Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 360: Tight and Loose - What are you doing?

Joseph and the rest were hesitating whether they would follow Gemma or not. The middle-aged man was in deep thought but he was shaking his head. Joseph on the other hand was looking at Gemma and the road to the Bulacan Area alternatingly.

"Better decide on what you would all do because we'll leave here after we finish burning all the bodies and blocking that bridge off. Let's say we'll take whoever's left here after 30 minutes." I said to them.

"Okay, I'll just grab my clothes and a few things. I'll give you my bag later so you could inspect it." Gemma said as she stood up and started walking to their reclaimed area.

The rest of them followed her but they were now talking loudly to each other whether they would come to my place or not. Their voices were already inaudible so I told my group to continue with our initial plan. However, when Unc Zardon started the bus again, the middle-aged man ran back to me.

"H-Hey! Before you block that passage, can you wait for a bit because we'll drive towards that area? We'll be quick!" he said with a hurried tone.

"Sure, but come back here before you drive outside. I'll give you a few things for the trip." I said as I nodded so he ran back while the rest of them hurried as well.

Gemma was the only one walking back to her house normally as if nothing else mattered. My group started to pile the bodies after checking if they would have valuables on their person. While they were doing that, I decided to clear the guns we collected from the HUMVEE. I simply wiped them down first before collecting the spare ammo inside their magazines or in their chambers. Kaley on the other hand was still on the roof watching out for any threats. While we were keeping busy, Matthew approached me.

"Kid, I need to talk to you about what you're about to do." Matthew said.

"Hmm? Sure, let's talk while I'm organizing the guns we have. Grab a few slugs while we're at it. There's buckshot too in that separate bag." I replied.

"I don't care about the people we're taking in but I don't want loose ends like that man who's planning to leave. We have something almost like a fortress back home but it's still susceptible to damage. I'm sure Oscar and Johnny would agree with me. It would be safer for all of us if we just kill the ones that wouldn't come with us. I don't want to decide people's fate just like that but that's just the way it is." Matthew said with a grim expression.

"You're worried?" I looked back at him.

"Yeah, I don't know about you but I felt the words he said earlier feels like a threat that he might talk if push comes to shove. He's right in saying that our place isn't that far off." Matthew replied.

"Hmm, to tell you the truth our place needs someone to attack it." I replied nonchalantly.

"What th- What the fuck are you talking about?" Matthew looked at me like I'm an idiot.

"Hear me out first. Remember those people we sent to my old high school? I bet Marisha told you some of their reasons regarding that. Our place has been too peaceful and it's making people start to get complacent. Yes, the ones who go outside like us are in danger but the ones who never go out don't know the trouble we are going to. I'm saying that an attack not from the deadheads but from hostiles could make everyone's sphincter a little tighter when it's starting to loosen. Do you understand what I'm saying?" I explained.

"You'd still put people at risk just from that." Matthew replied.

"It's more dangerous to have our people having a false sense of security. Yes, we mess around a few times while we're inside but we never let our guard down. However, I'm not 100% sure it's the same for everybody. It's not all bad though. Brian and Carlo with some of our people volunteering to move to my high school is an example. Add to that Nikolas and Alexei staying where Ilya was located. They know the threat level on our place has minimized so they're putting themselves on edge to make the sphincter tight." I explained.

"Could… Could you stop saying that?" Matthew said, disgusted.

"What?" I replied after ripping out a loud one.

"FUCKING SHIT!!!" Matthew choked as he backed away from me.

"See what I mean? It's dangerous if it's loose!" I cackled.

"I'LL SET YOU IN FIRE YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!" Matthew's eyes were watery.






I heard Kaley's voice then I picked up my radio.



"What? It's the best example I could give!"



Kaley shook her head and ignored me.

I looked around and a few of them were listening in to our little conversation. They didn't voice out their opinion but judging from the look on their faces, they seemed to agree with me somewhat.

Time quickly passed and then a blue SUV and a red pickup truck came into view. Gemma was at the back of the pickup and she jumped down with Joseph carrying their own bags and with a fresh set of clothes. They gave their bags to Mikhail so he could check it while Tatiana checked their bodies once more. They were told to get into the back of the truck while the middle-aged man rolled down the window of his SUV.

