"... hello, oniisan. I can't believe you're getting so close to being defenseless."

Hermes and I were in battle and exchanged words as if we hadn't seen each other in a long time.

But for all but Hermes and me, the situation is pretty much the same.

I'm just out in public.

But with that much change of circumstances, one of the elite screamed.

"I'm going to stop him!"Buy yourself some time to chant! ”

The voice resounded, and at the same time, the magical power of the flame flew from behind me.

I told you it would take time to finish my cocktail.That's why I also asked if I could stop a little when I got close.

Even though I didn't know the timing, I had to say that it was Rock Elite who was able to instantly move to the attack with the magic that required chanting.


I hope you don't think you can stop me at this rate.

Hermes tells me to be discouraged.

And Hermes did nothing against the many magic spells that flew in front of him.

In the same way that humans do not stand against a modest headwind, Hermes does not even admit the value of a rainstorm to magic, and then magic strikes directly.

The aftermath indeed stroked my cheek, and the heat of the flame was felt to be present.

However, the Hermes in front of her didn't show how much she had endured, and she let out a sigh.

"If you want to stop me, I want at least a magic degree like Sui Vermut."She might be able to light the edge of the [Design Document] protected by my power. "

The words seemed to acknowledge Sweet's prowess, and at the same time it was a sign that even if it was Sweet, it would not be able to attack to kill itself.

The next move of the elites stops when they see their magic that didn't even work with the shards.

The plan to stop a simple attack is now blank.

"Well, I don't know what you want to do, but I'm not very nice either."Even though it was probably useless, I didn't have the strength to use my magic to raise it.I'm sorry, oniisan, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. "

Hermes turned his left hand slightly after turning his pity expression to our camp, which had lost its movement.

Just by rubbing it against me, a dull spear with intense magic power appears.

It's a magic spear that's been wielding my life more than once.

I'll just take one step here and lower my left foot back.

The sight would have made Hermes look like I was frightened and quit.

Bye, oniisan. Goodbye.

Hermes said with a slight sadistic smile.

And the moment Hermes tries to wave his arm down,

Her voice echoes.

"'Don't move!'"

Pittari, Hermes' movements stopped.

With his gaze alone, he sees the true nature of the word.

It was the culprit that summoned Demon Lord Hermes to this world, and at the same time, as the summoner of Hermes, it was the only one who could impose constraints on herself.

"Rosemary, you've told me so many times that it's useless.this degree of restraint ─ ─ "

However, I knew before that Hermes' restraint meant nothing to me.

Hermes flashes a dazed face and tries to remove the constraint by using force.

"... what?"

But that arm didn't move.

The restraint [order] that was tightened to herself definitely stopped Hermes from moving.

"What is this?"

"The power of the magic circle to reinforce the technique."It seems that there was more "mutual interference of orders" there. "

I said on behalf of Rosemary, who was doing his best to maintain the restraint without moving his leg at all, that is, with his left foot just one step down.

While doing so, I pull out the gun that was hanging on my hips.

This is not 'Viktor Frankl'.The gun had a fatal problem at this point, so I couldn't take the time to improve it.

That's why what I'm holding right now is just a revolver that I've been using for years for the first time in the world, using "cocktails."

"─ ─ Interference ─ ─?"

The magic circle that enhanced the magic technique was the one that Swe had benefited from before.

Perhaps the basic research of the Chartreuse Hall had been completed, and it had reached the practical stage on the spot.

The result of combining that superimposed magic circle with the theory of chanting and destroying by magic stones that Swe had studied independently was the magic of Sweet who played against the Demon King.

However, its original purpose was not to strengthen Sweet's magic.

It's one of the trump cards in the law of honesty to stop Hermes when he has to.

In other words, the target of strengthening was Rosemary's [restraint technique].

However, Rosemary's assumption was that even if it was the magic circle of the tiger child, it would not be enough to restrain Hermes.

There was one more way to strengthen the procedure.

That's 'mutual interference with orders'.

No way!

"Ah. The order was given simultaneously to [me] and [you]."An order that starts with Rosemary and a reciprocal order that starts with us.With these two effects, the restraining order has become more effective. "

Anyway, the theory is easy to talk about.

Just like Hermes, I was also summoned by Rosemary.

And originally, a summoning beast (beast?), it seems that it is common to intervene in the magic of the Lord and give him the ability to "enhance the effect".

I didn't know anything about it, but I had the ability to do it.Of course, even Hermes.

In other words, the order given to Hermes just now came not only from Rosemary.

It seems that Hermes and I have mutually ordered each other.

In addition, there was another workmanship here.

From me to Hermes, from Hermes to me, and from me to Hermes, Hermes and I interfered with each other and raised the potency of the [order].

It seems that this can be done because Hermes and I have the same [magic aptitude] with each other.

I don't know the detailed theory (although I couldn't understand it even if it was explained), but it would be similar to a setting where the twin demons have the ability to enhance each other's magic power.

It seems unlikely that such an "amplification" could be performed by an ordinary "restraining order", but Sweetheart advised the rosemary that was troubled as a matter of course.

I didn't know because nobody would do that, but Swe said that in theory, it should be possible.

And this is how it actually came to fruition.

However, Hermes commanded me not to move, so my hands were free.

Because if the distance between me and Hermes doesn't change and my hands move, there's no obstacle to making a "cocktail".

"Fufu. Well, that's fine." Until I can move, I'll let you watch. "

"Please help yourself." Bartenders are also seen for their jobs. ”

"Guu," I said, dumbfounded to Hermes, who was about to break the restraint at this moment.

The moment the restraint is broken, it's my last.

I don't know when I'll be visiting, but I have to finish my cocktail by that moment.

When I think about it, my heart rampages like a bell, but my thoughts are very clear.

I switched on the bartender again.

Because, so far, there have been a number of uncertainties.

I have arrived in this room intact, Sweetheart has cleared the way to the Demon King, my insurance has worked well, and Rosemary's detention has been a success.

Everything went through without any guarantee.

Then, to come here and fail in the art of making the 'cocktail' that I trust the most,

I don't think so.

The absolute trust in my technology that resides in my chest stops my hands from trembling.

The cylinder of the swung-out revolver was filled with one and two rounds... a total of six rounds of ammunition.

After checking the first round of ammo, I pulled the cylinder back and pointed the muzzle at Hermes.

Are you ready?

"Raw hatred, not yet. This" cocktail "is the real thing from here."

Yes, from here.

I smile bitterly at unbearable customers and explain the cocktail.

“I used to use the finished cocktail as ammunition when making cocktails with this gun.But this is different. This cocktail is going to start with ingredients right now. ”

"Hmm? But if you're going to make it that way, wouldn't it be appropriate to use the gun you just finished?"

Hermes pinched the question, and then there was a rattling sound.

Rosemary moans behind her.

Apparently, one of the stacks of restraints was broken.

Hermes gently twisted his lips, but I remained calm.

“I can't do that. Because that 'gun' is for 'mixing' ingredients."

"......? That's a cocktail, isn't it?"

I just smiled back at Hermes' question.

This cocktail shouldn't be mixed.

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