Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1160: Cold King in Action 1

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Ye Qing and Tai Chi Temple were in Kowloon City. The clever Sesame took less than an hour and sent the letter separately.

There is Feng Xingying's autograph letter and the pattern of her phoenix sword, and it is a sesame delivery letter. How can it be fake?

After sending the letter, he was caught by a pair of hands before he could return to the space.

After sesame struggling for a while, he saw the other person's familiar face before crying with joy.

It was the grievance and hope of seeing a loved one, and Sesame was crying like a child at this moment.

"Male master, you have to save the master. They want to keep the master in a cage like Warcraft, and they are all bad guys."

The male master shouted that Qin Molin was in a good mood.

Qin Molin's original Leng Jun's face had a rare tenderness in his eyes at this time.

After Sesame cried, he realized afterwards that the wicked King of the Lengwang actually reached out and stroked the soft hair on his head.


Let me die.

Sesame is simply fainted.

There was a smile on Qin Molin's lips, holding sesame in his arms, and walking towards Ye Lao's residence.

Although Qin Molin is powerful, he is not arrogant.

He wanted to save Xingying, but he also knew that he was not strong enough.

Qin Molin put down his stance to discuss with Ye Lao, and soon there was a countermeasure.

Ye Lao and the people of Tai Chi Palace carried Feng Xingying's letter for help overnight, and went to Canglong Mountain to discuss the dignitaries.

What surprised Ye Lao was that the Xiu Ling Academy, which had always been neutral, actually joined Feng Xingying because they were students of their college.

This trip is quite strong. This incident is not uncommon.

Canglongshan acted wrongly in this matter. They came to discuss people and were very reasonable.

Although everyone is an adult, know that this trick will not work at all!

Even if Ye Laokou said, "You don't hand over my granddaughter, I will attack your mountain now!"

But the discerning person knows that he will not do that. One of the gods is an artifact left by the gods, with strange and defensive abilities. The other is that Feng Xingying has to consider the safety of Feng Xingying in his hands.

What they did was just cover, giving Qin Molin the opportunity to find someone in Canglong Mountain.

Based on Qin Molin's response to Feng Xingying, he can naturally find Feng Xingying the first time. I believe that with his strength, it is not difficult to save people when Canglong Mountain is empty.

Sesame did not dare to faint for too long, knowing Qin Molin came to save his master, it was even more excited.

"You will succeed. Although you robbed my master, you are really good. You can save my master every time, and this time it will be fine." Sesame said sternly.

Qin Molin played the little head of sesame with amusement. He suddenly understood why Feng Xingying liked such a useless little thing.

The people in Canglong Mountain seemed to be struggling to cope with the defense of Qianshan by the chiefs of Ye Qing, dean of Xingchen College and Luo Qinggu, dean of Xiuling college.

Qin Molin also felt weird. This road was smooth and a little incredible, let alone Qin Molin. Even if he changed to Qin Yi, it seemed that he could easily enter.

Canglong Mountain is not without defenses, but the defenses are too weak. In the face of Qin Molin's powerful strength, one by one is settled.

Sesame raised an ear to Qin Molin excitedly: "Male master, you are too good, I will never grab the master from you again, then I will become a woman after transformation, will you be your servant?"

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