Me and the lord were taken without knowing why, even before dawn.

Viola and the knights with mansions watched on the side, and suddenly the lord tried to stop them.

No matter how ungrateful they were, if they disobeyed the royal order, it would be a splendid 'sin'.

Even if he was supposed to be taken on a suspicion he didn't remember.

Even so, even if we were to take the lord with us just on suspicion, we would not have been subjected to any further rough imitation by the boulders.

Although under surveillance, me and the lord were transported to King's Landing in a comfortable carriage there.

The interior of the carriage is not as shaky as that of the carriage.The Lord and I are sitting next to each other, with surveillance soldiers on both sides and in front of us.

Even though it is too late in the evening, if you look at the place that left in a hurry without waiting for the dawn, there may be some sort of temptation somewhere.

For example, so that someone who knows about the incident can't follow us.

"So, will you let me check the charges again?"

It has been a while since I was rocked by a carriage, and it will be difficult to run the horse in a little bit of darkness.

With a calm voice, the lord asked the man with the most decorative armor in the surveillance.

"As I told you, we are under suspicion of developing magic weapons and overthrowing the state."

"I wonder where I could possibly be suspected of that again."

The lord's words seeped with calm but invisible anger.

The surveillance soldier who was asked seemed to be trying to be faceless, but seemed to see sweat seeping through his forehead.

"It's information from Saruji."

What is Saruji?

"I can't answer."

It is the Lord who is caught, but now it appears that the position is the opposite of interrogation.

Nevertheless, the surveillance soldier, who seemed to hate to be able to get in like this, leaked a bit of his "Saruzu information" and stuff.

"I can't tell you more, but you've discovered a new kind of magic called 'cocktails' and yet you're hiding information.In addition, there is information that they have devised a scheme to spread it widely by falsely describing it as a new kind of potion. "

"I have to say, it's a terrible investigation.Or did someone who divulged the information arbitrarily twist it so that I could be "bad"? "

"This is a legitimate excision with the approval of the Fourth Prince.You can make an excuse in court. "

In the Lord's sighing words, the surveillance soldier blushed in anger.

The Fourth Prince, indeed, is the prince who forced us to deal with dragon zombies.And then I looked into it, and it was said that the fourth prince was still a single-digit boy.

I mean, there's almost certainly someone behind it.

The lord tried to extract information afterwards, but they didn't seem to respond to the conversation either.

The lord finally turned his gaze on me and whispered that he could not be heard by the surveillance soldiers.

"Well, Mist. Apparently, this series of dramas has been planned for a long time."

"... is that so?"

I thought so on the basis that I left the city in the evening, but the lord would have thought otherwise.It was a confident expression.

"Too good, too good.If you don't carefully plan on the date, time, and place of the tournament, you won't be able to take us away smoothly.Above all, it is unnatural that you should be charged with the same crime as I am. "

"... is that so?"

The parents of cocktails are supposed to be me in this world.

In that case, it wouldn't be strange to be regarded as the principal rather than the lord.

The lord is willing to answer my questions like that.

"Indeed, you are the parent of the cocktail.But it's information that you have to look up with interest in drinking cocktails and get closer to the relative center of the cocktail.If you think of cocktails as a new magic technique, it makes sense to focus more on you than on you. "

Yes, it is.

Externally, cocktails are supposed to be Swiss.

People close to Switzerland, such as classmates in magic institutes like Rosemary, are surprised, but otherwise, "2,000 Years of Witch" - recently, the city has become known as "Millions of Blues", etc. - I don't doubt her.

If a new magic technique were born, it would normally be a Swiss idea.

In other words, it is more sui generis than me to be charged with the overthrow of the state.

But I'm the one who's actually being taken.There's no sign of another squad moving.After catching me and the lord, the carriage left immediately.

"Is the goal of the opponent to eliminate me and the lord?"

"That's right, and it's easy to see who you're looking for.The person who is interested in the cocktail and wants to reach you and remove the "biological parent" and "back shield" from the cocktail.In other words, people who want to enter the place and smoke "sweet soup."

I see.

As explained so far, I do not intend to be so dull as to not know who the lord is expecting.

"Saruji means Rugweed."

"I think so."

That pompous Raccoon Father.

Well, apparently, I can't help but disturb the cocktail.

Initially, they try to force cocktail profits, and if they fail, they try to incorporate the lord and me.

If it fails, it's time to pull down the main post and try to get yourself into that position.

No, it's not. Maybe it's an act of feeling that if we don't get it, we'll destroy it.

Either way, it seems that he has chosen a brilliantly hostile position against us.

"Did the appearance of the Dragon Zombie completely catch up with the opponent?"

"Yes, I'm sure they wouldn't have treated it like 'magic' until the cocktail spread."

Without the presence of a dragon zombie, I couldn't force the display of the gun I just made.

That means you didn't leave a gap for the other person.

Perhaps the lord would have eliminated Ragweed sooner.

Because he was afraid of it, Ragweed had a plan to punish me and the lord for their crimes.And because of the appearance of dragon zombies, the plan became so successful that I couldn't complain.

This is like a bad luck break in the match of timing and speed.

If there is any connection between the Fourth Prince and Ragweed, it may even have forced the Lord to respond to the Dragon Zombie in order to buy time or crush our cocktail program itself.

"... can we win innocence?"

When I knew the other person, I was talking about a lot of questions that came to mind.

The lord laughs in trouble and then says.

"No problem," I'd say, but it might depend on the other person's roots.Nevertheless, at least we're not at fault.If you dare say so, the "gun" report was somewhat delayed, but there is no such thing as a royal family without justice, considering the emergency of the demon king's attack. "

The lord said so, but I raised my eyebrows a little.

Recently, trust in the royal family has been a way down for me.

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