I was brought to the basement from Rosemary's mouth the other day.

When I think of the basement in my image, it's like a Swiss lab, a bar in the basement, or a wine cellar, but it's all different.

The closest thing you can imagine is the treasure trove underneath the castle, which you often see in a slightly older game.It's made up of a hallway and a locked room.

Nevertheless, it doesn't mean that crates are left unconstructed, but rather that there are a number of science prep rooms and everything that needs to be stored in the way it should be.

"Don't touch the door in a rough way.Most things should be harmless, but there may be something inside that you can use your magic to unseal. "

Rosemary, who noticed the movement of my gaze, said in an embarrassing tone.

I nodded back without saying a word.It's not a very chatty atmosphere.

When Rosemary accepts my reply, she walks out of the vault hallway to lead the way.Me and the three of Tris follow.

There is no fire like a torch in the hallway.However, the blurry light seems to be coming from the wall itself.That thin light was creeping out our shadow.

"Sealing certain magical and cursed tools, not just shapes and types, is one of Meriastel's household businesses."

Without turning around, Rosemary begins explaining herself.

"The sword that protects the royal family is also the sheath that protects the royal family.It is also the role of the Meliastel family to secretly manage and sometimes' deliver 'many of the dangerous substitutes that cannot be kept in the royal family since the founding of the country.However, the record is not publicly available. "

Have you ever actually used it?

Or have you ever kept a record of it being used?

Either way, here are some dangerous tools like the one that caused the dragon zombie disturbance the other day.If you think so, you can't treat it badly.

"I did my magic to protect and renew the seals that my ancestors inherited when I came to Taizhou."

That being said, Rosemary finally stopped in front of one door.

When I opened the door with a heavy impression, it was already a room with something like a magic team.

Of course, I can't tell just by looking at the meaning of the magic team.However, it was found to be as complicated as winning, compared to the previous magical team for chanting discards and multiple chants drawn by Switzerland.

"So what am I supposed to do?"

Well, calm down a bit.

Even though I couldn't stop myself from asking, Rosemary said that to me.

She headed to the work desk in the corner of the empty room and began spreading the materials.

"Sealing magic equipment is a very troublesome thing to do.In the first place, magic equipment is just a tool.It makes no sense without the people who use it.If you don't think about it, just throw it in a sturdy room where no one can get in.But this country didn't. "

The eyes of Rosemary are still not facing us.

I picked up some of the materials I prepared and kept talking at a hassle.

"House Meliastel seals the magic equipment.This is a measure to prevent dangerous magic equipment from becoming a threat to the country even if it falls into the hands of someone with malicious intent.That's the reason for the appearance. "

"... where's the back?"

"It's not easy. The fact that we can seal it means we can unlock it.And the research to reduce power is going forward, which means that the research to amplify power is also going forward.In other words, in a study titled Sealing Dangerous Magic Equipment, you wanted to increase the "trump card" when the threat of the country appeared.Some of them were actually to be used to defend the King's City from dragon zombies across Tris and Elm.From the investigation stage, some of them were already using their powers. "

I glimpse Tris' face.

She nodded little on it.

"For example, accessories that make it possible to use simple metastasis magic on the moon and night are quite convenient.Elm must have had something like that. "

"... that kind of thing."

One end of Tris and Elm's mystery was discovered.

And being given such an accessory would have meant that it was part of a mission that needed to be used.

I remember that terrible wand.

I've been thinking a little since that wand first appeared in the royal castle.

Sure, I had some terrible signs, but I can't tell you the name or ability of the wand.

Understanding that means you knew the wand existed from the beginning.

"No way, that wand was originally..."

"Yes, it was originally managed by my Meliastel family.A long time ago, after being used by a foolish king, he was lost. "

I don't know why the wand that was missing a long time ago came out here.

All I know is that Tris has been looking for something and that there is a wand overlapping the appearance of the Devil.

That Tris predicted a disaster in my city before there were reports of the Devil King.

There is only one answer if the situation is so good.

"So, was Tris looking for the wand or the person who was using it?"

"That's what this is all about."

Rosemary answered instead, not Tris.

Speaking of Tris at heart, she stares at me and Rosemary with a rather uncomfortable face.

The answer comes from Rosemary, which means she knew about my contact with Tris.

I may not have known the relationship until now.

Nevertheless, it is good now.It's good to listen slowly even after it's over.

When I think so, I rush to ask Rosemary again.

"So, what am I supposed to do here?I'm telling you, I can't help you with a magical ritual. "

"I know without being told.Of course, I'm not going to ask you to do that. "

When it is said clearly, it is a little depressed.

If I had at least a little more magic, I might have tried mastering magic without the Swiss paying me in advance.

Well, even if I just rode the basics lightly with a white oak, it was as difficult as lecturing in modern Japanese information science, so it would be really difficult to try to do that.

"So, what do we do?"

"Is there only one thing you can do?"

There's only one thing I can think of.

"Making cocktails?"

Quite seriously, that's all I can do.

I was troubled to ask for anything else, but Rosemary nodded satisfactorily.

"That's right. I want you to make the cocktails you need."

"I see, but cocktails are only instantly potions that are hardly suitable for magical rituals or anything."

It is sold from Switzerland, but it is not out of the picture.

Speaking of magical rituals, this is the image of a catalyst or a sacrifice, but a cocktail that only holds for 15 minutes will be weak.

That's not how cocktails are used in the first place.

Drink it.

Whatever I say, I'm shooting it off as a magic cannon.

"That's all right. All I want you to do is restore the magic of Tris."

The magic of Tris?

"... I wonder if the story is going on.There is a story that the magic of the fifth attribute in you is originally the magic of Tris. "

"...... ahh"

I wonder when Tris came to the store the other night.

Indeed, she said such a thing.

While ammuniting the inorganic material (glass) that I should only be able to do in front of me.

"I don't know why this is happening, but I don't know what it is, but the magic of Tris is a little short for performing the ritual.So I want you to make up for that with your cocktail. "

"So I'm just gonna make a cocktail with an old potion?"

That's what I'm talking about.

It really didn't seem like much was required of me.

For example, even if I was told that I would perform a ritual that would return the magic of the fifth attribute, well, I was prepared to do so.

Even though it helped fight dragon zombies, it doesn't make much sense for me to have stupid magic.I wonder how easy it would be to ammunition like before.

"So, I'm sorry, but can I ask you a favor?"

If that's all it takes.

I nod to Rosemary's words and ask her what she cares about.

"But is it okay to do such a sealing ceremony with this small number of people?Doesn't the real owner participate, such as a person from the royal family? "

Rosemary had a pungent look on her face.

I don't know much about magic rituals and tricks, but since I use such a large magic team, I imagine something bigger.

I'm here about Rosemary, Tris, Elm, Meghist.

"Enough is needed. Above all, there's nothing we can do anymore."

I felt that Rosemary's "irresistible" rating, which was mocked at me, was quietly sucked into my ears.

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