Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1058: Tai Chi Palace Organ Array 4: Then you can choose whatever you want?

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Humans are strange creatures, and women are especially strange.

No matter how strong it is, it will not be as good as your mouth. But the White Tigers are the least good at selling cute.

Xiaobaibai is actually very big. It was as small as a cat, and she lay beside Baixiaodie, looking at Ji Jue pitifully.

"It's useless." Ji Jie shook her head. "Anyway, Feng Xingying will not change. In her heart, Sesame is her loved one."

"Then I will be her loved one. I and the sesame are a family!" Bai Xiaodie's logic is terrible.

"In theory, this seems to be the case." Ji absolutely nodded. He didn't dare to fight against Bai Xiaodie. It was really difficult to be Feng Xingying's relative.

But it was not easy to be her relatives.

For example, he Ji Ju, became her righteous brother, and then? I really do not want to admit this identity in front of outsiders!

Because he wants to be more than just a righteous brother. But she trusted him more and more as a brother.

Xiaobaibai feels safe, the whole tiger body is much more relaxed, can't help learning the rabbit gnawing Bai Xiaodie's legs, wanting to find a master to sell a cute hug, but also a soft mouth and a soft throat .

Who knows that Bai Xiaodie's backhand is a slap: "Growing up you? The majesty of being such a young tiger? Meow? Do you think you are a cat? Get me back, don't lose our white tiger face!"

Xiaobai feels wronged. Your human mind is too complicated to be elusive. It is aggrieved that it still obediently changed back.

After all, in addition to the weird character, this hostess treats it quite well.

"It's so boring, do you think Feng Xingying still has a big move?" Bai Xiaodie couldn't help asking Ji Jue.

"I don't know anyone else, but she will definitely not make the enemy better." Ji Jue smiled beautifully.

Looking at Ji Jue's face, Bai Xiaodie's face was intoxicated: "How can you be so beautiful as a man. If I can't meet my love, I will charge you this face, and I have to let my father go to Canglong Shanti married you back! "

"..." Although he was used to listening to these words, Ji was still very uncomfortable.

"Okay, don't be afraid. I'm Bai Xiaodie so good. Don't like the man with other women in my heart. The man I want can only have me in my heart, at least like Qin Molin's to Feng Xingying. "" White Fluttershy started.

As everyone knows, Ji Jixin was given a sharp crit.


Over there, Qin Tian was mad by the tortoise, at least the original concentration had been tortured a bit impetuous, and without the initial calmness, Feng Xingying opened his mouth:

"Well, sesame you take a rest, lest others say that our Tai Chi Temple will not do anything but just mouth.

As for the challenge, I also feel that our deputy is too scary. If not, Qin Gongzi will pick one of my four protection methods. "

Qin Tian glanced at the four major protection methods of the pair of men and women behind Feng Xingying. Qi almost did not spit blood.

That's eight people. She has to say four major protection methods, which means that they must be two or one in all respects. This Tai Chi Temple can't even face this point! It's justified.

"Why? Still not? Then I just call a few elderly people who are qualified to accept apprentices in the palace. You can choose for yourself. Ordinary disciples are not worthy of your master Linshan."

With a wave of Feng Xingying's hand, there were dozens more people behind her, also in pairs.

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