"Here, bring this with you. That bag has food for five people that could last you a couple of days. We didn't take the perishable ones in your place so you probably packed them. There are also handhelds for all of you and two guns filled with bullets. It's a Model 19 revolver and an M1911. I won't give you extra bullets so make those count. If you're gonna tell me where you're going, I could give you a tip that wouldn't get you killed in the first day. Want to exchange info?" I said as I handed him a bag.

He was hesitant, the same with the rest of his group but he eventually agreed.

"I'm banking on my relatives at the City of Balanga being well and alive. One of them is a soldier and I bet he's taking care of our side of the family. It would take several hours on a normal day to get there but we'll take our chances." he said after a deep thought.

"Oh, there huh? Okay, avoid the highway and make sure to only use the backroads. I'm suggesting to reach either Hagonoy or Masantol and ditch your vehicles and find a boat so you'll get there faster and safer. Let's just say that there are more than the dead to be wary of." I said.

He took a deep breath before extending his hand, "I don't know if this is even the right word but thank you."

They eventually drove away after we shook hands.

We continued with our business and Unc Zardon drove the bus past the bridge to park it sideways, blocking it off from that side. He vacated the bus and we came with a few cinderblocks and jacks to take the wheels off of it. They're fairly new and we don't want people driving the bus away so we decided to take them as per Unc Zardon's suggestion. Unc Zardon drove the other one and parked it the same way but it was now on our side. We did the same thing to it as we did to the one before and then I told them the plan of making Unc Zardon and Lois go back with Gemma and Joseph. However, Matthew had another suggestion.

"Instead of that kid Lois, I want to be the one to accompany them back home with your uncle. Marisha will process them with the soldiers from the DDR Camps so I want to be there personally." Matthew said.

"You sure about that? How about Kaley?" I asked to make sure, half-joking.

"I trus- Well, she's a better shot than me and she knows a lot of things now so she could handle herself. It's not like I trust you specifically or anything. Hmm." Matthew called out his other persona.

Before they drove off, Unc Zardon and I checked the Raptor we found first for anything unusual. It was just a quick checkup in case something was not supposed to be where it is.

"Hmm, I think this thing is well-maintained. Probably why that Freddie almost lost it when you guys took it. It's much nicer on the inside compared to Raphael's truck because this is fairly new. It still has its new car smell, right?" Unc Zardon said.

"Yeah, just needed to make sure we're safe in driving this thing outside." I replied.

"Have you checked the glove compartments and whatnot?" Unc Zardon asked.

"Oh, we just found a couple of IDs, car registration, permits, and a car charger." I replied.

Unc Zardon looked at me like I'm an idiot.

"That's why I'm telling you to buy your own pickup! You spend so much time with your Hayabusa you only know so little about Raptor's accessories! Check the under-seat storage cases, flip those seats over! Those other parts too!" Unc Zardon was happy that he knew something I didn't.

"What? I'm not addicted to Raptors, it's you! If you asked me to buy you one, I would've already!" I retorted.

"Want me to fucking hit you? Who doesn't like Raptors?!" Unc Zardon made a face where the side of his upper lip was raised with a nasty grimace.

"Who said I hate them?! Just tell me what to do!" I exclaimed, making the same face then we both chuckled.

I did as he asked and I had a bright smile plastered on my face.

"Told ya. That fucker was already prepared to leave when things go South. He just lost his chance to use these items. He doesn't look like the type to know how to use these things though. I bet he'll just spray everybody when he managed to get his hands on these." Unc Zardon smiled as well.

"Well, unless you try to learn how to use the items you were gathering, you're just collecting them for the toughest kid on your neighborhood. Good thing we got to them first. Well, sooner or later we'd see this when we put our modifications on this Raptor." I replied as I checked the items hidden in the storage compartments.

Tucked inside the under-seat storage cases for the rear seats was an AKM. It was attached with a suppressor, a bayonet, and a vertical foregrip by replacing the furniture. It only had iron sights installed but there were 10 filled 60-round extended magazines stacked neatly under it. A few centimeters away from it was a couple of ammo cans filled with 7.62x39mm cartridges.

I found no handguns but maybe his collection were the handguns we took earlier from his house.

On Unc Zardon's side, it almost had the same things I would bring every time we go to far places but a few notches more just for a single person. I decided to just leave them here for now but I noticed Unc Zardon drawing his knife.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he was looking at the central compartment.

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