Cohabitation In The Wilderness: My Partner Steals My Protein

Chapter 58 One Month's Time Is Up (For Subscription)

Chapter 58 One month's time is up (for subscription)

When Bai Piao was carrying pine trunks in the small courtyard of the wooden house, Yang Mi also walked with him.

It wasn't like she had nothing in her hand.

Instead, he tightly hugged a large bag of pine nuts and hazelnuts wrapped in roe deer skin.

At this time, she is not afraid of the cold or tired.

All I think about is the deliciousness of the nuts after frying!

Bai Piao, Yang Mi and the others cut down trees in a targeted manner after finding squirrels.

After all, it was not in vain.

The results are also very gratifying!

Among the felled pine and cypress trees, there are two trees with squirrel holes with hidden treasures.

In the end, they harvested another sixty to seventy catties of pine nuts and hazelnuts, as well as a small amount of dried mushrooms.

On the squirrel side, two squirrels ran away in grief and indignation.

Maybe it's because it's out of sight and out of mind!

With such a large pile of squirrel hole treasures, it is definitely impossible for Yang Mi, and she doesn't have the strength to move them all at once.

So she followed Bai Piao who was carrying the pine trunk back and forth.

She carried a small amount of pine nuts and hazelnuts with the roe deer skin cloak she had untied, and she carried them back to the wooden house bit by bit.

In the evening, the two celebrated today's harvest.

It is also to reward themselves for the hard work of cutting trees, moving wood, and transporting pine nuts and hazelnuts this afternoon.

So, Bai Piao cut ten catties of wolverine meat from the food storage box and stewed it.

Yang Mi also took some black bear meat strips that had been cut before, and put them on the slate to roast.

The two who ate this big meal were very satisfied.

Especially Bai Piao, his body data panel once again experienced data overflow.

【Host: Bai Piao



Physique: 76.8 (3.3). 】

Only 25 days have passed!

His muscles and bones have reached nearly nine times that of ordinary soldiers, his agility is more than six times, and his physique is more than seven times that of ordinary soldiers.

In terms of strength alone, he now has at least a thousand catties, but because of the lack of measuring instruments and standards.

Bai Piao really doesn't know how much strength he has!

And his instant reaction speed, shooting speed, and running speed have also reached a new level.

The strength of bones and muscles, and even the skin on the surface of the body have become extremely tough.

In the afternoon, he accidentally stuck his arm on a sharp pine thorn.

He didn't feel much pain, and when he rolled up his sleeves to check, he only found a red spot on his arm.

It didn't even pierce the skin, let alone bleed!

Taken together, Bai Piao already knows that his body is very strong now, but he has no actual concept of how strong he is.

All he knew was that it was getting easier and easier for him to carry the pine trunk cut into two meters long anyway.

And at night, Yang Mi also began to realize that it was getting more and more difficult for her to be alone!

At this time, she was full and was spreading out on the very warm earthen kang, and asked Bai Piao with some doubts.

"In vain, you said that we have cut down so many trees before and have not found the squirrel treasure" ~.

"Why did you find them in the past two days?"

"you_ask_me, me_ask_who_?"

Bai Piao, who was in a good mood, actually dragged a sentence of his primary school English.

Yang Mi: "???"

There were black lines all over her forehead, and she thought to herself, 'What are you talking about?

‘Your loose English is really incomprehensible to foreigners, and it’s hard for flower growers to understand!

Bai Piao didn't know what Yang Mi was complaining about right now, so he continued to talk about his understanding:

"Maybe it's because the squirrels don't like to burrow in the trees by the river?!"

"Otherwise, it really can't be justified. We cut down so many trees before, but none of them have squirrel holes. This is really outrageous!"

"Anyway, the three squirrel treasures we found in the past two days are real!"

Yang Mi sat up excitedly when she heard the word Treasure Treasure, and said, "Bai Bai, shall we continue to chop trees and hunt for treasure tomorrow?"

Bai Piao agreed with her words, nodded and said, "That's for sure!"

Find the squirrel's treasure for one day, and it will eat for one more day.

This treasure will become a little less.

In order to obtain more food reserves, they must act faster!

The twenty-sixth day that Bai Piao and Yang Mi came to the wilderness world!

Today is another day of tree cutting and hunting for treasure squirrels.

Maybe they ran out of luck the first two days.

After a busy day, the two felled more than forty pine and cypress trees, but they did not find a squirrel's treasure cave.

Back at night, Bai Piao tanned the burnt wolverine skin.

So they have another leather mattress!

twenty-seventh day!

Today's weather is also very clear and sunny.

Some of the log trunks piled up in the yard got wetter with some snow penetration.

It is already somewhat inappropriate as firewood.

In order to solve this situation, Bai Piao and Yang Mi built a simple firewood house.

The same solid timber structure on all four sides, parquet floors and log roofs.

Although it was just a simple firewood house to them, it was actually built better than many people's shelters!

And with the firewood room, they can pile up all the firewood that has been chopped in this room first.

In the future, they will never have to worry about no dry firewood available.

Twenty-eighth day!

Today is a day for logging and chopping firewood!

It was also a day when the squirrel treasure was not found.

But luckily, Bai Piao and Yang Mi caught another pheasant!

And after their day's hard work chopping firewood.

The firewood corner of their cabin and the firewood room were piled full of chopped firewood!


Thirty days...!

Thirty-first day!

That is October 31st.

If you follow the god-like voice in your mind.

At 12 o'clock in the evening (Nuoma's), another one million groups of people will be released into the alien wilderness world!

Bai Piao originally wanted to have a good rest today, and discuss with Yang Mi in the wooden house what kind of group of people to choose to join them.

He really didn't intend to go out to work.

But the helpless thing is that the more you don't want to, the more takeaways will be delivered to your door!

A silly roe deer with antlers bumped out of their yard.

It looked very curiously at this strange yard, wooden house and steaming chimney in its own eyes!

Bai Piao and Yang Mi came out to empty the toilet right at this moment, and directly met the eyes of this silly roe deer.

They have no reason to let go of the food brought to their mouths.

Therefore, Bai Piao accepted it decisively!

In the evening, Bai Piao Yang Mi, who had eaten enough roasted roe deer legs and drank roe deer broth, lay down on the kang.

Quietly waiting for the arrival of 12 midnight!

(Seeking subscription, flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, thank you for your support!).

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