The welcoming party between Albao and Rosemary, as well as the extra litho, ended quietly.

To the two of them from afar, they behaved a variety of cocktails with the intention of mindfulness. I tried to prepare the ingredients and menu specially for this day, but it seemed to me that you liked it.

"But you're going to make more things at the store, right?

Let's keep in mind that Rosemary's voice, while innocent, felt somewhere colorful.

And then, as far as I'm concerned, I was worried that Little would ever talk about Corsica, Iberis, and Rosemary, but I ended up worried.

Litro treated the women so gently that their previous behavior in the store seemed to lie.

Without even the speed of his hands on women, he is a beautiful man with no place to go. I felt there were many caring and graceful moves to learn from him.

After a small welcome, he led Albao and Rosemary to their rooms, which would have been tired from the long journey. Lady, to see how Rosemary is used to, Corsica could be in trouble from now on in her bath care and so on.

After the guide was finished, the retro was still in the dining room.

I asked him why he was so grown up.

"Oh, there's something profound about that."

That's what I said. A distressed eye littoro. I don't know how old I am, but I've been traveling all this time. A few years, if you suck, a dozen years and.

If that's what he says, there must be some deep circumstances.

"I've been thrown out of the house of a man I've been pleading with on a trip, dictating about his wife and daughter. I punished you for the third time, too."

"That's where you wanted me to punish you for the first time."

Really, he was a man who didn't know if what he was saying was a joke or a serious one. At least I want it to be the type that makes sense.

I'll bite my sigh off and go in and clean up the welcome party. Sui and Iberis were already in the wash, so I'm going to lower the empty dishes and re-group the extra dishes into one plate.

Little Toro, who sees me like that, helps me work quietly, too.

"But you were a lot more qualitative than I expected."

Little Toro said Bosoli.

Today, the dishes that were lined up on the table were basically based on vegetables taken in the fields of Corsica, such as stir-fry and pie.

Besides, baked confectionery with preserved nuts that Bergamo took a while ago, or soup with salted pork.

It's certainly not gorgeous to say, but the flavour is certain, and it's not a lineup with complaining muscles.

"Ah! No, no! I don't mean to disparage you! Instead, I like these qualitative 'treats'."

And before I could say anything, Litro immediately followed up.

That didn't look deliberate, so I waited quietly for it to continue.

Litro dropped his eyes a little so he could escape my gaze, and then he turns around again.

"I don't want to say much about it, but... that store is supposed to make a lot of money from non-store income, right?

I think we're talking about carbonated drinks.

Litro came to us after hearing rumors of cocktails from elsewhere. I also knew it was the developer of carbonated beverages.

That carbonated beverage, currently as a new beverage, has received a lot of attention and sales.

If so, it is natural to speculate that money is coming into that developer as well.

"That's enough to be able to play and live every day without working"

"... well, I don't deny it"

"If so, it is. People are vulnerable to luxury. Vulnerable to temptation. It was a little unexpected that I was earning a huge fortune and living nothing different than before."

The voice of the litho gets a little lower.

Consideration would be given to not hearing Sui or Iberis doing the washing as much as possible.

I gave Little Snort back to what Little Toro said.

"That's right. In fact, if you work in a store like this, you can see a little bit about how people who have money can change."

No matter how good a person is, if money suddenly comes in, it can change.

I give it back to Retro, even if it feels a little dark.

"But the Easys-- no, not Suey. She wants money and she doesn't run a store."

"... Well, you are. I'll let you live here, too, with that purpose."

Where Sui has the money, there's no way anything can change.

In the first place, if you just wanted the money, you couldn't have continued the potion store where the idle birds were ringing until I got here.

I do not deny that she is afloat. She won't change how much money she's loaded. At best, to the extent that we have more budget to spend on magic research.

I move the hand that was stopped because of the conversation.

Reassemble the dishes, thereby overlapping the empty dishes and heading to Sui and Iberis where they are washing.

That's what Little Toro calls me.

"But what about you?

