm going to get angry with you to this extent, it's a big mistake."

Guinura didn't even hide her blatantly unpleasant face, but she did.

Me and the woman, who were expecting Guinura's eruption, would face such a Guinura attitude.

"I'm telling you, I'm still an adult. I don't argue with everything I don't like."

"Oh, wow."

I still can't hide my upset at Ginulla's attitude.

Guinura, who had all that in his mouth and denied the cocktail, does not absurd his voice on the subject of that cocktail.

Seems it was at about the same time as your husband that I got to the answer for pursuing such wonders.

"Oh, I see. Guinura, you're gonna stick with him there, but you're not gonna stick with what he makes."

"............ ha"

There was a dry voice coming out of Guinura again.

A woman's hand was finally blocking his mouth before her husband made any further mistakes.

"I'm sorry. This guy's like this, so listen to me in half."

"... at all. I don't know, stick around, etc."

"Right. Guinura, you're busy with yourself."

"That's right. What do you care about Yugiri?"

The woman's words were as if to abandon her children. But still, Guinura seemed to have a certain effect.

Ginula, who seems to have restored her mood slightly, continued to speak with a slight disrespect towards me.

"So I don't give a shit. You can have a cocktail if you want."

"... Yep..."

I used to think just a little bit.

What happens when the commonly known tundelle character says, "I didn't make it for you" or something like that, "Oh, yeah, then I don't want anything else"?

You can try it, but the problem now is that the other guy is a totally unattractive guy.

Nevertheless, my position would be that it should be easy to say no, including the situation.

"No, but this place is somewhere else."

Normally, it is NG that carries out sales and equivalent activities in other stores. Even though Guinura is the opponent, it doesn't necessarily mean the other guests won't come.

You should at least avoid taking away customers from other stores.

"Oh, that's good. As you can see, this is what we look like."

And where I tried to escape, a woman pulled over.

I couldn't grasp if this kind of thing meant less customers or loose. I'd like to think maybe the latter.

"That said,"

"It's not good. I don't care either. If you make it here, I'll make sure your colleagues keep their mouths shut."

"... it's the"

When they say it that way, I feel a bit of a burden.

When you do this kind of work, your peers somehow know. Because no matter how well you hide it, you can see it's a handiwork or a way to carry a conversation.

But then again, it is a little difficult for the store to keep quiet. Can you tell when it comes to feeling weird tensions go on forever?

That's why women are blaming me for turning away.

"... then sweeten to your words"

"Yeah, how sweet. Raw Hate and its' cocktails'? There's nothing that's going to be the ingredient for it."

It's a woman's story, like running things into the water until then. I let him in the counter with a little relief.

Even though it's the counter, sometimes it serves light dishes, which is very different from ours.

The view from the outside is not that different either. I wonder if you can imagine a quality kitchen with a counter bar.

Compared to the mechanized 'Easys', I can't wipe the rustic impression at all.

"Ale and wine, maybe some more tea."

"Oh, no, I can't bother you that much. Just make yourself comfortable."

A woman presents something that is likely to be an ingredient, but I hesitated.

Yale or something is good if you're going to make a little variant. But now I'm targeting two new people and one Kramer.

I don't care about Kramer, but I want to get something as standard out as possible for the two new guys.

The weirdo is my image of serving as much cocktails as I enjoyed them all.

"Can I ask you two, what are your preferences?

That's how I ask the two of them about their preferences, but the woman laughed more and gave them back.

"All three of them together, so it's good. Wouldn't it be hard to make them separate?

"I'm glad you said that."

"It's okay. Anything you like about good alcohol."

He cared more about me than he meant it.

Personally, I don't imitate distractions with that, but it's also true that the ingredients aren't luxurious. With all my heart, I will try to make you sweet here.


When that happens, what's left to make.

Would it be better to refresh the flavour system if there were first time people here? When that happens, the basics would be a combination of citrus on the base, well.

I was just putting out some candidates in my head, and I had eyes with Guinura in front of me.

Guinura was looking at me as she declared she was not interested.

"... what the fuck?

"Nothing. If you have time to worry, just make it. It wouldn't make much difference what you made anyway."

Is there a bartender who wouldn't be angry to be told like this? No, I'm not.

But Guinura, while saying it that way, seemed to care about the flickering and what I make.

Now I wonder if Guinura's last cocktail was also when she was going to training.

So, not exactly, but I remember talking to Albao for only one thing.

