I've cleared one case with Miss Crabel, but I don't have enough time for her to evacuate now.

She was supposed to help lead the role of delivering combat supplies like Ginula.

For a short time, I was watching a plain as a battlefield alongside the Swiss.

Soon, when the scouts report again, our rear forces will be in formation and waiting.

The warriors already in the vanguard were waiting in formation, and the archers attacking the enemy advance were visible on their backs.

You're less nervous than you think because you haven't had a real life yet.

I've fought monsters in this world several times before, but none of them are small, and the vanguard kept me from attacking them.

Even if I thought I could understand the difference between these battles and the wars that are coming, I wonder if I haven't even noticed them in my mind.

Maybe so is Switzerland.Or maybe she's smart enough not to do that.

However, the neighboring Swiss always looked more calm.

Is that because you are confident in the "Okuma's Hands", which were completed during the pre-battle preparation period?

However, "Oku-No-Hand" is only "Oku-No-Hand", as long as there are no occasions to use it.

"Total. Are you okay?"

Did you notice what I was looking at, or did you say something that Swiss cared about?

Were you worried in my eyes?But the younger girl worries me, and I don't intend to have the guts to keep quiet.

"It's okay, it's a battle to defend the future of cocktails with the city.You can't let me screw you. "

Yeah, that's right.

Swiss smiled at my strength.

I couldn't read her feelings.But I still felt more relaxed than usual.

"If you want, I'll protect you. It's okay."

"I'm kidding. If I expose the swiss to danger, I'll tell you later."

When I left, I remembered Oyaji's face, which had been beaten lightly on the shoulder silently.

Reminds me of Rye who still sent me, staring at me to the end.

With a twinkly expression, Neuine didn't change her harsh words until the end.

Recall the regulars who were face-to-face just before the evacuation and the people who were involved in the cocktail.

That alone made me feel like I was standing here.

I was able to realize the connection with people.

"Let's go, Swiss. And win."

"Yeah, but safety comes first."

At the same time as I made up my mind, I saw a slight appearance of the scouts running from the tip of the plain.

It was time. Sue and I left together.

It was only after a while that I was able to tell our team that the engagement with the advance party had ended as planned.

Said the first battle ended in our one-sided strike, with no casualties and a few wounded almost complete victory.

This completes the annihilation of the animal-type monster, leaving only a Skeleton base.

Looks like it's going well.


Next to me, Phil took a breath of relief.

If the Archers and Knights return soon, they will be waiting for their enemies in earnest.

That way, we'll be on the front lines.

I'm ready.All we have to do is wait for the time.

The apprentice knights and apprentice bartenders around me are gripping the guns in their hands many times more restlessly than I am.

And time passed, and the voice of the message echoed.

"Enemy Squad confirmed! Enemy Squad confirmed!Stay alert, everyone! Enemy Squad confirmed! "

With a resounding voice, I narrow my eyes slightly to the tip of the plain.

On Earth, the distance from my eyes to the horizon would have been about five kilometers.

This world is probably no different.

Beyond that horizon, there is a poisonous image of something mixed with white and purple.

Something frightened me, and I finally saw the head clearly.

And I saw it for the first time.

Speaking of corpses, the real dragon.

Even though it was still only a small shadow, its existence grabbed my heart in horror.


It's not mine, but I can still hear someone cramping close to me.

Check out the scope Iberis made before this war.

The eye no longer has an eyeball, but it can see rotten light in a rough cavity.

That alone strengthens the human body like a frog stared at by a snake.

The atmosphere on the battlefield had already begun to dominate, even though the whole thing had not yet been seen.

"It's okay. We'll take them down."

It wasn't loud.

It was just a good voice that was trained in everyday sales.

Looking at the Lord of the Voice, Phil appeared to be free of dust, such as unexpected and frightened air.

"All you have to do is kick the skeletons in front of you."

Sally told him to repeat Phil's voice.

The atmosphere between them is not such as to counteract the dragon's sense of intimidation.

If you were a mother, Rasquil, you might have rejuvenated your surroundings by putting twice the pressure on a distant dragon zombie.