"... yourself, is it?

Looking back, Little Toro is looking at me like he's exploring.

I remember that in my eyes. Sure, he had similar eyes when he first behaved like a cocktail to him.

"You're not like Miss Suey. You must have huge amounts of money in your hands again. So you won't change?

"... yourself?

It was an unrealistic question.

Indeed, the amount paid to me personally from the 'Cravel Chamber of Commerce' on the documents is enormous.

That's what makes the job of bartender so easy in terms of money.

"I've been watching the bartender's work the last few days. Bars are never just taverns, and bartenders are not just salaries. I've never seen a liquor store weigh so heavily on customer service. If it leans so closely on the customer, the load should be considerable."

"What do you want to say?"

Is there something you would like to say to the job of bartender?

Little by little, Little Toro puts his face back on the line.

"I hear your reputation from the regular people at the store. Keep your mouth shut. They called you a cocktail idiot."

"... well, I don't deny it... what the hell..."

"Nobody's calling you a 'bartender idiot'."

I've never heard the word 'bartender idiot' before.

But what difference does it make between "cocktail idiots" and "bartender idiots"?

"I mean, master. You want to make a 'cocktail' and you're a bartender, aren't you?

"... no, wait a minute, that's like"

"Yeah, I mean, you don't have to do a bartender if you can make a 'cocktail', 'cause it's not weird to think about it."

I was just talking about Sui.

Sui wants to save people. With all his heart, like he did a potion study.

If you're alone in wanting to make a cocktail, and you keep making a cocktail, the job of bartender there is ultimately no longer necessary.

And I have that option.

Because you don't have to work as a bartender to have enough money to live.

"... that's not true."

"What's the difference?"

He was unconsciously vomiting a word of denial. Litro asks for reason in my words like that.

"What I do like is' cocktails'. But I'm sure the cocktail I'm looking for, even if I keep making it on my own, I can't reach it, it's like something, I feel."

"So if you keep working as a bartender, you think you'll get there someday?

"... Yes"

I was powerless to return it.

Really, I wasn't sure I could say that.

Because I don't know the answer to the ultimate cocktail. I don't know what 'cocktail' Torisu Ibuki was talking about that day.

I like cocktails, bartenders, work I like and do.

But before I came to this world, I wanted to quit the bartender.

Suey needed me in this world, and I worked as a bartender. That was fun, and I was happy to lean on Sui's goal.

To the extent that I think that means living as a bartender in this world.

But right now, I'm seeing the goal, and then, what happens to me?

I can tell you what I can do with the bartender.

"... excuse me. It's my bad habit to want to wear people's troubles back."

I don't think Little's satisfied with my response.

But he didn't have the same exploratory look as he had had earlier, he had a somewhere horny look on his face.

"You are still young. So I just thought if I drowned in gold, I wouldn't get it back."

"That's right...... anyway, it's money I don't have a use for"

"That won't happen. Money can help you when you want something."

Think of a way to use it, would you say?

Little again, uhm, roared and slapped Pong and his hand.

"That's right! If you don't have a use for it, it's a good idea to help the girls!

"... what?

What did this man suddenly say?

"That's a good idea! As a matter of fact, I still have very little experience with" luxury games "either. The women in business don't serve the bard without money. No, of course, it wasn't once or twice the experience of having their motherhood tickled and improved, but it was far from" luxury games. "

Little's sudden suggestion was running out to leave my thoughts behind.

But such a littoral voice was not a low voice that cared about its surroundings until earlier.

That also means it reaches her who was washing.


After turning around gently and shivering at that icy gaze, I called out to the Little One.

"... Mr. Little. It was a short time ago."

"Hmm? What's going on, Master?

"The owner said," There's no room for you to stay. "

"Ha ha!

I thought you weren't laughing there.

But next to his smile, I saw an obvious cold sweat floating around, and, oh, I understood that this was also his sacrifice.

It should be noted, unfortunately, that Little's desperate plea did not result in him doing wild lodging under the cold skies.

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