Just remembering that one point, the candidate that was floating in my head scratched out and one new candidate appeared.

And what a perfect fit for the man in front of you.


I spoke softly and consciously switched on the bartender.

You sensibly perceived my atmosphere changed, the woman steps away from me.

First, I pulled the ammo I needed out of my hip pouch.

Tools for shakes, ice, and another 'old' - 'brandy' - previously entrusted to Albao.

Plus one transparent liqueur ammo. Now the ingredients are everything.

Put those ammunition on your hands, one by one, and go back to where they were.

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I set out to be in this world."

When I returned the ammunition to the ingredients with the chant, the couple watching next door looked surprised.

"Uh, actually, I can only use one of these. It's convenient."

"Oh, yeah. Sure sounds convenient."

The woman nodded one and went back to calm, if I told her as little as possible.

I tend to forget when I'm around Sui, but magic is basically a special technology in this world.

I don't even know how many people, how much technique they can use, but not so many will be able to handle even practical magic.

That's why magic devices using magic that can be handled by anyone are so prevalent.

"Just a glass, can I borrow it?

"Yeah. It's good. I wonder what glass it is."

"Three wine glasses"

I had a woman prepare a glass of wine for me not long after I got back on my feet.

I really just want to say cocktail glass, but I don't have a hand today. Let me substitute you with a glass of wine.

I borrowed a clean cloth and gently wiped the glass before lining up the three glasses.

Naturally there is no freezer either, so put the ice back from the ammo in the glass and the bottom is ready.

Expand the material by renting the working space behind the counter.

Center the shaker with a major cup and ice on the left hand side. On the right hand side, place the bottle.

At first, I reached for the liqueur of the by-products, not the brandy, the white mint liqueur.

20 ml for one person. Pour it into a shaker, 60 ml for three.

With all the ingredients available so far, if you're familiar with them, you'll already see the answer.

The only ingredients left are 'brandy'. I swiftly poured 40 ml into the shaker three times on the 45 ml side of the major cup.

The liquid stains a pale amber color and fills the shaker with all sorts. I chose the biggest shaker in my hand, but still slightly more for three.

In addition, both ingredients are at room temperature. It's hard to say it's too cold this time of year. When doing a shake, you have to be more aware of the condition of the ice than usual.

Steer with a light bar spoon to see the flavor. Brandy's sweet richness and the soothing sobriety of the mint go out of his nose exquisitely.

Decide that you don't have a problem, select some ice that doesn't have much of a pointed corner, and go into the shaker with a tong.

Numerous chunks of ice sink on every rocking lake surface. The tip of the iceberg setting at dusk, what a sprinkling rhetoric floats but there is no time to be wandering.

Put the shaker lid on and hit the workbench on the inside of the counter about twice.

And quietly moved on to Shake.

It's always the same to be careful.

Fast and accurate, plus your imagination of Shaker. Using the feel of my fingertips and my ears, eyes and experience, I move the shaker closer to the finished shape of the cocktail I have in mind.

It is in a different store than usual, but it remains the same while I work on it.

Regularly sounding metal disconnects my consciousness from the outside world and invites me inside the shaker. The kind of time that blends into the world via sound, but soon ends.

A tip from Shaker announced the completion of the cocktail and I quietly finished the shake.

Place the dust, and the shaker, and prepare the glass that had been cooled with ice.

Remove the ice, wipe your mouth just gently, and the glass is ready. Remove the top of the shaker and pour roughly 30 ml at a time first from the right side in order.

Proceed to the left edge and fold back from there for another 30 ml. Each of the three glasses was poured 60 ml evenly.

"Thank you for waiting"

I put down the shaker I cut to the last drop and I proceeded with each of those three drinks.

My husband and woman are just a little distracted by the work of the cocktail they see for the first time. In that, Guinura, who is never the first cocktail, reaches for the glass first.

I took one glass and asked at the same time.

"What's this?

I don't even have to think about what they're asking me.

I said my name with a face full of bartenders.

"[Stinger], sir."

"[Stinger]... poison needle, huh?"

Guinura answers quietly and sees Chirali and the other two.

The two, unpetrified by Guinura's gaze, also reach out to the glass, respectively.

Waiting for those two to prepare, Guinura quietly raised the glass.

"Cheers, then"

I was a little surprised that Guinura would say that to the cocktail.

But I didn't even give it a bite, and I watched them contain the liquid in their mouths.

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