But they just stand there straight.

Even so, I felt reassured that these vampires would stand on our side.

The agitation of seeing the dragon zombie in the distance quietly subsides.

All that remains is a little tension and exhilaration that the battle to protect the city is about to begin.

"Is So-san okay, too?"

Phil gently touched his shoulders and said caring to me.

I usually make a spare smile and give it back when I'm open.

"It's okay. This is not the first time I've fought an enemy that's going to die if I make a mistake."

Even if I thought about it, it wasn't strange to fight two dragongrass and magic oak, even if they were bad at it.

If you think so, this dragon zombie doesn't make a big difference.Not to mention Phil and Sally, who are supposed to fight directly, are calm, but I'm not scared.

"Good. No matter how much vampires we say we're immortal, it's tough to hit each other from the front without the support of our surroundings."

"Mr. Rasquil?"

"... if you were my mother, I might kick you in the front."

I knew he was a monster.

He didn't join us in this war, but he was the worst he could be.

That means nothing.

I asked Phil to distract me from the tensions of the impending war.

"By the way, what did Phil just say to Crabel?"

Phil was upset by my confused expression. [M]

They had the illusion that people around them would never ask about it.

But if I'm so nervous that I can't move here, I'd like to hear what's bothering me.

To be honest, Phil's relationship with Miss Crabel is at best as good as that of a friend.

Miss Crabel was about to cum, but compared to that, Phil felt that it was a shame.

The size of the two emotions would not have been balanced.

However, regardless of the size, the orientation is not completely different.

"... when this battle is over, let's talk about it properly.I'm not going to be a bartender, I'm going to be alone. "

Does it seem like Phil's honest response?

I don't give answers forcibly, I don't give answers, and I respond appropriately.

It's just...

"Something like a flag is ominous....."

"... flag?"

"No, oh, that. Anyway, don't die."


Phil doesn't get it, but it's only natural.There is no culture of death flags in this world.

Nevertheless, since Phil is a vampire, fighting his most dangerous enemy is not so risky.

Then you don't have to worry too much.

"Anyway, I'm relieved. Thank you."

No, from here on out.

Phil shakes his neck loosely if he doesn't do anything to thank me.

Turning again, I saw straw and human models gathering around the bones and rotten flesh of a giant dragon.

Skeletons. The moving human bones we should fight.

It would be a big fuss if it went out in Japan, but after seeing the dragon zombie, it's not powerful enough.

However, there are many of them. It is a group without formations, but the number is more than twice that of us.

I forgot, the fear of battle slightly ached in my chest, but I ignored it.

"Mr. General, tell me what's going on."


Nodding at Phil's confirmation, we check the status of "Ammo" in front of the troops.

The temperature of the ice is still low until recently, when it has been refilled.

Mass production of guns was imminent, but in time.Instead, I owe a lot to the city's pilots, but I don't mind.

Let's play our part.

Then we wait.

When a group of Skeletons gradually approaches and fills their eyes.

Bow stand!

Bows and arrows are not zero, though they don't have much effect on Skeletons.

There is no reason not to attack unilaterally.

Most importantly, the real purpose is not to cause damage, but to be perceived as' attacked 'by the opponent.

Wait, wait, wait, wait until the skeleton enters the bow's range.

"Bow and arrow, shoot!"

Arrows of rain pour down on the Skeletons who were approaching.

Even though it does not inflict pain on the opponent, a powerful weapon shreds the opponent's body and weapon.

Fewer than 10% of the opponents will have been scraped by the current attack.

But I don't mind.

The flames of war were dropped.

Until then, Skeletons who had been moving to match Dragon Zombies were turned hostile by a bow attack.

And they're coming at us a little faster than they can run.

I switched on the bartender that I was aware of during my regular business hours.

There is no substitute for concentrating on sales or fighting.

"Bartender unit, let's go!"

My voice is followed by the voice of the captains.

When we move, the formation moves.

Do not disturb and protect us as a firepower unit.

And we stood up to the incredibly lined bony monsters.

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