'Cocktail Potion' by Transworld Transfer Bartenders

Orders from Viola and city officials

The next table between the planes and the Corsicans looks like they're from the city.

The owner of a coffee shop who is taken care of by the purchase of viola, who is often with Sui.And what a lord.

Thanks to this, the apprentice knights who had trained as bartenders, who were clustered at a nearby table, seemed nervous.

“Thank you very much for coming to the store today.”

"I don't mind if you relax."You and I are close, aren't we? "

The lord said with a smile when I made a pleasant greeting.

It's hard to know what kind of company we have, but in the nearest future, who was imprisoned with us?

I see, it certainly doesn't seem like a good greeting.

However, it's been a long time since we met in the capital.

"Oh, that's right. I've been busy with things, and there was something [urgent] about the capital."

The Demon King Hermes was still lying low to the general public.That's why I put in the "urgent" deception, but it's only viola who can tell.

Thank you both Viola and the shopkeeper.

"Well, I'm also a regular customer of the store."I'm a little concerned about that. "

Viola said and smiled thinly.

I learned a lot of her secrets in a case in the capital, but when I see her coming to the store in this familiar form, it all seems like a phantom.

However, compared to the apprentices at other tables, she was not nervous at the same seat as the lord, so her identity must never have been a dream.

If you remove your gaze from the viola, the owner of the coffee shop will gently laugh, as he has a stronger relationship as a business partner than as a regular customer.

"Even with me, I'm worried that my important business partner has been taken."However, I feel that it is somewhat out of place to be allowed to participate in such a seat. "

“Holy crap! I just want you to know how your coffee is being reborn.”

Certainly, the depth of the connection with the business partner may not be as great compared to other people.

Still, it must be an important connection.I didn't want you to say it was out of place.

And when I talk a little, I can see a little bit of the relationship between these seats.

Until now, I didn't know the details, but the fact is that this shopkeeper was the secretary who worked for the lord before he started the coffee shop.

He served his family from the time of his predecessor, and after watching the growth of his younger lords and admitting that he stood on his own, he retired and started a coffee shop because of his hobbies.

"In other words, I stepped into the potion of smears, and there are a few parts that were influenced by his passion."

"That's too much of a responsibility to put on the boulder, I-chan"

"Please don't do this to me anymore..."

In response to the shopkeeper's joking words, the lord said that he was ill-positioned.

The exchange between the lord and the shopkeeper is the most innocent or childish of the lords I've ever seen.

Viola looks at the lord like this nostalgically.

Perhaps she saw such sights well when she was a child.

"And Viola-san."

Huh, yes!?

If you think so, the tip of the spear turns toward the viola.

As she straightened her spine, the shopkeeper told her to be gentle and embarrassed.

"I don't know anything, so I won't be very clear, but please listen to your parents once in a while.It's not like you want to ignore your hopes.Above all, I'm worried about your future. ”

"... yes"

Contrary to the preface, the line is a bitter one of those who know the circumstances.

I looked gently at the lord, but he shook his head.

In other words, the shopkeeper does not know that Viola is Celaroy, the daughter of the lord.

But no matter what I thought, I knew this was happening.On top of that, it was reasonable to think that he was giving a light sermon.

I was wondering if the stony rocks were Yuan Mien's.

"When I was talking to you, my drinks were cut off."I'll make you something. "

I thought it was a good time, so I pinched the suggestion around there.

When I went like this, the shopkeeper's gentle smile seemed to catch up with the rest of them.

The lord was the first to take up the proposal, and he gives the order without any trouble.

Well then, let's have Blue Moon at the corner.

The cocktail ordered first is one of the reasons to connect with the lord.

When cocktails weren't on the market yet.

The stage of the potion review meeting that I participated in with the feeling of advertising for cocktails, giving authority, or putting foil on it anyway.

When it was impossible to create the [White Lady] that was originally planned to be announced due to the trouble caused by Trace.

This is the cup that Viola made with the [Smudge Potion] that she prepared for me.

Not only did it show the potential of cocktails as potions in the reputation scene, but it also proved the value of cocktails as hobbies.

Obviously, it would have been a turning point in the cocktail after that.

By the way, the Heliconian guy couldn't be here, but he wants you to know hello.

The lord may have remembered the Potion Quality Committee just like I did.

At that time, one of the judges was Mr. Heliconia, who ran the city's best potion store.

... but his son, Ginura, was the most recent one to be involved.

“Thank you, and please let me know.”

“Oh, and it wasn't like we were in the middle of an order. I'm sorry.”

The lord apologizes for cutting the order and prompts for the next one.

Viola was the one who answered.

Well then, shall I ask for Jin Sonic ?

You're Sonic, aren't you?

Yeah, I just want to feel a little refreshed.

The next [Gin Sonic] is the first cocktail to meet the viola.

She first stepped into the store because she was worried about Sweet Sweet.

Until then, when I heard that Sweet, who ran a shop that didn't fly at all, had started a dubious business of mixing potions with suddenly appearing men, he── flew away at the same time as he was returning from his mission.

The edge of decay with the watermelon hasn't changed since long ago.

Thanks to that, Viola and I have been able to work together a lot, and vice versa.

And there's no doubt that she's been protecting Swie ever since.

Even in the fight against the Demon King, she was a knight who kept Sweetheart well protected.

Speaking of which, where did you meet Ritro?


I'm still in the middle of an order, but I accidentally ask.

She was acquainted with Litro at first sight.

Now, it was convincing that Viola knew Litro's face, but it was strange that Litro knew who Viola was.

The answer is lighter than I thought.

"To put it bluntly, my brother and I are like childhood friends."When my father took me to King's Landing with my brother, we stumbled on each other and we've been friends ever since.And at that time, there were still many failures in Sweet Magic.That's what happened. "


In other words, did you accidentally transform yourself in front of Litro, or did you unlock the transformation?

It's a simple answer, but is that the most natural way to think about it?

If her── brother, the lord's son, and Ritro are good friends, the chances of an accident like that will increase.

After all, is my son still the capital of the kingdom?

The shopkeeper who was next to me listening to such a story burst out.

Even though he had already left the lord, he seemed very worried about the situation of his children.

"... ahhh. How could my children be so free..."

"That must be my bloodline."Even more so, it's the bloodline of your predecessors. "

"Do you mean I should hate my father?"

"Huh. If that's the case, I'll do whatever it takes."... so I'm in a corner, so can I have a recommended coffee cocktail? "

That's what the shopkeeper ordered, while blurring the lord's place.

Nowadays, there are also ingredients,── especially whiskey and brandy, that were not on hand when I asked for coffee for cocktails.

I nodded my head with some recipes using them.

“Very well, I wish you every success and I will do my best to make it.”

I smiled at the three of them. [M]

With the threat of Dragon Zombies gone, there's nothing standing in the way of cocktails.

How far cocktails go and how they thrive will also involve the cooperation of the people who live in this city.

And the faces of those who are striving to make such a city better, I will firmly inscribe them in my heart.

May this city remain peaceful for years to come.

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