Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1086: It's easier to grab you 2

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"What do you mean by this?" Qin Dayi looked at: "Xue Mei is just a woman of low strength, how could she escape from Tongtian Pavilion!"

"I didn't say she escaped by herself." Feng Xingying shrugged, looking at Qin Tian's eyes like saying, "You are so stupid."

Qin Zhou was mad by Feng Xingyingqi, and she could not wait to get her back for a meal.

No, no.

He had to hold back his temper and asked Feng Xingying as gently as possible: "Do you know who did it?"

"If you knew, Tongtiange would have been arresting."

"No, I'm going to find the owner of Tongtian Pavilion! How can you do this for Tiantong Pavilion! I gave it to you all alone, so I lost it?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't waste time looking for the Lord of Heaven who has disappeared without a trace. After all, your Snow Maiden may not be able to wait. As for your heart, I can tell you Lord Lord."

"You're so kind?" Qin Tian couldn't believe the person in front of him was Feng Xingying.

"It's a fee." Feng Xingying stretched out his hand: "The relay fee is very cheap, a thousand Lingjing."

"Why don't you grab it!" Qin Tian vomited blood, and Linshan redeemed him for Feng Xingying's one million Lingjing. This time he bought news and gave Feng Xingying one hundred thousand Lingjing.

Although there are really not a thousand Lingjing compared to these big heads, but he is just a word of anger, why should he give her Lingjing!

"Oh, by the way, I'm afraid you don't recognize Maiden Hatsune now. You also know that after she becomes an egg, she hatches out. It should be called Nirvana, and some changes will occur."

"So what does she look like now?"

"Do you want me to paint it for you?"

"Yes!" Although Qin Zhou was not so kind as envelope Xingying, he couldn't help answering.

"Anyway, I am also the head of a group, and the first beauty you kissed by Qin Shaozhu. If you want me to write a pen and ink, how can you have a hundred thousand spirits?"

"Why don't you grab it!" Qin Qiqi vomited blood. And under the name of the first beauty, Feng Xingying is really not humble at all.

In short, Qin Tian felt blocked for Shangfeng Xingying.

Who knew Feng Xingying fluttered: "I think it's faster to get money than to grab it."

This is the big truth!

But Qin Tian had to be robbed by her!

When Qin Qiqi desperately threw one hundred thousand spirit crystals to Feng Xingying like a foreign body, Feng Xingying smiled and painted on the spot with a frown.

Regarding the level of painting, Feng Xingying is still very good. Although she is not good at lyrical and poetic abstract paintings, but realistic paintings, she can restore the human appearance to more than 90%.

"Why does it look so short? Feng Xingying, did you do it on purpose?"

"Stupid." Feng Xingying shook his head helplessly: "Ling Chuxue's height should now reach your waist. By the way. Seeing the love of this hundred thousand spirits, I will send you a message for free."

Finally, there was free news. Qin Tian was so sceptical that Feng Xingyingkeng was suspicious of life?

He was really afraid that Feng Xingying's free news said half and started collecting money again.

It was Ling Chuxue, and he had to be pitted.

Fortunately, Feng Xingying was very generous this time, and he finished it in one breath.

The blood of ghosts is something the Su family dare to do. Of course, Feng Xingying has no obligation to hide it for them, and the thing is in Ling Chuxue's storage bag. That is, Ling Chuxue has already colluded with the Su family. This is even more strange. Court.

After all, I can only say that Ling Chuxue was too stupid to fall into the Su family.

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