My lord and I were taken, and the trial took place in an instant.

I first learned about the system of trials in this world by actually experiencing it.

In the first place, the legal system of this world - or perhaps this country alone - is ordered by the King.

It may be natural because it is not democracy, but the kings and royalties, as well as intellectuals and powerful people, have twisted their heads to create a country.Since it is also royalty to choose the expert, it is not democratic, but, well, the king may be closer to the people than to decide alone.

And it is the lord who keeps the law that was created.

In the King's Landing, it is the role of the royal family and its knights, and when this becomes a region, the lord and his knights become the policing mechanism.

Nevertheless, not everything in everyday life is left to the knights, and so-called civil affairs are sometimes housed inside by vigilantes.

However, the Vigilante does not seem to have enough power to allow a vengeful duel in the event of a serious murder.

So, in our case, they're charging us with treason.

This is clearly not the level at which the vigilante will manage.In the first place, the suspect is a lord.

That's why we were taken into custody and brought to King's Landing.

At the time of the trial, I and the lord will be the defendant's position, and the party who sued will be Rugweed.But Rugweed was getting the Prince's letter of arrangement, so he was essentially sued by the royal family itself.

That means it's not a person-to-person trial, it's a trial facing the law.

In ordinary trials, the accuser and the accuser testify against each other and add to those claims (in this world, like a jury).Rather than being randomly chosen, they are chosen from people close to the case, such as their own relatives), who swear to the royal family to judge the truth without sheltering their relatives.It's basically their job to give additional testimony or give additional evidence.

In this case, if perjury is discovered at any stage, the sin is even heavier, and so is the perjury.If he is not guilty, only the perjured person will be held guilty.

Judge who heard the testimony of those witnesses (like a judge.Final acquittal and sentencing) will eventually result in a verdict.

The judgment shall be rendered by or on behalf of the royal family, the lord himself or herself.

And in the case of our trial, there is a premise that the opponent's claim is correct, and we have to contest it and prove that we are innocent.

We must crush each other's claims one by one.

And when we got here, me and the lord had a serious problem.Rather, is it correct to know the reason why it went so smoothly from being taken to the trial?

"─ ─ That is the testimony of Lord Sage Ezoensis and Seo Yugiri, the alien, who planned the overthrow of the state."

A man on the plaintiff's side who didn't know his face or name finished his claim.

The location is like a room with a more stylish meeting room.It is also close to the image of a Japanese court.A great man sits in the middle with his back against the wall, and a man who stands beside him as a guardian is holding him tight.

On both sides of the room are elongated desks filled by defendant and plaintiff parties.

And there are a few chairs in the middle surrounded by that elongated desk.On the plaintiff's side, the man who claimed earlier sat, and on the defendant's side, me and the lord sat.

The man who finished his claim arrived at his seat in a slightly restless manner compared to the majestic manner in which he had spoken earlier.

The contents of the claim are the same as what the surveillance man told me when he was put on a carriage.Somewhat obsessed with detail.

In short, the Lord and I, the alien summoned by the Witch of the Two Thousand Years, concealed the magic of the "cocktail" made by the witch (Switzerland) and sought to strengthen their power to overthrow the country.

The cocktail was a breakthrough that even people who had never been able to use magic could do so by using special tools (apparently developed by Switzerland).

However, the lord was actually against the royal family and thought that with this cocktail, he could secretly build up a great deal of magic power and rebel against the royal family.

For that reason, he had acquired me, who was weak in a different world, deceived the Swiss verbally to hide the magic, and conducted a reaction test using potions for the study.

As part of that research, we found that cocktails also exhibit peculiar properties as potions, and decided to advertise their aspects extensively.As part of this, the Potion Quality Council took advantage of its position as the lord of the venue to create new awards, such as the Special Best Award, and forced cocktails into the venue.

In the name of spreading the cocktail as a potion, we are secretly training magicians, and behind the scenes we call on our own associates to cooperate.

In the process, "good" people called Aurantiaca and the Safina Chamber of Commerce are contracted to conceal the magical side and make the ingredients of cocktail magic.

But such an evil can't go well.

In the middle of the plan, the Demon King Dragon Zombie appears.

At this time, the royal family orders them to deal with it with a bitter decision to protect the country, but it is the decision that will eventually expose the lord's evil deeds.The lord, anxious to cause damage to the city, sends out a magical cocktail squad that was secretly deployed.

This will defeat the Dragon Zombie, but a good reporter who was watching the battle will report to the Royal Family after realizing the lord's plan.

The lord's scheme became known to the royal family and led to the present escort.

Therefore, since this plan is planned and extremely vicious, the death penalty for national treason and the acceptance of cocktail research results are considered appropriate.

