"Well, I'm glad we finished our first lecture without delay."

"Yes, I was surprised by more enthusiasm than I imagined."

"I was going to pick someone who was motivated, but I wouldn't know until this all started."

The lord smiled happily at the end of the lecture on public participation held today.

After laughing innocently like that, she slightly regained her majesty and said without hiding the looseness of her cheeks.

"Recently, I've been reporting bad things, so I'm glad to hear a good story."

"Thank you for your help."

"Fufu. Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm glad you're still helping me out."

If you try to be courteous, the lord will also say a few words of hard work to the big wind.

Then the men laughed at each other a little bit.

"Of course, it's only natural that you can help.I've been doing a lot of work for you, so I hope I can give you back a little bit. "

"What, you're taking care of me, too.Since the first time you affirmed your hobby for my potions, I've been taking care of you. "

"No, most of the further cocktail research went well thanks to the Lord's help."

And now the two men who are humble to each other.

In fact, I can study cocktails with all my heart thanks to the lord.The lord can sell the cocktail I studied as a specialty of this city.win-win relationship.

If this is a work of art, I would call it a patron.

If the direct ally of the cocktail is Switzerland, the shadow ally is definitely the lord.

And maybe even the missing library fairies and Tris.

"Anyway, it's true that I want you to help me from now on.So, thank you. "

"Yes, thank you."

I feel a conflicting motivation with the Lord's tired face, and I naturally gain strength.

However, if you work too hard and fall down alone, there is no former child.I'm just going to follow you for a little bit.

"But you can't do that.Neither the Knights nor the lords can do their best when they want to. "

And that's what I want to say to myself, and to the people around me.

"Especially Viola, I respect the lord that much.If you don't set an example and rest, I'll work until I fall. "

"... nnm"

Yes, speaking of Viola's name, the lord reacted slightly strangely.

He was tired but energetic, and felt that he took the words seriously.

... Ah, speaking of which, Viola escorts Miss Cellaroy, the Lord's daughter, whenever she has anything to do.Does Viola's malaise still lead to her daughter's danger?

Nevertheless, I don't know why you look so serious, so why don't you just distract yourself from the subject?

"Speaking of which, how is Miss Theraloi, the Lord's daughter?I hardly ever see you here. "

"... that's right..."

When I named Miss Cellaroy, the lord's face became even more serious.

Is this a mistake?

"I'm sorry, isn't that a good idea?"

"No, Cellaroy is fine.Originally, rather than being physically weak, I was just being sluggish.So to tell you the truth, it's just convenient to be ill. "

"... was that so?"

I was relieved to hear that, like a shock knowing that I wouldn't meet.

Nevertheless, I was honestly relieved that it wasn't the worst.

"If your daughter looks well, that's all I need."

"... oh, really, I'm worried.Was it because you spoiled her or because you were influenced by your brother? "

Pick up the word "brother" that pops out of the lord's mouth.

"Is your son still in the capital?"

"Mm-hmm. That's it. When I study, I leave, and I rarely come back from a letter. Not at all....."

Earlier, the lord who punched the face of the lord who thought of the people and spilled his child's worries as a fool was just like a human father.

This is something I know a little bit about, but the Lord has two children.

My son, Proteol, and my daughter, Theraloi.

I thought it was just one daughter because it was my only daughter, but it was one son and one daughter.

As for the proteol, before I came to this world, I went to study in the capital of this country, Elb Absanto, and he didn't come back.

Everything, with his academic legs, he went straight to work for the royal palace.

Even as a lord who would have wanted his son to carry on the trail, it seemed like a rather shocking event that didn't come out of his mouth, and that was the reason why he hastened his previous Ceraroi engagement.

"Sometimes Misty. I'd like to ask you a question about a woman of your age."

While organizing relationships in his head, the lord said with a serious face.

I chewed the words out of my mouth, and then slowly spit them out.

"I'm not particularly familiar with it, but just ask."

We kept a moderate line of defense.I didn't have the vision to answer such a disturbing question clearly.

But the lord asks for my affirmation.

"Isn't a daughter of my age more interested in sexual intercourse?"

"... you say?"

"Cellaroy, it was certainly my fault the last time I tried to rush into an engagement.Admit it, but two years after that, you still have to bring it up and refuse the whole story. "

"... hah"

I remember the face of Miss Cellaroy.

I can't remember very clearly, but I feel like I got the impression that the core went through in the softness.

In other words, I may not be going to nod as cancer when it comes to clear marital relationships.

"Well, if you don't feel that way about yourself, maybe you can't help it."

"That's true, but she's already 20 years old.Even so, in our neighborhood, there are many men and women who have been engaged since they were young, and even at that age, if there is not a single sex story, the eyes around them will become harsh. "

"If you're stuck in a house in the first place, it's impossible to have no encounter, no sexual intercourse."

"... that's true.If that's the case, at least it's worth it. "

It is the expression of the lord who feels the toothlessness of his daughter's stubborn attitude.

But when it comes to my daughter, I don't really feel dignified.The feeling is similar to that of Mr. Oyaji, who is worried about Sui and Rye.

Well, as for those two daughters, there was no plain man to say, but Mr. Oyaji was chasing them away.

It is strange to worry about it even though I am chasing it away myself.

And I'll leave Mr Oyaji's story alone and give him back some advice that is not obvious.

"In the stories I know, I don't force myself to introduce myself at first, but rather start with a relationship like a friend with a common hobby."

"... hah. That kid's hobby... that might be a little tricky."

"... is that so?"

"You may meet people with hobbies right away.But I hate losing too much.I like to compete with my hobbies, but I'm not interested in something weaker than myself, that's the type. "

"... then you have to find someone stronger than your daughter because of your hobbies."

"Hahaha. If it's going to be so easy, maybe I won't have to worry about it either."

The more I hear about it, the more I hear about Miss Cellaroy, the better she is.

It may be a good match for Switzerland in terms of the gap between appearance and content.In that sense, she seems to like Swiss ─ ─ Oh, so Viola is my escort.

"Well, why don't you introduce the good guys through your valet Viola?If it's a word from one's own valet, it won't go anywhere. "

"... that's right."

Remembering Viola's face, the lord continued.

And even more seriously, you asked me.

"Sometimes do you hear that kind of homosexual talk from Viola?Do you think she'd be interested in that kind of thing? "


No, not at all.

And I was slightly distracted by my mouth.

I see, if Viola introduces us, we may not be able to go anywhere.

But Viola, who is at the heart of it, can't abandon the possibility of telling the story.

You can't.

"Well, Viola said that she would come to my store next time she had time, so let's just ask her a little bit about that."

"... please"

To be honest, it is disqualified as a bartender to disclose the customer's plans to come to the store or the information that he has come to the store to a third party.

But now that I'm a little miserable, I'll be forgiven for making that promise.

"And maybe it's faster to convince your son to come back than to take care of his daughter."

"... and I'm doing it."

I can't say anything in the Lord's distant eyes.

My son goes far away and my daughter is not interested in sex.

Even a lord who has been so good to me, while feeling guilty that he cannot escape from his family's problems, I kept listening to the lord's stupidity.

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