The light emitted from the muzzle is quietly sucked into the Hermes.

It was a cocktail that struck directly without being played, but it didn't seem to destroy it.

After the dense atmosphere filled the venue, Hermes, who was staring around her chest, finally spoke up.

"...... Are you finished?"


After firing that shot, I couldn't stand it anymore and let go of the gun I was holding in my right hand.

A heavy sound resounds in the room, and I don't have the energy to pick it up again.


From far behind, I heard Sweet's voice.

But I can't respond to that either.

It's the limit. I don't have any power in my arms or my legs.A certain, pleasant sense of helplessness, as if you had used up all your life.

There was a mockery on Hermes's face when he looked at me.

Trace and oniisan made a futile attempt at the end.

Futile uplift.

There was nothing happening that I could not help but say.

The demon king is defeated by the blow of resurrection, and the splendid kingdom is saved.

It would be a lie to say that you didn't draw such a future at all.

At least, I didn't expect anything to happen so far.

But now I can't even distort my expression with such regret.

"Sadly, that may be the limit of human beings."I knew it.For every human, the demon king ─ ─ can't kill the wrong god. "

There was a loud sound, like the glass was shattered.

Behind them, a slight rosemary moan could be heard.

At the same time, my legs, which were devoid of any force, were tampered with according to gravity.

Your whole body sticks to the floor like a marionette with broken threads.Pain and such feelings are becoming rare anymore.

I understood what it meant.

Somehow, her face turned only to Hermes, but she looked even upwards for a billion dollars.

“Goodbye, bartenders from different worlds. I'll never forget you."

And finally, Hermes raises his arm.

This is what it means to make a mistake.If I don't use that kind of stuff, I'm going to die soon.

Together with Sweetheart's frantic voice, several magic interceptors are shooting into Hermes.

But that doesn't stop Hermes from moving.

As it is, the magic spear created is trying to penetrate my brain,

Slight deviation.

The magic spear pierced just a few centimeters in front of me.

Hermes, who was out of aim, strangely looked at her hand.

There was a rainbow of light in his hand.

"...... What is this?"

It's not just the hands.

Once the phenomenon begins, it is caused in a chain fashion.

At first, the rainbow color, which was a thin light, gradually gained momentum and gathered around Gurgli and Hermes.

The vibrant rainbow color ─ ─ the [Rainbow] rainbow color gripped Hermes' body every second, hour, and hour.

"I wonder. It's a lie." I'm doing this. "

Hermes repeats those words like a bullshit.

However, without the words of Hermes, the rainbow color was eroding her body with her arms, feet, shoulders, and torso, and gradually increasing its strength.

I saw it, and I understood it.

Trace told me when he commissioned this cocktail.

This is a "trump card to stop Hermes".

This is not a [trump card to defeat Hermes].

In other words, this magic is a magic that "seals" Hermes.

I couldn't defeat the demon king, who possessed a powerful magic power.

If so, sealing it and entrusting it to future generations, even if they are selfish, is the best they can do now.

And that seal was something I could only do with the same magical aptitude as Hermes.No matter how tiny it is.

Thinking like that, I was looking at Hermes with a bitter expression on his face.

"This is ridiculous!"I'll be like a human! "

Hermes couldn't resist the restraint of [Rainbow] even as he spat at humans until the end.

Of course. This is a magic made with my magic power, a seal that penetrates the magic resistance of any Hermes.

Hermes, who was in desperate shape, and her eyes met.

"Oh! This is the end! I will never admit it!"

In Hermes' words, my mouth didn't move very freely, and I still gave it back naturally.

"Unwanted endings come naturally."But if we don't swallow it, we can't go anywhere.You don't know that, do you? What about God? "

If you think about it, we might have looked alike somewhere.

The way we talk about the situation is so frightening, our existence, our history, and the results of our arrival will be different.

Hermes lost his world and tried to reclaim the ideals of his time in this world.

I lost the woman who was all I had, and I was chasing after that shadow.

The decisive difference is that when I realized I'd lost it again, I had Sweet.And there was a cocktail on the side.

Nothing happened to Hermes, who didn't rely on anyone.

I'm not sympathetic.

With pity, I barely move my mouth.

The next time you wake up, look for a new hobby, even a woman. Demon Lord.

Hermes lifts his eyes when he hears my words.

But I couldn't spin any words.

The rainbow light finally blocked Hermes' mouth, and Hermes closed his eyes.

After that, the light finally covered Hermes' entire body and dazzled around.

By the time the light had settled, seven round gems had fallen in the place where Hermes was.

Politely, there are seven gems: red, green, silver, blue, purple, pale, yellow, and amber.

With so much magical power that even I could tell, they would be sealed tightly this time by Rosemary and the royal hands.

Besides, perhaps the clothes I was wearing and the design of the gun I was wearing had fallen, and when I saw that, I understood that the existence of hermes had been defeated correctly.

"...... is it over......"

When I said it, there was gravity on my eyelids.

Everything in your tense body and mind is relieved from this tension and weakened.

I'm trying to open my eyes somehow, but it's only a matter of time before I close them.

At the price of being reckless, there were clear symptoms of magic deficiency.

Maybe this won't help you anymore.

My body is already at its limit, and my pouch isn't special.

There is no convenient cocktail with the fifth attribute nearby.

No, it's just the Fifth Attribute.I used all the magic power in my body, so I'm really a mess now.


The ear has not fulfilled its function yet.

I couldn't see the girl's face holding me, who seemed to be falling asleep.

However, even though the blue sky was vaguely exposed to my vision and it was indoors, it was strange.

It was strange that it was raining even though it was blue sky.

I can see you're holding my hand.

You can see the tingling and warm temperature around the wrist.

Speaking of which, would you have properly attached the amulet I got from Sweet?

Thinking of the lack of such a good thing, I couldn't bear it anymore, and I fell into a deep, invisible void.

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