Then my shackles were removed and my pouch, which had been taken away, was returned.

Most of the ingredients, somehow under the influence of ammunition, remained almost unchanged and safe, but naturally the finished "cocktail" bullets were out, and the ice bullets were loose.

Well, I didn't mean to put out the existing product, and there was actually no problem with the ice.

On a work desk prepared for this occasion only.Put your hand in the clean bowl you prepared and I'll sing.

[Waves of Life, Ancient Intentions, I will be the shape of this world (depression)]

That's what I said. I put the ammunition back in my hand.

There, about half of the consistent ice that still releases the cold air in full.

The explanation of "disarming ammunition" was not particularly described, so it was welcomed with considerable surprise.

In the meantime, I heard Sui staring at me.

"Why do you have ice?"

"This morning, the friendly guards asked me if I wanted anything for my last meal, so I asked for a big, cool ice."

"... for the last meal?"


I am familiar with the stupid face of Swiss.

From the looks of it, it is faceless, but I am used to seeing it to the extent that I can tell that I am stunned.

It's not that bad. Someone asked for ice for the last supper.Well, I wasn't expecting you to really prepare it.

Where did you get it from?

"Please wait a little longer."

Say, I'll split the ice into cocktail sizes with a triple ice pick.It is a bowl to avoid scattering fragments.

I wonder what to make in my head while doing such work.

What is the first cocktail a king should drink?

Straight cocktails like Martini and Manhattan.

Or a basic-packed Royal Road cocktail like [Gintonic] or [Zinfiz]?

Or is it an original for the king, who hears what he likes and dislikes, and takes great care to consolidate his favorites?

Of course, it can't be complete in your head.

As well as their taste preferences, they are now compatible with meals, such as before or after meals, or after strong dishes if they are after meals.

It is not that I am lazy in my usual sales, but it will be necessary to confirm my preference with more care than usual.

I will ask honestly because I already have permission to ask questions.

"Very well, Your Majesty. Let me ask you a question."


It's a long way from the throne.

I asked at that distance when it was difficult to admit anything more than words from the expression.

"Do you like or dislike any flavors?For example, I like citrus fruit, and I don't like herbal aromas like mint and lavender. "

First of all, there's nothing you can do if you set the taste trend.

That's my bartender.

But the King's response was quite different from my expectations.

"I don't like or dislike the taste."

"... um, what do you mean it's okay?"

"That's right. Kings shouldn't have personal preferences.Everything should be evaluated equally, reviewed equally, and punished equally.Like the people of Ichii, you shouldn't worry about one or two of your daily dishes.Therefore, there is no difference in the quality of food or alcohol, and there is no good or bad there. "

No way, I swallowed up a voice that I was about to return.

The prime minister next door does not say anything but listens to the king.

I saw Lito instead of a swallowed voice.

Litro looked at the words of his father's king with a painful face and asked him to speak for me.

"But isn't it also the king's role to provide guidance?"

I wonder if you're telling me to take off such an outer surface and be honest with me here.

The king looks at such a retro, but shakes his neck loosely.

"That's also the case. But the rest don't know anything about cocktails.I don't have any guidelines for standing up to strangers. "

"... fart."

"Say whatever you want.So you can't do it, right? "

I can't give it back unless the king stares at me.

"Now, on my own initiative, let me make a drink for the king."


The king nods satisfactorily.

On the other hand, my head starts to circle around the same place as the glue.

I mean, this means that I have to think about the right answer myself.

I said something great in my mouth, but of course I've never had such an experience before ─ ─ Being a cocktail to a tall man like a king.

In the first place, with a few exceptions, the other person is favorable to me during business hours.They don't even want to drink a tasty cocktail on purpose, so they don't have to ask and answer questions about their preferences.

But this time, I don't have the hint.

No information, no experience, nothing.

There are a lot of ingredients lined up in front of you.There are too many choices to choose from, even though they are small because they are handheld materials.

Royal Road, Basic or Arrangement.What do you like?


Yes, when I was lost in the maze of grand 'hobbies'.

A cool voice was heard from a girl with equally cool eyes.

When I turned my face, Sui said with a slightly sharp face.

"Who does General make cocktails for?"

"To whom?"

"I have to look at the front."

They told me to raise my eyes a little.

Another piece of information is added to the thoughts that were just going around in my head and in the juxtaposed bottles.

The face of a gentle king.

I thought my expression was too far away to read, but there was something I could tell from here.

There is a second set of expectations and referees' feelings.

The dark neighborhood below.


I understood what Sui wanted to say.

I was about to make the wrong cocktail for the other party's authority.

I couldn't act as a bartender while saying something great.

I'm just a bartender here, and I'm just a difficult customer.

The opponent is not the King, one Kirsium... somehow Lito's father, a weary man.

I have no idea what a cocktail is to dedicate to the king, but there is no problem.

"... something on the rest of your face?"

"No, I was a little worried.I just found the answer. "

I see.

Take a good look at them.

A king of a kingdom appears before the eyes of the crowd, and there is no doubt that he wears many armour named majesty.

Nevertheless, inexhaustible fatigue has emerged.

That reminds me of his recent hard work.

You can't be tired.You may not have a decent rest or a meal.

Your body is more clingy than you can see, and you're still not allowed to fall, and you're working every day to cut your life.

Maybe it's been a long time since the day the Dragon Zombie showed up.

Should a cocktail be made for such a man?

There was an answer in my head.

That was when I was still in Japan.

My first bartender was soon tired, both physically and mentally, from unfamiliar work and nightlife.

Senpai made me a drink.

As I learned later, it was full of famous cartoons that Senpai imitated from the beginning.

"... now I will make you the drink you need."

Yes, I knew the answer to be made here.

I'm sure everyone in this room is full of 'disapproval'.

Still, it's the perfect drink for this man.

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