Initially, the delivery of supplies to the capital increased, but the decisive thing was that Krevel got the information about the "apprentices" in this city.

Although the request for cooperation did not actually fly, there were instructions from the lord in the royal capital that the apprentice bartender team should be ready to go to the royal capital at any time.

Having heard it from somewhere, the Safina Chamber made a hypothesis along with the circumstantial evidence.

That was the situation where the next [Demon King] appeared.

Assuming that, all you have to do is take the backing.I tried to gather as much information as I could, so that no door could be opened in people's mouths.

Most of the assumptions had changed into certainty.

It seems that if we were to return to the city, we would have to make contact.

"I just don't know why you guys came back."No, it's natural to think that you've been evacuated. ”

"Don't you think it's like we're going to be evacuated?"

Yes, especially Sui-san.

Sweet doesn't give any particular reaction to that point.

However, it is true that in this, perhaps Swe will act for the purest [saving people].

If we come back without doing anything about it, there's something there.

That's what Krevel thought, and he thought that there was something in the [cocktail] there, so he probably brought Ginura with him.

"That's why, if you need anything, please let me know."We've been living in a lottery since we were dragon zombies.I've become more like Phil. "

At the end, Krevel, who added a little bit of loco, took the risk of viola's face.

After confirming that, I explained a few details to Krevel and Guinnula.

"I see. You're the true Demon King, aren't you?"Plus, the [Magic Cannon (Cocktail)] itself is being targeted. "

When a stranger heard it, Krevel and Guinulla listened seriously to the story, which sounded like a fairy tale or something.

Krevel murmured heavily at the end of the beverage he had asked for, leaving it untouched.

Even though I imagined it to some extent, I can't believe that the royal castle has already been taken over.

Even Krevel had no idea what was going on in this country.

Already, the country has lost once.

Moreover, this time, the Demon King was different from the Dragon Zombie.

With intelligence, the attack doesn't work properly, and I can't read thoughts anymore.

Only "Cocktail" didn't even know if it was an effective means of attack.

It's only the whims of Hermes that this city is at peace at this stage.

“In any case, we will continue to promote cocktails as potions based in this city.If you're sending a squad of demon cannons, please leave the supply to me. "

"Well, thank you."

"No, it's very meaningful to keep the country in gratitude."

That's what Krevel says and laughs.

In fact, she's the one among us who knows the threat of dragon zombies with her skin.

She must be the kind of smile I can't imagine.

In contrast, Ginura, who had been listening to the story without much talking, remained dazzled.

Ginura, do you have anything?

I sway in the subject, but he sighs.

As usual, I've been told some bullshit stories.

I wish it were bullshit.

“Hmm. I know that's not always the case.”

Guinulla, who had abandoned it, drank up her coffee.

With a slight frown, he muttered, "Warm," and stood up holding the momentum slip.

"Ginura, I haven't heard anything yet ─ ─"

"You don't have to tell me anymore, do you?Our position in Aurantiaca is exactly as Miss Krevel said it would be.We are not in a position to spare our cooperation.At the moment, there is nothing else we can do.Then it doesn't make sense to talk about it in vain here anymore. "

Guinulla said to throw up.

If you ask me, it was.

I can't say anything until I see the Knights' situation once I've sorted out the necessary supplies, and I always ask them to do various things to secure ingredients for cocktails that are difficult to get.

There's only so much more we can do here, but that's not what we and Ginura talk about.

"Do you understand? I'm just working on your [cocktail]."I'm not doing it my way.Don't 'mix' it up with your people. "

"... that's right."

“Contact me if you need to.I'll pay for this, but I owe you this. "

Having said that, Ginula quickly left her seat behind.

But it seemed that his back was telling more than the dialogue he had just spoken.

It's a vague story, but I'm sure this is what you're talking about.

"You can handle the cocktail."I'll take care of the rest. "

It's the same as when we happened to be together in a restaurant before.

Even though you haven't spoken out, you must be secretly telling us that you will cooperate with "Soup" that you have never done before.

I don't know if it is in brackets, or if it is a shimmer, or if it is simply a bad mouth.

Of course, maybe I'm overthinking it.

It would be a mistake to say to Sweet, who is somewhat angry with Ginura's attitude next to her.

But Ginura changed. I know for a fact that he's no longer the only man who thinks of himself like he used to.

So, this is just an encouragement I took on my own.

He's a great cocktail connoisseur, while telling his people he's not to be mixed up.


I thought in my heart, I got caught a little.

By the way, Trace was also in contact with Ginula.

Is that why he's hinting at something?

What's the matter, total?

"No, nothing."

I don't have time to think about it.

The caught of my heart, I kept it in my mind, and I rejoined that I had to think about the future.

When I left the coffee shop, it was already in the evening, and EasyShop was also open.

Krevel seemed to be returning to the store with his feet today.We haven't finished greeting Neune yet, so we decided to go to the Vermouth and break up with her.

Say hello to Neune, who remains at Sweet's house, and tell Viola that she has no plans to go out again today, and Viola, who was with us, returns to the Knights.

From now on, she will do one more job.

Somehow, it's been a long time since I've been able to relax in this house.


Relaxing in the familiar living room of the Vermouths, they said something like that.

Sweet next to me nodded in my words, saying, "Of course."

Now that I've moved to a dormitory, this place is like my second home.

I don't know what to say to you, old man.

You mean the Demon King?

That's true, but it's also true with Sweetheart.

"...... yeah"

Since I am not familiar with the custom of socializing between men and women in this world, I do not know when I need to report to the other's parents if I am dating a woman.

But, well, I've heard a lot about romantic relationships at the bar.There will be no problem if you generally behave in a manner that is not disrespectful.

I don't think Sweet and I need to report this officially, officially, and honestly.

At the same time, Neine was found out immediately for some reason.After I found out immediately, I got the threat of "If I make the watermelon unhappy, I will kill it."

It's even Neine, so what would happen if I were you?

... hmm, no matter how you simulate it, I can see the future of being beaten up by my old man.

It would be better if you had no contact with the Demon King afterwards.

Swe said when I was looking for a pattern to avoid fatal injuries.

"... is that right?"

"Yeah. Until then, it's okay to keep a secret from your dad. It's hard."

"You, hypothetically, are against your real parents."

Because it's true.

"Sweetie," he said, slightly stronger.

Apparently, I'm not going to give up on this idea.

I have an idea about your overprotection, and I'll respect the way she feels when she's just done.

"But I think it's better to be inside your grandmother."I think you can say something and be on my side. "

That's right.

Despite threatening me straight away, Neune went somewhere telling her to come out a little bit, as if she was paying attention to us.

That's why only me and Sweet are in this house right now.

I watched the sky change into night.

Neither Sweet nor I are the type to care about each other being silent.Therefore, this kind of time will never suffer.

There is still a threat to shake the country in the capital.

Still, I forgot about it for now, and I was just spending time alone.

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