Code Zero Nine

Chapter 93: Challenges from emerging professions!

Late at night.

Somewhere outside the city.

In a piece of grass, a middle-aged man walked out with some soft legs holding the tree.


He never expected that with his strength, stealing Duma's blood in this small city like Tianfeng City would actually turn over! ! !

That feeling...

It's like the King of Special Forces returns to the city and fell down by selling fried dough sticks at the door!

I dare not write like that!

and also.

The other's godlike eyes, just one glance, there was something in his stomach.

Such mighty power.

Such strength.

"Han Feng, who are you?"

The middle-aged man was terrified.

He wants to leave.


Think about that Duma blood!

He snatched it from the ruins of a certain ruin. Although he didn't know what it was, he had seen two big men die for the sake of snatching it!

This thing...

It's definitely worth a lot!

It may be that the blood of the mutant Duma can increase the upper limit of life by 30 days!

Thinking of this, he felt a little painful again.


Go there again?

He has now found out all the information of Han Feng, if he can avoid Han Feng and steal Duma's blood quietly...


It certainly can.


The middle-aged man raised his hand.


A red leaf butterfly appeared in his hand.

The middle-aged man sat cross-legged, his figure attached to the red leaf butterfly, silently disappearing into the night.

call out!

call out!

It quickly drifted to where Han Feng was.

As for those law enforcement...

Ha ha.

How can the watchdogs of a small city understand their own methods? Sure enough, he succeeded in concealing the law enforcement by this means.


It flew over silently, swept its eyes, and smoothly found Duma's blood, and gently took it away.


Disappeared into the night again.

It's a success! ! !

The middle-aged people are overjoyed.


If he can go by himself, he can go through the red leaf butterfly! This group of stupid little guys in Tianfeng City probably have never seen such methods at all!

for a long time.

The red leaf butterfly returns with blood.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and the action was successful.


He looked at the bottle, and there was a label on it-after the 63rd test, it was verified that the blood was mutant Duma blood, which could greatly improve the cultivation base and life. It was green and had a fishy smell after heating. Can be taken.


"Significantly improve the cultivation base..."

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up.

He stayed for so long and didn't dare to take it because he was worried about something wrong!

Now it seems……


Han Feng took away Duma's blood and helped himself to strengthen himself for free.

This wave can be considered a blood profit.


He opened the cap of the bottle.

A soaring fishy smell suddenly came.


The middle-aged man almost vomited.

Last time I opened it, I didn’t see it...Oh, it’s heated...

The middle-aged man sighed.

This green liquid is heated, is it scary to think about it? However, this may be the reason why Han Feng did not take it. After all, he is a young man.


Too immature!

And he...

Have the will of steel! ! !


The middle-aged man took a deep breath and drank it in one breath. In just an instant, he felt a soaring smell.

"This thing..."

The middle-aged man frowned.

He felt the smell spread in his body, so he took a closer look.


The top note of this thing is a musty smell, the middle note is like leftovers, and the back note has a smell of urine...

not good!

The face of the middle-aged person changed drastically, and he was fooled!


He was already weak and collapsed, but he fell on the spot.

He opened his eyes in horror, and covered his cramped belly, and made a final comment in disbelief, "This, this urine is poisonous..."


A mouthful of black blood spurted out.


And this time.

Rental house.

Han Feng looked at the bottle taken away curiously.


When the butterfly touched it just now, Shen He discovered it, because he felt a little bit of the power of wind and sand on the butterfly.

"You stayed on the butterfly too?"

Han Feng exclaimed.


Shen He shrugged, "When he put me in his pocket, he put his weird things together, and I marked them all."

Han Feng: →_→

As for the green liquid...


Shen He is proud.


Han Feng took a look at him, and you are familiar with it.


After this battle, he believed that the man should not dare to mess around.

"Why didn't you kill him?"

Shen He was curious.

He felt that if he asked the law enforcement officers to go there with him, he might be wiped out.

"It is also possible that the law enforcement officer is dead..."

Han Feng sighed.

He personally learned the tricks of this person, although he was only the peak of the e-level, but the strength of the mysterious rune... he definitely did not dare to take such a risk.

In this world, only by becoming stronger can you do whatever you want!

for a long time.

Han Feng went to sleep after finishing his daily practice.

Shen He was sitting on the desk lamp of the rental house, looking at the starry sky, wondering if he was thinking about the great plan of how to improve the Duma matryoshka.


Passed away quietly.


The next day.

early morning.

Han Feng was suddenly awakened by the sound of Shen He by the bed.

"Han Feng!"

"The turtle is gone!"

Shen He was frightened.


Han Feng sat up suddenly and looked around, but he really didn't find Duma!