I made such an assertion, and the other party's assertion ended by continuing with the words of the knot.

I just listened to it in silence.Because the lord told me in advance that I would answer the question.

Even such a fucked up timeline appeal was the opponent's argument.

It was an accusation that was so gloomy that it passed through the anger that it was painted with "lies".

It looks like the same to the lord, with a lost expression, raising his hand quietly.

If there is an argument, it is necessary to obtain permission from the sentencing judge, not the judge, by show of hands.

Defendant, Sage Ezoensis. Permission to speak.

"I have an objection. The assertions made earlier are virtually groundless."

The lord objected outright.

You might want to leave it to your emotions to yell at you, but I'll line up the facts one by one.

The cocktail was created in collaboration with Swiss Vermut and Sunset Mist to prevent deaths due to magic deficiencies among the poor and others who cannot obtain expensive potions due to inexpensive potions.

It was confirmed that cocktails had a magical effect, but it was difficult to say that it was a breakthrough that practical effects would occur only if the cocktails created by the total sunset mist were used by the total sunset mist.

Therefore, the magical aspect was not noticed at first.Cocktails are rightly spreading as a new type of potion, and their reputation in the potion reputation is no-fraud.

In addition, the contact between ourselves and Sunset Mist was born at this time, and since then, we have distributed and accommodated materials, but there is no fact that we have led the development and research of cocktails.All of this has been done voluntarily by Swiss Vermut and Sunset Mist.

I am confident that all those involved, such as the potato shop he worked with, will express similar opinions.

Also, the magical cocktail came into practical use almost at the same time as the emergence of dragon zombies, and there was no element of planned crime, as claimed earlier.

Above all, we are already ready to report the cocktail magic to the royal family, and we have the consent of both General Mist and Swiss Vermut.

Therefore, this action is an unreasonable claim based on unreasonable suspicion.

The lord's assertion was so grand that he could not have imagined that everything around him had been done in a sense of intimidation that seemed like an enemy.

And more than I could have imagined, he was familiar with the cocktail sequence.

Perhaps the Viola area reported the situation in detail.Still, he let us do what we wanted without any particular interference.

I didn't have much direct involvement, but I heard him insist that the cocktail was still under the lord's protection.


"I understand the assertion. But where is the proof that it is true?"

The sentencer accepts the claim with grim eyes.

The lord glanced back with grim eyes.

"Official records, evidence of transactions, etc., are to be found in the mansion of my territory."

"That's strange.The regiment said they couldn't find such evidence. "

Then I'll go straight ─ ─

"No, I can't give you the opportunity to fabricate evidence."


Until then, even the lord, who was completely calm, unexpectedly roughed up his voice.

The opponent's claim has no advantages.If you're worried about fabrication, you'll have to monitor it and forgive it.

If you don't forgive us, we're not going to admit our innocence from the beginning.

What I learned earlier is that the legal system is meaningless in this situation.

"If there's evidence in the first place, why didn't you bring it in when you brought it in?"

"We were taken without being given time to prepare."

"It is a lie. I've been told that I took her with me for a day."

"That's a lie. We are being taken without even being informed of the charges."

The lord answers in an orderly manner, spitting indignation on his face.

But the sentencer said to laugh at the lord's words.

"What I heard beforehand is the truth in this situation.And it's the witnesses who hear your claims and say what they think. "

The trial then moved on to allow the lord no further objections.

Additional testimonies from people close to both, and a place to tell the 'truth' of each.

But I want you to think about it.

Witnesses, so-called summary attorneys, are chosen from their family members, close associates, and leading personalities present in the country's judicial system.

But here in King's Landing, the lord is the local lord.

How long will someone close to him be in this king's city?

Not to mention how much such "structured trials" are called.

After all, even the Son of the Sovereign, who was told that he served in King's Landing, was not called.

"I have witnessed Lord Sage Ezoensis complaining about the royal family."

It was a testimony from a stranger, set as a witness on our side.

From scratch of the remark, false testimony of fact came from next to next.

It's not just the lord, I've never even met him before, but I don't know what it means to say that I was using the magic of "cocktails" to do armed nanissoles.

The neighboring lord also passed on those testimonies with an indifferent expression, as if he were conscious of not being frustrated.

Eventually, the rain of false testimony stopped, and the verdict said.

"There is no room for debate. On behalf of Prince Sinurus Echinopus Spherocephalus Elb Absanto, the Fourth Prince of the Kingdom of Elb Absanto, Sage Ezoensis and Saw Yugiri shall be executed for the crime of national treason.I shall inform you of the date of the sentence. "

I heard the verdict vaguely, feeling somewhere far away.

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