They didn't feel any...

and many more.

When Han Feng was trying to find it, he was surprised to find that in the arms of Xiao Han Feng, a little turtle was sleeping soundly.

This is……

Han Feng was shocked.

How could this guy run into his own spiritual world? !

and many more.

Han Feng suddenly remembered a sentence in the book, the creature can shuttle through energy boundaries, so the so-called energy boundaries actually refer to this? !

Can Little Duma travel freely between reality and his spiritual world? !


You are an ancient creature, you are a great batch!

Originally, he was worried that there would be nowhere to put the little tortoise.

Now it seems……

Unless he is really cold, no one will ever find it!


Han Feng shook his head, "It ran to the world of Divine Mind and rested."

? ? ?

Shen He was at a loss, "God, the world of divine minds?"


Han Feng nodded slightly, "Similar to the spiritual world, a superpower with the power of divine consciousness, there will be a weak divine consciousness deep in the consciousness."


Shen He was actually a little sour, "So, it only appeared for one day, and it can enter your body. Haven't I been with you for so long?"

Han Feng:? ? ?


He said faintly, "When you die and become a soul, I will definitely accept you."


Shen He immediately became honest.


for a long time.

Han Feng went out, full of energy, "Life is really getting better and better."

This is also a double happiness.

The little turtle gave him an endless future.

The success of Sand Power Divine Soul Slash also increased his survivability.

In the past, the power of the divine mind used the power of sand and dust, but I didn’t expect that the power of the sand and dust now has the same effect when using the power of divine mind.

It's amazing.

In the future, perhaps more attempts can be made.

for example--

What if you use the mysterious power of resurrection to use the sand table?

And right now.

Because learning Divine Soul Slash has consumed all resources, he can only honestly go to work and rub resources.


What Han Feng didn't expect was.

He didn't go to work for only one Saturday and Sunday, and the unit was completely changed.


Urban Construction Bureau.

As soon as Han Feng walked in, he saw everyone's faces full of sadness, and even Uncle Wang was back.



Uncle Zhang sat in a wheelchair and greeted Han Feng to come over and sit down. Now that Han Feng is the technical handle of their branch, he can naturally participate in the meeting.


Han Feng was curious, "What's wrong?"


Everyone looked at each other and looked sad.

"Let me do it."

Uncle Wang smiled bitterly, "Should you know Tianfeng Paradise?"


Han Feng nodded slightly.

Tianfeng Paradise, covering an area of ​​2.5 square kilometers, is the largest amusement park in Tianfeng City, and it is also the largest element building with the largest area.

This is the favorite place of all the children and young people in Tianfeng City.

Tianfeng Paradise is kept updated every year, with newly created element facilities and element projects every year, so it is deeply loved by people.


It also contains the Ocean Paradise, Animal Paradise, and Wild Animal Paradise.

All the children of Tianfeng City, their cognition of animals, marine life, and fierce beasts also come from this.

For decades, Tianfeng Paradise has owned thousands of projects.

The Urban Construction Bureau also maintains a good cooperative relationship with Tianfeng Paradise, and has participated in the design of the park's project design and sand table safety inspections many times.

"Could there be a new project for us?"

Han Feng was curious.

"Do not."

Uncle Wang shook his head and said in a deep voice, "This time it is demolition."


Han Feng was stunned.

Tianfeng Paradise, demolition? !


Uncle Wang said in a deep voice, "Because many element facilities have been thought of for too long and cost a lot of maintenance, they decided to overthrow the entire park and rebuild it. Build a brand new, better and better Tianfeng Park!"


Han Feng was shocked.

God knows how many element items are there in Tianfeng Paradise!

several hundred?


Also, once the demolition is completed, redesign and rebuild, every project and every building needs to use their Urban Construction Bureau!

This is a great thing!

how come……


at this time.

Uncle Wang said again, "Tianfeng Paradise is not a problem. As mentioned above, even if all of them fail, it doesn't matter if there is no project."

"The issue is--"

"This time a company that participated in the tender for Tianfeng Paradise."

Uncle Wang took a deep breath and took out a leaflet, "They are the biggest problem!"


Han Feng picked it up and looked at it, suddenly stunned.


Are you still suffering from the inefficiency of the sand table master?

Are you still tolerating the low returns of the sandboxer?

Are you still tolerating the high price of the sand table master?

Do not.

From now on, you don't have to endure it anymore.


Here we are We have higher efficiency.

We have faster speeds.

We have more accurate parameters.

We have lower prices.

If you need architectural design, safety inspection, sand table reshaping, please contact us, we are——

Shuipan Master!

The emerging profession of the next era!


Han Feng:? ? ?


Water pan division? !

This? What kind of profession? ?

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